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Reaction Paper


As I watch the performance last February 13, 2017 at West Visayas State
University, a theater act entitled Sugidanon Bayluhay, I was clearly enlightened by the
history of Panay, the historic barter based on folk history of the Maragtas Legend.

I was really fascinated to know and unravel the happenings during that time
wherein it was shown there the peaceful living of the Ati tribes and the period of the
historic landing of the Bornean Datus in Panay, the theater performance of the Irong-
Irong Dance Company depicts the barter of the island that ultimately lead to the
inhabitation of the Malays in Panay and in the entire Philippine Archipelago.

It was also shown in the theater performance that Sultan Putih together with his
subordinates fled Borneo away from their cruel ruler using their balanghais boat in
search for a new life leaving the past cruel Sultan of Borneo. The group then landed
on the area wherein the Ati tribes is located and where they bartered gold and
jewelries with the local Ati in exchange for the lowlands, plains and valleys of the
Aninipay Islands (Panay) also called as Madya-as or paradise.

It was a great story that really nourished me with knowledge about the past and
truly helped me unravel the history of Panay, the performance was wonderful and the
casts portrayed the characters of the legend very well and provided it with great
emotions and feelings and also I could clearly understand the story because the plot
was clearly stated and the story line was clearly delivered. All in all it was superb, it
does not only entertain me but it also provided me great impact in terms of historical

However, on the other hand, not all the characters was portrayed in the play and
it could have been a lot better if they included all the characters that was present in
that era. In that manner, it could've added up more specific knowledge with regards to
the real history. There are certain technical issues and problems also that was observed
just like the malfunctioning of microphones and unclear sounds or audio.

All in all, I could say that indeed the act is very satisfactory and it really
nourished the audience with knowledge and understanding about the history of Panay.
Their goal was achieved and they have entertained the audience present inside the

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