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Preston Chamberlin

ID#: 800813877
ESCI 4170
Lab 1
Multiband Images, Color Compositing, and Contrast

Lab one focuses on getting ourselves familiar with the software package ENVI (Environment for
Visualizing Images) and carrying out basic functions to multiband images. These tasks include
Color compositing and contrast enhancement, along with viewing histograms and scatterplots of
our data. Contrast enhancements are a great way to visually alter images to make it easier for
the user to spot changes in the represented environment. The last section of the lab utilizes
histograms; these are useful for analyzing the distribution of Digital Numbers. Scatterplots, on
the other hand allow us to compare DNs of two bands. At the end of the lab, users will know how
to analyze image data through these charts.

The study site I chose for lab 1 was centralized around an area South West of Charlotte,
NC. This lab requires the use of ENVI which was already installed on the computers in the lab, so
the first real task was to navigate to the shared network drive (S: Drive) and download the lab
starting data. The data initially contains six different eight-bit .TIF files which we must combine
into a single file containing all six bands. This is done utilizing ENVIs Layer Stacking tool which is
found in the toolbox under Raster Management. Save this newly created file with an appropriate
name. Lastly, we resized the image to a 2000x2000 pixel area of our choosing. We did this to
make everything more concise and just not use up as much space, both in the software and on
our hard drive. To resize an image you can use the Resize Data feature under Raster Management
in the toolbox.
The next main step in the lab involves creating three different color composites of the
bands that make up the image. The first composite will have a layout of ETM+321=RGB, the
second: ETM+ 342=RGB, and the third: ETM+ 742=RGB. After this is completed, you should have
three different arrangements of the color bands for your image. Next we performed some
enhancements on our different color band images and exported the results as JPEG images,
which can be viewed in the results section of the report. We performed a 2% Linear Stretch,

saved our results, cleared the enhancement, and then equalized the image. Both of these
enhancements were done for all three color composites and documented. The originals with no
enhancements are also saved in the report.
The third main step involves creating a histogram for each band of data for the Landsat
image that we compiled the six bands into. This is done using the Statistics tool in the toolbox
and marking off basic stats and histograms. We took note of the mean, standard deviation, and
the range and then exported each histogram as a BMP file.
Next we needed to gather some scatterplots for data within a forested region. This is done
the same way as the previous histograms. The scatterplots are used for us to compare two bands
of data. There are a total of three scatterplots we needed to produce, the first used band one
and band 2. The second compared band one and band seven, while the last scatterplot used
bands two and four. We also exported these maps for our records.
The final step of the lab was to create a pseudo-color image of one image channel. This is
done using the Density Slice feature. Pseudo-color images are single band images where colors
are assigned to the pixel values. Originally, since there is just one band, the image would be grey-
scale, but by assigning color values to the pixels we get a new image.

ETM+ 321 = RGB


FIGURE 1 ETM+321 (2000X2000) LINEAR 2% STRETCH

ETM+ 342 = RGB


FIGURE 2 ETM+342 (2000X2000) LINEAR 2% STRETCH

ETM+ 742 = RGB


FIGURE 9 ETM+742 (2000X2000) LINEAR 2% STRETCH

After loading our original image containing the six bands, the first task performed was to
add enhancements on the color composites. The Results section, above, shows the three color
composite sets, each having two different enhancements.
Histogram equalization was the first enhancement we did. This most commonly increases
the contrast of an image by taking the color values (0-255) and spreading out the most intense
values. Sections of the picture where there is a low contrast can then raise their values. With this
enhancement on you can more clearly see the boundaries between natural ground cover and
man-made surfaces.
1A linear 2% stretch takes the contrast of an image and stretches it in a linear fashion
using a percentage (2%) given. According to the Remote Sensing Core Curriculum, By expanding
the original input values of the image, the total range of sensitivity of the display device can be
utilized. Linear contrast enhancement also makes subtle variations within the data more
obvious. From the images it seems that a linear 2% stretch highlights roads and buildings the
most, and more clearly than equalization does. 2

Remote Sensing Core Curriculum, Linear Contrast Enhancement.

Remote Sensing Core Curriculum, Linear Contrast Enhancement. Figure 6-3.2

Of all the color composites made during the lab, the ETM+ 321 composite best represents
a normal photograph. This is due to the color bands being in the correct, natural order. The red
values are displayed in the red channel, the green in the green channel, and the blues in the blue
channel. A false-color image, for example, may display the red values through the green channel,
so things that are supposed to look green to our natural eye, are red. For us to better differentiate
ground targets from one another, we can use the enhancements already mentioned which
change the contrast of the image. Contrast by definition is the visual difference between one
thing and another, so increasing the contrast it makes the grey values from urban buildings stand
out more against the green values of vegetation. You dont need to use enhancements
sometimes though, as changing the color bands to a false-color image could make it easier to
see. Compare figure 4 and figure 1, for example. Both have no enhancements performed, yet in
figure 4 the water stands out much more against the surrounding area due to a different
arrangement of the color bands.
During the lab a histogram was created for each band of the original image.

The graph above displays the image data (DN values) for all 6 bands. It is useful to summarize
how spread out the values are across multiple bands. The x axis has values from 0-255. The y axis
represents the number of pixels in the image. From this we can see how many blue values there
are, or near infrared, if we had that band recorded. Often spikes can visually represent certain

features that stand out in the image. Maybe there is a dense urban area which gives off a lot of
a certain DN, hence the spike.
Scatterplots were another feature ENVI can process for us from our image. Each axis
represents a different color band, with a range of values from 0-255. Figure 10 (left) shows us a
comparison of band 1 versus band 2 and how
much of each DN there is for each respectable
band. This is great for informing users about data
redundancy. In this case, there seems to be a lot
of the same values for both layers. This is handy
in pre-image analysis. Before you start guessing
about which color bands will show the widest
array of data, you can view scatter plots for them
and then avoid combinations with a lot of


Figure 11 (right) shows bands 1 and 7. As

you can see, band 1 (x axis) has less values in the
55-80 range compared to band 7 (y axis). The
lighter colors show a higher value of that
particular DN.


Below in figure 12 we compared bands 2(x axis) with band 4 (y axis). Unlike the first scatter plot
in figure 10, this one has a decent amount of variation. Band 4 has a large number of DNs in the
60 130 range, and a lot of the data in band 4 isnt share with band 2.


Lastly, a pseudo-color image was created. This is an image which originally has one band
and is greyscale, but by assigning DNs to color values from a color lookup table you can create a
fake color image. This is an effective way to visualize images which are lacking color detail. For
example, you may have an image of a faraway planet, but it is only in greyscale. By mapping the
DNs to various colors, you can better pick out certain physical features, or other details that
shades of grey wont let the human eye pickup on.


Overall, Lab 1 was quite straightforward and introduced some interesting starting
features of ENVI, along with how to start using the software. After importing our raw .TIFF data
and making a 6 band image, 3 color composites were made of various bands. We experimented
with various image enhancements and saw how various features stand out more based on what
settings you change. ENVI can perform a variety of tasks, such as create graphs and charts
representing data. The best way to experience the most out of the software is by experimenting
with all the tools available to you. Histograms and Scatterplots are the two we looked at and are
useful for analyzing Landsat data.

Linear Contrast Enhancement, Remote Sensing Core Curriculum

Image processing and Analysis, Center for Remote Imaging, Sensing & Processing


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