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TEMPLATE Revised 4.15
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Name CWID Subject Area

Nic Carlson, Amy Rudenburg Chemistry
Class Title Lesson Title Unit Title Grade Levels Total Minutes
Chemistry Thermodynamics 10, 11 5 x 45 minutes
Next Generation Science Standards Common Core State Standard Connections
W2 - Write informative/explanatory texts to
examine and convey complex ideas clearly
and accurately.
HS-PS1-4. Develop a model to illustrate that the R3 - Analyze how and why individuals,
release or absorption of energy from a chemical events, or ideas develop and interact over
reaction system depends upon the changes in total the course of a text.
bond energy.
SL1 - Prepare for and participate effectively
in a range of conversations and
collaborations with diverse partners,
building on others' ideas and expressing
their own clearly and persuasively.
Lesson Objective(s) Evidence
Students are able to determine whether a
process is endothermic or exothermic if
they are given the phase change,
thermochemical equation, heat of reaction, Students create potential energy diagrams
or a potential energy diagram. of each process in the carbon cycle.
Students state reasoning in why they decide
Students refine their initial model of the whether a process is endothermic or
carbon cycle by adding a potential energy exothermic.
diagram to each reaction and process of
the cycle and stating whether it is
endothermic or exothermic.
Purpose/Focus of
Type Implementation Feedback Strategy How Informs Teaching
EL 1. This gets 1.Quickwrite, Why 1. Teacher holds a 1. This gives teacher
students thinking do hot drinks get class discussion and an understanding of
about cold if you leave writes ideas on the student prior
temperature and them out, and cold board. knowledge.
heat flow in a way drinks get warm? 2. Teacher will check 2. This informs
they are familiar 2. Students will use each students teacher that the
with. the sentence hypothesis before students are thinking
2. This is to help
student write
structure to write a
better hypothesis
hypothesis on the
and get them
temperature change
thinking about
during phase
phase changes
changes they can continue and
and temperature. and predicting
3. Quickwrite, What students will provide
3. Gets students outcomes of the
happened to the their own feedback
on the same page investigation.
temperature as the after completing lab.
with temperature 3. This informs
ice was melting into 3. Students get
not increasing teacher about what
water and as the immediate verbal
during a phase students understood
water was boiling feedback in class.
change and is and remember from
into water vapor? 4. Students will
taking energy to the investigation the
4. Problem of the receive feedback in
melt and boil a day before.
day, describe each their pair share and
substance. 4. This informs the
of the processes students with receive
4. Get students teacher on how well
discussed in class feedback when the
reviewing what the students
this week as teacher goes over the
they did this understood
exothermic or answers.
week, and relates exothermic and
endothermic. 5. Students will
it to the endothermic.
5. Graphic receive verbal
vocabulary words 5. Allows the teacher
Organizer, students feedback in a class
endothermic and to see if students are
work on a graphic discussion and be able
exothermic. ready to move onto
organizer about the to fix their graphic
5. This is for the next lesson.
thought process of organizer.
students to use in
determining whether
the future when
a process is
deciding if a
exothermic or
process is
exothermic or
endo thermic.
PM 1. This shows 1. Exit Slip, describe 1. students will get 1. This informs the
that students heat flow while hard scaffolding questions teacher if students
understood the boiling an egg. during the activity and understood the
main parts of the written feedback the concept in the
2. Students then
reading and heat next day. reading, and whether
write their
flow 2. The teacher gives the teacher can move
conclusion based on
2. Shows that each lab group written on to the next topic.
their graph as a lab
students are able feedback the next day. 2. This informs the
to understand 3. Students receive teacher that students
3. Exit Slip, describe
their data written feedback the understood how
how the heat was
gathered in the following day. temperature acted or
flowing in the
lab 4. Students will get if the teacher needs
chemical reactions
3. Shows that written feedback the to hold a class
4. Exit Slip.
students had next day on their exit discussion the next
observations that slip. day.
different ways to tell
included the heat 5. Students will get 3. This informs the
if a process is
of the reaction verbal feedback from teacher that students
endothermic or
and are able to the students and understand that heat
determine where teacher as well as flows from hot to cold
5. Adding to Model,
and that they were
observing the
the heat is reactions.
flowing. 4. This informs the
4. Shows that the teacher if students
students gained understood the
students add
understanding information from the
potential energy
from working at written feedback the 5. This informs the
diagrams of each
