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Plot Conflict Setting Narrator Character Stylistic Theme -

Devices Message we
- What is - Problem p - time and place, - pov (1st, - major, - eg. Symbol learn by storys
Happening vs p, mood & 2nd, 3rd) minor (objetct that end - implied
p vs s, atmosphere represents an (we infer)
p vs w idea - heart =

Jonas is The setting was 3rd Jonas - The Importance

very placed in the person Major of memory,
anxious, future in the limited because
nervous, community Asher - without
and scared where Jonas Major memory you
Beginning because he lived it was a cannot
is about to very serene Mother - determine your
turn 12 and mood, with a Minor future.
will be controlled
assigned a atmosphere Father -
job. because Minor
everything was
Person vs. the same in the Lily - Minor
self community Evrything is
Fiona - perfect
Person vs. Minor

Jonas The setting 3rd Jonas -

recieves mostly took person Major
painful place in the limited
memories, Givers dwelling. Giver -
of the past It was a very Major
Middle and curious mood
becomes because Jonas Mother - Everything is
terrified of came to learn Minor wrong
his trainer, new things every
The Giver. day, and a very Father -
The giver is foreign Minor
frightened atmophere
jonas will because just Lily - Minor
not come about everything
back. in the givers Fiona -
dwelling is Minor
Person vs forbiden in the
Person community Asher -
Person vs
Self Gabriel -

The The setting 3rd Jonas -

community changed person Major
is going to constantly limited
release throughout the Giver -
baby gabe, end of the story, Major
End the next because jonas
reciever of travelled a lot, Gabriel -
memory, but from farm fields Major
jonas must to snowy hills.
leave the The mood went Mother -
community from nervous to Minor
behind and uncertainty,
get through because at first Father -
the the planes were Minor
boundary to always looking
elsewhere for Jonas and Lily - Minor
gabe during their
travells, but Fiona -
towards the end Minor
jonas was very
uncertain Asher -
because he Minor
wasnt sure if gsb
would make it.

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