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Temperature Scales

Symbol Designation Zero point Freezing point Boiling point of water

of water at standard atm press.

C degree Celsius or freezing point 0C 100C

Centigrade of water
K degree Kelvin or absolute zero 273.15K 373.15K
absolute temperature
in degrees Centigrades
F degree Fahrenheit 17.8C 32F 212F
Rank degree Rankine or absolute zero 491.4Rank 671.4Rank
absolute temperature
in degrees Fahrenheit

The following formulas may be used to convert temperatures from one scale to another:

Temperature wanted in
given in
C K F Rank

C C C 273.15 1.8C 32 1.8C 491.4

K K 273.15 K 1.8K 459.4 1.8K
F 0.556F 17.8 0.556F 255.3 F F 459.4
Rank 0.556Rank 273.1 0.556Rank Rank 459.4 Rank

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