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What are 3 words that you would use to describe yourself?

One word that I would use to describe myself would definitely be hardworking. I would describe
myself as hardworking because when I set my mind to something I will put in extra time so that I
can achieve that. Another word that I would use to describe me would be compassionate. I have
learned to be compassionate in my life through the struggles that I have had. The compassion
comes from helping out my family members when we were going through that tough time. Lastly
I would say that I am punctual. I was not always a punctual person but through my life I have
become one. This happened because my dad always made it a priority for me to be on time or
even early. Hockey also helped with this because if we weren't there on time we would get
benched and no one wants to get benched.
Have you ever had a disagreement with a teacher, coach, or employer? How did you
resolve the problem?
I have not had a huge problem with a teacher coach or employer, but if i had this is how I would
resolve it. Lets say I had an issue with how the person was treating us as players/students. The
first thing that I would do would go up to the person who has been treating us poorly and try to
have a conversation with them. In this conversation I would ask them if they would reconsider
the way they are talking to us. If that did not work I would go higher up and have a conversation
with an administrator and see if they will discipline the guilty party.

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