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Extracurricular Achievements

One extracurricular that has positively

shaped my character is cross country.
Upon joining cross country in August 2014
before my freshman year I quickly learned
this would be no cake walk. I was going to
have to run further and faster than I have
ever run, prior to cross country. But I also
developed a new mind set and was as
determined as ever to race my hardest at
every 5K I competed in. My freshman
year I earned the award most improved,
and I think this illustrates my determination and dedication to this sport. I started out at less than
my best but continued to work hard and after every run I felt I had improved my ability. Cross
country help set the tone for high school because I was also going to have to be determined and
dedicated to my education if I hoped to do well in school.

One extracurricular activity that has also impacted my life was my acceptance into the
National Honors Society. The NHS is a club held by the school that challenges students to give
back to their communities by volunteering and reaching a volunteer hour quota. This club has
encouraged me to give back to the community. I have tutored elementary students, helped out
at my church, and ushered at official Troy School District events all in the purpose of giving back
to the community that raised me. This club has taught me many values and I look forward to
what lies ahead next year in this club.

The final extracurricular activity that I feel has helped me learn

important values is Track and Field. This year, I earned the Iron Man
Award, an award given to the athlete who is willing to do the races
that others wont. When a coach asked me to jump in a relay and
help out the team I would jump right in and run my absolute hardest.
I didnt care if it was a sprint or a longer distance, if we needed a
man to fill a position I was more than happy to help. I think that I can
take this mindset and use it in other activities as well. People like
other people who are willing to help where others wont. I think this
attitude will help distinguish me from other people as I help out
people who need it.

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