the stations. next day. teacher that students
process in the
5. This is so understand about
carbon cycle.
students can potential energy
relate the process diagrams and how
just learned to they relate to
the carbon cycle. processes like the
ones in the carbon
Instructional Strategies
Problem of the Day - Students answer a warm-up question to activate prior knowledge.
Think-Write-Pair Share - Allows students time to express their ideas in words, and to listen to other students ideas
and reformulate their own thoughts.
Vocabulary word references teacher use clues in the vocabulary word to decipher meaning
Combustion Concept Diagram - Helps students come to a joint understanding of the vocabulary word combustion.
Refining Models - Students refine carbon cycle model adding potential energy diagrams details
Ordering the Procedure - Students put the steps of the procedure in an order that makes sense before starting the
lab to show they understand the significance of each step.
Phase changing lab - Students complete an investigation to determine what happens to temperature as ice is heated
to water vapor.
Exothermic and endothermic investigation An investigation where students get to experience the difference
between exothermic and endothermic reactions.
Exit Slip - Teacher uses it to measure progress of student learning and to see if students need additional practice.
Rubric- Rubric provided so students understand the expectations for the closing group presentation activity.
Lesson Introduction/Anticipatory Set
Time Teacher Does Student Does
45 min Day 1 (Engagement) (Types of Day 1 (Engagement)
Reactions) Students enter the class and start working
Teacher engages students prior knowledge on the quick write, Why do hot drinks get
by asking the question, Why do hot drinks cold if you leave them out, and cold drinks
get cold if you leave them out, and cold get warm?
drinks get warm? and have students Students participate in a class discussion
quickly write down their responses. lead by the teacher.
The teacher starts a class discussion about Students then input more ideas when the
what students original ideas are about the teacher asks how they can keep their cold
questions and writes what the students are drinks colder and their hot drinks hotter.
saying on the board. Students split into their lab groups, which
The teacher then asks students ideas that have three people in the group, and
may keep their cold drinks colder and their receive an article to read about heat and
hot drinks hotter. heat flow.
The teacher writes these new ideas on the Students take turns reading the article in
board for the class to see. their group. Each student has a specific
Teacher hands out an article about heat and job and they stop and discuss the article
heat flow for students to read in groups and
after selected parts.
gives each student a job: predictor, predicts
Students can be either: predictor, predicts
what the next part will be about, questioner,
what the next part will be about,
asks a question after reading the part to be
questioner, asks a question after reading
answered by the group, summarizer,
the part to be answered by the group,
summarized the part.
summarizer, summarized the part.
Teacher gives students an exit slip in which
After the reading students complete an exit
they have to use what they learned in the
slip in which they describe heat flow while
reading and the ideas on the board to
hard boiling an egg.
describe heat flow when hard boiling eggs.
Lesson Body
Time Teacher Does Student Does
Day 2 (Explore: Data Collection) Day 2 (Explore Data Collection)
n Teacher asks students to create a Students will use the sentence
hypothesis. Students are given the structure to write a hypothesis on
following sentence structure. If ice is put what they think the temperature will
on the hot place and heat is added until it is act like when ice is put on a hot
all boiled into water vapor, place.
then__________________________ State how Students listen to the teacher as the
the temperature will increase throughout teacher reminds students about
the process. safety precautions for the lab.
Teacher checks to see that each student has Students organize the lab procedure
a written hypothesis before have students in the correct order before starting
get in their lab groups. the lab.
The teacher set up a lab with ice, beakers, When starting the lab students have
thermometers, and hot plates before the a beaker full of ice, they put the
class. beaker on a hot plate at a constant
As an entire class the teacher goes over the
safety precautions of using the hot plate. Students take the temperature every
Once students are in their lab groups the
2 minutes with a thermometer until
teacher hands the students the procedures
they the water has is almost all
for the lab out of order and has the student
order the procedure before starting the lab.
The students then graph the
The teacher monitors students in the lab
room, and scaffolds students when they temperature over time and see how
need help in the lab. the temperature acted.
Teacher ends class by having students The students then write their
graph their data and write about their conclusion based on their graph as a
conclusion lab group.

