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Si Rizal bilang

Mag-aaral sa ibang

fter finishing the 4th year of the medical course in the University of Santo
Tomas, Jose Rizal, being disgusted with the antiquated method of instruction
in this Dominican-owned university and the racial prejudice of Dominican
Professors against Filipino students, decided to complete his studies in Spain.
At that time the government of Spain was a constitutional monarchy under a written
constitution which granted human rights to the people, particularly freedom of
speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly. Aside from this ostensible
reason, he had another reason, which was more important than merely completing
his studies in Spain. This was his secret mission which many Rizalist biographers
(including Austin Craig and Wenceslao E. Retana) never mention in their writings. On
November 3, 1882, Rizal enrolled in the Universidad Central de Madrid (Central
University of Mdrid) in two courses Medicine and Philosophy and Letters. Aside from
his heavy studies in the university, he studied painting and sculpture in the Academy
of Fine Arts of San Fernando; took lessons in French, German and English under
private instructors; and assiduously practiced fencing and shooting in the Hall of Arms
of Sanz y Caebonell.
His thirst for knowledge of music, he visited the art galleries and museums and
read books on all subjects under the sun, including military engineering in order to
broaden his cultural background. Rizal led a Spartan life in Madrid. He knew that he
came to Spain to study and prepare himself for service to his fatherland. Accordingly,
he rigidly budgeted his money, on food, clothing, lodging and books never wasting a
peseta for gambling, wine and women. His only extravagance was investing a few
pesetas for a lottery ticket in every draw of the Madrid Lottery. He spent his leisure
time reading and writing at his boarding house, attending the reunions of Filipino
students at the house of the Paterno brothers (Antonio, Maximino and Pedro), and
practicing fencing and shooting at the gymnasium.
On November 20, 21 and 22, 1884 the serene city of Madrid exploded in bloody
riots by the students of Central University. Rizal and other Filipino participated,
together with Cuban, Mexican, Peruvian and Spanish students in the tumult. These
students demonstrations were caused by the address of Dr. Miguel Morayta,
professor of history, at the opening ceremonies of the academic year on November
20, in which he proclaimed the freedom of science and the teacher. Such as liberal
view was condemned by the Catholic bishops of Spain, who promptly
excommunicated Dr. Morayta and those applauded his speech. Rizal completed his
medical course in Spain. He was conferred the degree of Licentiate in Medicine by the
Universidad Central de Madrid on June 21, 1884. The next academic year (1884-1885)
he studied and passed all subjects leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Due to
the fact, however that he did not present the thesis required for graduation nor paid
the corresponding fees, he was not awarded his Doctors diploma.

His scholastic records in medicine at the Universidad Central de Madrid were as

Fifth Year (1882-83): Continuation of
Medical Course in the University
of Santo Tomas

Medical Clinic I... Good

Surgical Clinic I... Good
Obstetrical Clinic .... Fair
Legal Medicine.... Excellent

Six Year (1883-84)

Medical Clinic 2... Good

Surgical Clinic 2... Very Good

Licentiate in Medicine awarded on June 21, 1884

With the rating Fair

Doctorate (1884-85)

History of Medical Science........ Fair

Surgical Analysis....... Good
Normal Histology............... Excellent

Doctor of Medicine (Not Awarded)

Rizal also finished his studies in Philosophy and Letters, with higher grades. He
was awarded the degree of Licentiate in Philosophy and Letters by the Universidad
Central de Madrid on June 19, 1885 (his 24th birthday), with the rating of Excellent
(Sobresaliente). His scholastic record in this course follow:

Universal History I..... Very Good

General Literature.. Excellent


Universal History I........ Very Good

General Literature..... Excellent

Universal History 2 Excellent

Greek and Latin Literature. Excellent
(with prize)

Greek I... Excellent

(with prize)

Spanish Language Excellent w/ a scholarship
Arabic Language.. Excellent w/ a scholarship

At long last, Rizal completed his studies in Spain. By obtaining the degree of
Licentiate in Philosophy and Letters, he became qualified to be a professor of
humanities in any Spanish university. And by receiving his degree of Licentiate in
Medicine, he became a full-fledged physician, qualified to practice medicine. He did
not bother to secure the post-graduate degree of Doctor of Medicine because it was,
together with the Licentiate in Philosophy and Letters, good only for teaching
purposes. Being a man of high intelligence and foresight, he knew that with his brown
color and Asian racial ancestry no friar-owned university or college in the Philippines
would accept him in its faculty staff. Thus he said, in his letter to his family written in
Madrid, November 26, 1884: My doctorate is not of very much value to
me.because although it is useful to a university professor, yet I believe they
(Dominican friars) will never appoint me as such in the College of Santo Tomas. I say
the same thing of Philosophy and Letters which may serve also for a professorship,
but I doubt if the Dominican fathers will grant it to me.

After completing his studies in Madrid, Rizal went to Paris and Germany in order
to specialize in ophthalmology. He particularly chose this branch of medicine because
he wanted to cure his mothers eye ailment. He served as an assistant to the famous
oculists of Europe. He also continued his travels and observations of European life
and customs, government and laws in Paris, Heidelberg, Leipzig and Berlin. In Berlin,
capital of then unified Germany, he met and befriended several top German
scientists, Dr. Feodor Jagor, Dr. Adolph B. Meyer, Dr. Hans Meyer and Dr. Rudolf
Virchow. His merits as a scientist were recognized by the eminent scientists of
Europe. After terminating his studies at the Central University of Madrid, Rizal who
was then 24 years old and already a physician, went to Paris in order to acquire more
knowledge in ophthalmology.

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