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4165 Cambridge International Diploma in Teaching and Learning

Module 2 Lesson Plan

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Session title GENE, CHROMATID, DNA SUPERCOILING Date Location AS classroom (Virtual)

Learner group AS level Duration 50 minutes Group size 8 Lesson No 3

Learning outcomes/objectives  Describe the structure of chromosomes limited to DNA, Histone and Chromatid (Remembering)
What are learners expected to learn after  Identify the chromosomes, chromatid, chromatin and homologous chromosomes (Remembering)
completing the lesson? These should be  Explain that nucleosomes help in the process of supercoiling (Understanding)
specific and able to be assessed.  Discuss about the different types of RNA and its significance (Understanding)
 Outline the mechanism of enzymes (Analysing)

Time Content and teacher activity Learner activity Formative assessment Learning materials and resources

How are you explaining and What are the learners doing to help How do you plan to assess learning What resources will you use that will
illustrating the topic? them understand the topic? as it is happening? support the teaching, learning and
assessment activities?
5 mins Starter activity: Hook Learners watch the welcome video Response in the KWL chart
and guess what the topic is going to 101/introduction-to-genetics
Teacher showed a welcome video
be for that session. They are asked to
about the introduction on genetics
fill KWL chart
where the learners get to know how
is DNA, chromosomes etc are
present in the cell

5 Individual: Photograph display Learners will identify the Observation and directed Pictures of chromosomes, homologous
minutes homologous chromosomes, sister questioning pair and chromatin
Teacher will give the pictures of
chromatid and write it in the
chromosomes, homologous
whiteboard shared.
chromosomes, sister chromatid,
tetrad and bivalent and identify

4165 Module 2 Lesson Plan for assessment in 2018, 2019, 2020 v2

4165 Cambridge International Diploma in Teaching and Learning

Time Content and teacher activity Learner activity Formative assessment Learning materials and resources

10 Teacher led presentation: Pause Learners make notes during the Directed questioning
mints procedure: Teacher explained the lecture and clarify the doubts if there
role of nucleosomes in the is any.
supercoiling of DNA. Teacher pause
in-between to check the
15 Flipped Activity: Teacher gave a Learners were asked to discuss in Random questioning and observation
minutes material about the RNA and types pairs about the questions posted
and the significance of RNA and about the RNA types and functions
questions were posted on the same.

10 Group Activity: Crowd sourced Learners in group write the words Peer reviewing and direct
minutes definition- Teacher gave the topic pertaining to the enzymes they have observation.
enzymes and divided the students in learnt in the previous grade and the
a group of 2 based on the multi- other group will explain the concept
ability pairing. behind the term. After the group
finishes, peer-editing happens.
5 mins Plenary: Quick Nod Students will nod yes or no. Direct observation and students
Teacher ask student about the topics
that was taught and asked them
whether they understood
Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary

Reflect and identify aspects that made the lesson inclusive?

Lesson Evaluation: Reflect and briefly identify what you think went well in the lesson and what you would like to improve in future practice.

4165 Module 2 Lesson Plan for assessment in 2018, 2019, 2020 v2

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