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Lazy is not My Character

One day marsha and her daddy is watching marching band parade
their performance is cool!! said marsha
do you want to join a marching band group? daddy asked . marsha
It will be so fun if i joined that group marsha imagine.
daddy was registering you marsha, so you can practice here said
aaaa thank you soo much daddyy marsha jumped happly
The first day practice marsha feel so tired but she still happy to do
lets line up orderly !! dita their coach command
At break time marsha is sitting with lili her new friend.
do you feel tired? masha asked
yeah, im so tired but im happy
marsha looked at lili. Her skin was tan because the sun.
After practice marsha wer sit on the bed .their hand and legs feel
uhh marching band practice make me feel so tired. but she remember
lilis words if you feel tired, that mean nothing when you win the
When practice day come. Daddy come to marsha room,and asked
why you not go practice?
umm, i think now im sick dad marsha lie
but i see u were fine. Now tell me why you not go practice?
im sorry dad, i just feel tired and lazy. I cant hold on. Every day just line
up practice. Whn i can playing instrument?
hahaha, oo because that. You just need practice every day marsha
yeah i will try dad
now, you wanna go or not?
no dad, im lazy
For a days marsha not go practice. But next day she not come again
,again and again
One noon,marsha were walking with her daddy . and she find a
marching band parade. Marsha watching that and find lili at that group.
She was pretty with that uniform.
After watching, marsha came to lili.
your perfomance was amazing!!
haha, thank you marsha. Why you not come to marching band practiced
hehe for that im just lazy and tired sha
owh because that, but if u always come to that practiced you can
perform with me
yeah, if im not lazy, but from now lazy is not my character anymore. I
will always practiced and be participant marching band parade
I have a little tips for be a diligent:
1. Write your goal and stick it on the wall
2. Make a schedule
3. Make a friends with people who can inspire you
The moral value is : dont ever be lazy to do something

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