Day 3 (Explain and Elaborate) Day 3 (Explain and Elaborate)

Students enter class and start
Teacher starts class by giving the students working on the quickwrite, What
the quickwrite, What happened to the happened to the temperature as the
temperature as the ice was melting into ice was melting into water and as
water and as the water was boiling into the water was boiling into water
water vapor? vapor?
The teacher holds a class discussion about Students participate in a class
the temperature change and asks the discussion about temperature
question where did the heat go when the changes. Students give their input
water was changing phase. Teacher has from the quickwrite, and with
students discuss in pairs and then brings scaffolding from the teacher
their ideas in front of the class. Eventually students find that it takes energy to
the class will reach a consensus about the melt and boil ice and water.
energy going to boil the water and melt the Students get in lab groups and work
ice. on an investigation with chemical
The teacher sets up another investigation reactions.
which involves the chemical reactions of In a small plastic bag students mix
sodium bicarbonate and citric acid, as well sodium bicarbonate with calcium
and sodium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate in a 3:1 ratio using a
chloride. spoon. Then students add 10 mL of
The teacher will provide students with water and zip the bag up and
instruction on how to perform the chemical observe the reaction. Students write
reactions and monitor students for safety. their observations down.
The teacher will have students record their
Next, in a small plastic bag students
observations of each reaction.
mix sodium bicarbonate with citric
As an exit slip the students must write
acid in a 2:1 ratio using a spoon.
about the flow of heat in each reaction.
Then students add 10 mL of water
and zip the bag up and observe the
Day 4 (Elaborate and Evaluate)
reaction. Students write their
observations down.
The teacher starts the class with the
Students complete an exit slip
vocabulary words, exothermic and
describing how the heat was flowing
endothermic. The teacher breaks the words
in the chemical reactions before
up to help describe them. Exo-exit thermic-
heat means releasing heat. Endo-enter
thermic-heat means absorbing heat.
Teacher gives student have a problem of the Day 4 (Elaborate and Evaluate)
day in which they write down whether the
process investigated earlier in the week are Students listen to the teacher as the
exothermic or endothermic. teacher describes the words endothermic
Teacher informs students to talk with their and exothermic. The students respond to
pair partner about their answers, and then questions when asked by the teacher.
the teacher goes over each process with the Students complete a problem of the day in
class. which they describe all processes earlier in
4 stations are set up around the class to the week as endothermic or exothermic.
help students understand exothermic and Students discuss with their pair partner the
endothermic processes. answers they got.
Station 1 for phase changes Students listen and participate with the
teacher as the teacher goes over the
Students move around to each station and
participate at the activity at the station.
Station 1 phase change has a heating
Station 2 for thermochemical equations curve and an activity to work through with
Station 3 for chemical reaction observations the heating curve of water relating to the
Station 4 for Potential energy diagrams investigation on day 2
The teacher will be at the potential energy Station 2 thermochemical equations is a
diagram station because this station is short article to read about thermos
completely new and the teacher will be chemical equations that include cellular
scaffolding knowledge there. The teacher respiration and photosynthesis.
will relate the diagram with what is going on Station 3 chemical reactions is a short
in the reaction activity to work through the thinking about
Students have an exit slip on whether the investigation on day 3 and reasoning
processes are endothermic or exothermic how to describe them as endothermic or
exploring all types of methods that the exothermic.
stations covered Station 4 potential energy diagrams is with
the teacher and has the teacher explaining
a potential energy diagram and how to tell
whether the reaction is exothermic or
After the stations the students have an exit
slip about different ways to determine if a
process is endothermic or exothermic.

