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Second Journal

On 8 of March 2017, it was the second lesson I taught. The lesson was the

best lesson that I taught it during this training practicum. Because of the

time constraints, we have done teamwork, each student teacher got two

students from her class to keep it as one classroom and taught one lesson

that we divide it between us.

In the beginning, we had concerns and how to do this in a short time and for

the first time with five years old. We do not know how they will react during

the lesson. But the reaction was unexpected how students interacted during

the lesson. Regardless, there were difficulties we tried to control. Some

children weren't collaborating with another teacher just they contact with

their teacher.

The part of the lesson that the students like it are cutting the shark with

scissors and the sand color that they stick it at the shark. We had a student

with special need sitting in the wheelchair. While he was doing the

performing art and moving with all the students, that give me felt no one in

the life can't do anything, all the people can do everything but in different

ways, in the way that he is right on it.

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