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Date: ________________________ Name: ________________________________

Developing Independence Essential Living Skills

You have just graduated from high school and plan to attend post-secondary education starting in September.
You have landed a summer job for two months of full-time employment. Your parents have offered to pay your
tuition fee and text book costs for the first year, however all other costs will be yours to pay monthly.

Some things you should know:

Your final budget will be based on the following considerations:

o You got a summer job as a Call Center Representative making $15.00 per hour for 37 hours
per week or $1887.00 a month (after 15% taxes, etc. are taken out of your cheque).
o During high school you have managed to save $2,000 in your savings account from other
sources birthdays, graduation, odd jobs, etc.
o You MUST put 5% of your starting deposit (paycheques + savings x .05) into a savings
account; this cannot be used it is investment for your future.
o You and three other individuals will be sharing the rent on a 3-bedroom house for 8 months
of the upcoming school year, but the four of you must pay for the entire year rent is
$1,199.00 a month which includes heat only.
o When completed for the 8 months, your budget should NOT be negative (debt).

Task: Complete the following activities to demonstrate your ability to make decisions, negotiate with others,
problem-solve, manage resources and utilize some practical skills.

Part 1: Planning for Daily Living

Wow, you have finally made it, you are living semi-independently in a house with three roommates. Together,
you are responsible for the basic daily living maintenance of the house, your meals, school, homework,
personal health activities and budget. It seems a little overwhelming, but you are prepared to utilize a variety
of skills and knowledge learned in the high school family studies class to be successful.

A. Who are your roommates? (clearly identify name, gender, age and special considerations)

Food Preferences /
Hobbies /Sports/
Extra Insights
B. Create a chart that identifies the chores you feel need to be done regularly to maintain a sense of
order and cleanliness. Identify how and who will get them done. Remember to be very thorough
what specific activities keep your home organized, clean and functioning?
Maintenance Need Explanation of Task Daily Weekly
What needs to be Name of person Name of Person

C. Oh no! One member of the household refuses to do their share; in 1-2 paragraphs explain in detail how
you will handle this situation in a positive manner BUT ensure that work is done?

Part 2: Eating for Health & Wellbeing

After chatting with your roommates, you have decided to share grocery costs. This means you must
take responsibility for planning the meals, creating a grocery list for the meals and costing the
required food.
A. To simplify the food plan process, construct a two-day meal plan that includes breakfast, lunch,
dinner and two snacks daily.

Day 1 Day 2
Breakfast Breakfast
Orange juice
2 English muffins

Snack Snack
Lunch Lunch

Snack Snack
Dinner Dinner

B. Prepare your grocery list based on the foods you have in your meal plan

Step 1: Create a list of all the foods you will need to purchase in order to prepare your meal-plan
Step 2: Use flyers or online grocery stores to locate food items and price them accordingly

Food Item Cost of product ( with How much was Total Cost of Item
unit of cost if purchased
indicated) eg. 1.99/kg
Orange Juice $7.69 / 2L 1L $7.69
English Muffins $3.49 / pkg of 6 2 pkg $6.98
NOTE: To include this cost in final budget multiply your 2 day meal plan total by 15 to equal one month (30
days) cost for groceries then multiply by 8 months of living away at school and finally divide that
total by 4 (you + roommates) to get your share of groceries
ie. $24.25 (2 day cost) x 15 (days to equal a month) = $363.75 x 8 months = ? 4 (people) = ?
C. Ensure that you are meeting Canadas Food Guide by including all foods groups and using proper
For one of your meal plan days, identify the food group, the amount eaten and total serving.

Food Item Fruits & Grain Products Dairy Products Meat &
Vegetables Alternative
Orange juice cup
English Muffin 2 muffins

Total Servings 1 4

Part 3: Keeping It Clean

A. There are a lot of products that we use to keep our environment looking and smelling good
these are cleaning products, paper products, cleaning tools, etc.
Think of all the items and services you use daily/weekly/monthly to keep your home looking clean
and healthy (10 or more)

Item Where in house used Approximate monthly cost

Kleenex Bathroom $4.97

NOTE: To include this cost in final budget, it is a shared amount, add up your costs and divide by roommates

B. There are a lot of products we use daily, but often give little thought to these are a variety of
personal hygiene products that keep us looking and smelling good!
Think of all the items and services you use daily/weekly/monthly to keep you looking healthy

Item Product or Service Approximate monthly cost

Toothpaste product 1 tube = $3.57
Toothbrush product 1 every 3 months = $3.33 3 = $1.11
NOTE: To include this cost in final budget it is a personal cost, you are responsible for the total amount

Part 4: Leisure and Recreation for a Balanced Life Style

A. All work and no play makes for a heavy stress load and possible health problems. It is important to keep a
balance between work and leisure for relaxation.

Identify all the activities or items that you use daily, weekly, monthly to meet your personal wants or enjoy the
company of others cell phones, movies, satellite television, sports teams/events, eating out to name a few.