Time Teacher Does

1x45 Day 5 (Evaluate) Day 5 (Evaluate)

Teacher gives students a graphic organizer Students walk into class and work on the
about how to decide if a process is graphic organizer about how to decide if a
exothermic or endothermic and asks process is exothermic or endothermic.
students to work on it individually. Students participate in a class discussion
The teacher scaffolds students who need about how to fill in the graphic organizer.
extra help, and after a few minutes the Student correct parts of the organizer that
teacher asks the students to share with they did incorrectly so it matches what the
their partner and revise their graphic teacher said.
organizer. Students then add potential energy
The teacher then gathers the attention of diagrams to the carbon cycle drawing.
the class and gets input from students to fill Once students have completed this
in the graphics organizer so every student students put their posters on the wall and
has similar answers. perform a gallery walk of models in the
Teacher tells students to add potential class.
energy diagrams to each of the processes in
their carbon cycle model.
Teacher monitors and scaffolds students as
they fill in their model. After students
complete model the teacher has students
do a gallery walk.

Instructional Materials, Equipment, and Multimedia

Overhead projector, reading articles, exit slips, baking soda, citric acid, calcium chloride, paper, pencils, ice, beakers,
hot plates, thermometers, plastic bags.
Co-Teaching Strategies
Much of the work in this lesson is individual work done by students alone or students working in groups. By co-teaching
this lesson it increases the ratio of teachers to students allowing students to get more meaningful feedback. Both
teachers will be monitoring and assisting students during individual and group work to ensure that students are
productive, and are using evidence from the class to make their models and arguments.
English Learners Striving Readers Students with Special Advanced Students

Think-Write-Pair Share
Graphic Organizers to help
students with concepts and
Think-Write-Pair Share vocabulary
Graphic Organizers to help Sentence structures to help
students with concepts and Think-Write-Pair Share aid in the writing process.
vocabulary Graphic Organizers to help The investigations help
Graphic Organizers to help
Sentence structures to help students with concepts and students visually see,
students organize their
aid in the writing process. vocabulary observe and experience
concepts and vocabulary
The investigations help Sentence structures to help exothermic and endothermic
Heterogeneous grouping
students visually see, aid in the writing process. processes.
helps students better
observe and experience Heterogeneous grouping I do, we do, You do provides
articulate their ideas to
exothermic and helps students better scaffolding for students in
others in a manner that
endothermic processes. develop their reading and order to complete the
they can understand. These
Heterogeneous grouping writing skills. The small vocabulary hand out
students can help scaffold
helps students better groups also give these individually. Teacher
other students in their
develop their English and students time to practice modeling, then practice with
group by providing other
academic language skills. their reading and the whole class, then
different scaffolding
The small groups also give vocabulary in a safe practice individually.
support than the teacher.
these students time to environment. Heterogeneous grouping
The diversity of the groups
practice their English in a I do, we do, You do provides helps students better
are also a strength for
safe environment. scaffolding for striving develop their ideas because
advanced students too
I do, we do, You do readers students by they can receive scaffolding
because it allows them to
provides scaffolding for EL introducing the academic from the students in their
see science from diverse
students by introducing the vocabulary then practice group. By having diverse
perspectives as well.
academic vocabulary then vocabulary as class, then groups students can see
practice vocabulary as practice individually. problems from multiple
class, then practice perspectives. The small
individually groups also give these
students time to practice
their science and vocabulary
in a safe environment.
Lesson introduces and investigate chemical bonds and relates them to the Carbon Cycle. Students learn how to create a
lewis dot structure and are able to describe the intramolecular chemical bonds that would occur in that molecule
We are in the second step of the collaborative model of the Technology matrix. This lesson has students using
technological tools collaboratively. Next is step 3, Collaborative use of tools with some student choice.

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