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Name: M (Chael C [art(

Week of: ~r 'I IJMr~



My goals for research period this week are:

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My plan for achieving/meeting my goals this week are:
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~eet/achieve my goals for the week I DID NOT achieve/meet my goals for the week

This the most important portion of your accountability sheet. This is the sectionthat
will require you to write a reflective paragraph and honest critiquing of your plan(s}.
Reflect on the reason(s} why you were able to successfully meet OR NOT meet your varied goals for the
week. What behaviors/actions did you do in order-to meet your goals? Wbat behaviors/distrections did
you encounter that prevented you from achieving your stated goals? What behaviors will you
change/modify in order to better account for your time during research bell, or after school, next week
that will better assist you in reaching your stated goal(s}? Include details that helped you throughout
the week (e.g., met with a subject area teacher, collaborate with peer(s), use Quizlet, organize/clean out
binder, etc.}

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