Activity / Item How often Approximate monthly cost

Movies 1 per month cheap Tuesday $7.50
Snacks with friends 1 per week $5.00 x 4 = $20.00
NOTE: To include this cost in final budget it is a personal cost, you are responsible for the total amount
Part 5: Other Miscellaneous Concerns
A. What other items you know you that you use/do regularly, but may not be specifically listed
ie. Protein powders, car with gas and insurance, gifts for family & friends at Christmas or
birthday, mani-pedi, etc. (be realistic about your lifestyle)
NOTE: To include this cost in final budget it is a personal cost, you are responsible for the total amount

Part 6: Making a Savings Plan

A. Investing in yourself is one of the most important financial decisions you can make; the sooner
you start the more you will have in the end.
Identify the progress of your money if you invest 5% of your starting deposit with compounding
monthly interest rate of 1.5%.
Month Starting Amount Interest Calculation @2% Monthly Total
(Summer Paycheque + Savings) x .05 Total x 1.5% ?
Final Total

Part 7: Create a budget sheet to help track the costs of living semi-independent for the eight (8)
months that you are at school (plus rent requirements). Your budget sheet should resemble
something similar to this:
Transaction Item Deposit Withdrawal Balance
Paycheque from summer $ $ $
Savings from high school
Rent (this will include electricity &
Food (grocery)
Household Cleaning Products
*Personal Hygiene Products
*Independent Living items/activities
*Miscellaneous Other
Required Savings @2% per month
item costs that will be shared with your roommates
* items that are personal for your use; you will not be sharing with your roommates
Highlight in red if the expense is fixed and green if variable
Ask you parents/relatives how much is reasonable for any monthly expenses that you list and may
not be familiar with. (remember you are splitting some of these expenses with your roommates!)
Part 8: Summative Reflection
B. Throughout any planning and problem-solving task, it is always wise to review, re-evaluate and often
change some of our decisions.

Having completed the technical aspects of budgeting, identify and explain the areas of this assignment that
you were comfortable with, those that challenged you and those concepts that were new to you.
Independent Living Rubric Name: _______________________________
Category Criteria Level One Level Two Level Three Level Four

Knowledge and Understanding *Makes healthy choices in Applies practical knowledge in Applies practical knowledge in Applies practical knowledge in Applies practical knowledge in
Demonstrates practical knowledge relation to food choices creation of 2-day meal plan with creation of 2-day meal plan with creation of 2-day meal plan with creation of 2-day meal plan with
in the preparation of meals and considering Canadas Food consideration to CFG with limited consideration to CFG with some consideration to CFG with consideration to CFG with
healthy choices that ensure a well- Guide for servings & variety effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness considerable effectiveness
balanced life style
(CFG & Hygiene & Personal) *consider a variety of products Applies practical knowledge in Applies practical knowledge in Applies practical knowledge in Applies practical knowledge in
5 each and services for personal identifying a variety of personal identifying a variety of personal identifying a variety of personal identifying a variety of personal
health and hygiene health and hygiene health and hygiene health and hygiene health and hygiene
products/services with limited products/services with some products/services with products/services with
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness considerable effectiveness
Thinking *Identifies daily living Identifies daily living skills that Identifies practical skills that Identifies practical skills that Identifies practical skills that
Identifies practical skills and use of expectations and products contribute to the functioning of contribute to the functioning of contribute to the functioning of contribute to the functioning of
resources that contribute to the that are necessary for families and that are transferable families and that are families and that are transferable families and that are transferable
functioning of families and that are ensuring healthy self-care to independent living with limited transferable to independent to independent living with to independent living with
transferable to independent living effectiveness living with some effectiveness effectiveness considerable effectiveness
(Maintenance & products/services)
5 each * Researches costs of specified Creates final budget to meet daily Creates final budget to meet Creates final budget to meet daily Creates final budget to meet daily
items included in healthy living needs using available daily living needs using available living needs using available living needs using available
independent living resources with limited resources with some resources with effectiveness resources with considerable
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness
Communication * Completes all aspects of Three or more aspects of various Two aspects of various budgets One budget or assignment All budgets and assignment
Effectively communicates the results various budgets and budgets or assignments or assignments incomplete / incomplete / insights are strong concerns are complete and well-
of their research independent living incomplete/ very few insights are minimal supported
5 assignments
Application * Creates a variety of budgets Creates budgets or plans with Creates budgets or plans with Creates budgets or plans with Creates budgets and plans with
Demonstrates practical skills and plans to meet their daily limited effectiveness identifying some effectiveness identifying effectiveness identifying several considerable effectiveness
required for meeting their own food, living needs few considerations some considerations considerations identifying numerous
clothing, health and housing needs
Reflects on decision /choices Reflects on decision/choices Reflects on decision/choices
5 * Reflects on decisions/choices related to individual well-being related to individual wellbeing related to individual well-being Reflects on decision /choices
based on the information they and quality of life and suggests and quality of life and suggests and quality of life and suggests related to individual well-being
Applies appropriate decision making
gathered about food/care strategies for making difficult strategies for making difficult strategies for making difficult and quality of life and suggests
models, grounded in research, to
choices related to individual and products, prior experience and choices with limited effectiveness choices with some effectiveness choices with effectiveness strategies for making difficult
family well-being and quality of life challenges they may face choices with considerable
and suggest strategies for making effectiveness
difficult choices.
(Reflection - 10)

Comments/Next Steps

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