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Stephanie, Deanna, Brianna

Array Lesson Plan

Grade: 2
Subject: Math- arrays
App: Doodle Buddy, QR Code
Integrate technology in the math curriculum with the app Doodle Buddy
Students will learn how to use the app Doodle Buddy
Students will understand how to use a QR code
Students will learn about and practice using arrays to solve multiplication
NYS Common Core Math Standard
Grade 2- Operations & Algebraic Thinking: 4. Use addition to find the total number of objects
arranged in rectangular arrays with up to 5 rows and up to 5 columns; write an equation to
express the total as a sum of equal addends.
ISTE Student Standard
Standard 5. Computational Thinker b) Students collect data or identify relevant data sets,
use digital tools to analyze them, and represent data in various ways to facilitate
problem-solving and decision-making.

Synopsis of Technology:
Doodle Buddy- Doodle Buddy is an app that allows the user to scribble and use stamps on their
device. The user can change colors, use stencils, pick different stamps, and draw with other
users. Students will use Doodle Buddy to draw arrays and answer different math problems
using the app as scrap paper.
QR Code- A QR Code (QR is short for quick response) is a machine-readable code consisting
of an array of black and white squares. Once you scan the code, it will give you information
about the item to which it is attached.

Our Plan
Before lesson: Students should already have Doodle Buddy and QR Code apps on their devices
Intro: Today were going to be learning about how to use arrays. But before we do that, we have
a new app were going to learn how to use called Doodle Buddy.
Step 1: We will start by demonstrating some features on doodle buddy.We will show the class
how to choose different color tools or stamps. (5min)
Step 2: The class will have a chance to explore the app by using various tools that it provides.
They can scribble with different colors and add stamps or change the backgrounds.(3-4 min)
Step 3: Now we will start our lesson on arrays.
Arrays- We will be teaching the class about arrays. Call on me column Row your boat
row. How it relates to multiplication. We will do some examples and allow students to come up
and draw on their own. Then we will give some problems and have the class do it on their
doodle buddy. First question (2+2+2+2), use colored dots, 2nd (4x3) use stamps, 3rd (1x5) free
choice. (15min).
Step 4: Next is an activity, students will be separated into groups and given a sheet of paper
with a question and a QR code on it. Groups will use Doodle buddy to solve the problem and
then check their answer by scanning the qr code. Groups will rotate around the room and
answer every question. Then well have students show how they answered the question theyre
at (just show what they did on Doodle Buddy) (5min)
Conclusion: Now that we know how to use Doodle Buddy to make arrays, what else can we use
Doodle Buddy for? What else can we use to make arrays?

Group 1

Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
I have 5 rows of fruit and each row
has 2 pieces of fruit. How many
pieces of fruit do I have?

Group 7
There are 3 columns and 2 rows of
fish. How many fish are there?

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