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Erasing Modern Technology Drawback

To our beloved teacher Ms. Hariette Merullo, and dear classmates, a
pleasant morning to one and all

The negative attitude of the modern generation is mainly attributed to their lazy
habits caused by the convenience given to them by modern technology. Most will say
that eradicating this technology is the way to resolve the dilemma, but for me, it is far-
fetched, for technology is deep-seated in our being as a human. Remember that humans
survived because of technology.

One way of how technology influences and affect the modern generation is
through E-games or video games. This type of game poses a handful of advantages
against its counterpart, like no specific area is required, less equipment to successfully
facilitate and start a game, your skin will not be exposed to scorching sun rays, and no or
less physical effort is required, but the fun is still there.

Given that the current generation is much dependent of the conveniences offered
by the ever- progressing technology, they will, unfortunately, rely on E-games as a
source of entertainment. However, with the continuous, long-term participation in E-
games, drawbacks will start to spring, such as early exposure to violence, learning
inappropriate conduct and speeches, and addiction, which sooner leads to depression,
deterioration of physical and health status, poor performance in academics and inability
to secure and maintain social relationships.

Those drawbacks I have mentioned will not cease in persisting unless an action is
done, but as what I have said earlier, it is impossible to eradicate this form of technology,
considering the huge quantity and volume of video games available online and offline.
And it keeps on increasing. Every year, a variety of new games are being released by
different companies that offer better graphics and tougher strategic challenges to hook
the users more. Remember too much of something is not good, so what am I suggesting
is moderation and proper management of E-games. The solution starts within ourselves.

Implement rules and limits while using your gadgets to avoid addiction. As a
college student, you must be focus on the academic works. Install sticky notes on your
laptop or computer for you to be reminded of the responsibilities you are carrying as a
student. Focus on other activities when you have a vacant time, such as reading books
helpful for your course, studying musical instruments, playing outdoor physical sports,
and doing your assignments or laundries. Then avoid companies which you think will be
a bad influence to you. Be reminded of the negative impacts when you succumb to video
game addiction.
It is said that the downfall of humanity will be caused by mishandling the
technology we are currently enjoying, such as video games. However, this outcome will
completely rely on how we will manage and use them in a proper way. Sticking with the
status quo will make us slaves of technology one day. Let us not make it happen. We
must be the master of our own creation.

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