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-by Vincene Andrei

Do you like icecream? I think you also like and

the computer games. But if you eat so much So
these are the computer games.
Computer games are fun but if you play too
much, will not be fun. Most believe that games
have a negative influence on the psyche of
children. This influence is based on the fact that
most childrens prefer violent games and lead to
juvenile violence.
Computer games influence, but not only
negative, but also positive. Some studies have
shown that computer games have beneficial
effects in increasing the manual dexterity and level
of knowledge of computer science. As icecream
gives you glucose, video games give you
somethink useful.
The computer games help teenagers make new
friends by playing computer games, because they
are talking about the strategy of the game and
they forging friendsips.
Today the computer is indispensable, so,
computer games are also indispensable because
they are learning to use them.
Today, most adults know how to use the
computers, but our generation has learned to use
the computer through computer games.
Game developers create increasingly complex
games and childrens play increasingly more to get
a degree in the game.
That when you play on your computer faster
time passes, this leads to addiction.
So, I hope you think twice before eat to much
icecream and play to much on the computer.

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