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many celebrities actively support charities.

this support is important not only

for the money and time they give, but also because it focuses attention on the c
harity. these days, there are a large number of charities looking for help with
community work, child assistance, environmental protection and medical support.
Shakira is a successful singer, songwriter, dancer and philanthropist. Aside fro
m spanish, she speaks english and portuguese fluently and is very active in supp
orting charities. Her barefoot foundation has provided 10 000 pairs of tennis s
hoes of poor children in her hometown of barranquilla, colombia. the foundation
also raised $400 000 to rebuild a school in haiti after the earthquake of 2010.
Shakira is a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF (United Nations Childrens fund) and s
upports charities working in the fields of education, child protection and the e
Serbian Novak Djokovic is one of the worlds top tennis players. Novak began playi
ng tennis when he was 4 years old and turned professional at the age of 16. In 2
007, he created the novak djokovic foundation. this fund provides scholarships f
or serbian children as well as sports facilities for young people . novak travel
s extensively to international tournaments, but found time to participate in a
fundraising soccer game to raise money for reconstruction in japan after the 201
1 earthquake and tsunami.
Gael gracia bernal is a mexican actor and film director he studied acting in lon
don and has made a number of successful movies including the motorcycle diaries,
babel and the king. starting his charity work at the early age of 14, he taugh
t literacy to indigenous people in mexico. He support oxfam, which works to ever
come poverty and suffering, and witness, whitch uses video to combat human-right
s violations.

a large number of professional sport teams are involved with community and chari
ty projects. For example, the chicago bulls basketball team has and organization
called charitabulls , founded in 1987, the charity aims to improve the lives of
chicago youth by creating and supporting educational, recreational and social p
rograms. in 1994, charitabullss donated $4,5 million to construct a club for you
ng people and their families. the club has a computer center, and art studio, a
science lab , a gym , a dance and game room and classrooms.
Since opening in 1996, the club has server approximately 1500 local children and
their families. in 2008, charitabulls gave an additional $600 000 to the club f
or operational expenses and new educational and social programs. other projects
include support for the chicago public library and other nonprofit organization
s that work to improve the lives of children.

Chayanne - Tu Respiracin

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