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Computer Games: Pros and Cons

Together with the advancement of technology, we humans have to take more

eager steps to keep up with this unprecedented pace of development. Hence,
playing games is mostly unavoidable for all of us in this nowadays society.

However, we need to take the pros and cons of computer games into careful
consideration. On the one hand, as life is becoming more distressing and
demanding, computer games can provide a way of relaxing and reducing stress. In
addition to this, computer games today are very complex which can help children
develop their cognitive skills and information analysis.

On the other hand, many people can become addicted to them and they play for
hours without social interactions. Furthermore, some may find it difficult to
identify what is real and what is virtual. Some people argue that this has led to a
rise in crime inspired by video games. This is not proven, but it is undeniable that
games today can be very violent.

Hence, games can be beneficial in some ways but also tremendously detrimental
if not supervised or limited.

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