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Miles Forrest

The town of Harrisville was a pretty normal town, full of normal people. In fact the
only odd part was a large, dark, creepy woods. But in truth it was anything but
normal, you see at night a transformation happened. All the people went into their
homes, locked the doors and drew the blinds. The wolves, huge human-like wolves
sped through town and anyone caught outdoors was devoured.

It was in this town that 14 year old David Crawford lived. All his life he had not
questioned the order to stay inside at night. There was only one day a year they
didnt come out. Halloween. This year David didnt want to party with this parents
all night. He had been dared to sleep all night in the woods. He walked into the
woods. After ten or so minutes he saw a light coming from between two big trees.
He walked over to the trees and found a huge clearing filled with thrashing wolves
suddenly a dark hand grabbed his shoulder. Daniel stifled a scream and turned
around. A huge man in all black stood there. He dragged Daniel into the circle. They
chanted his name, SCAR, SCAR, SCAR, SCAR, rising in pitch until they were just
howling at the moon. The sacrifice has arrived, he screamed. As the first teeth
ripped into him, he realized where all the people disappeared to.

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