Detailed Lesson Plan in Biology 8

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By: Rizza Angela G. Mendoza

At the end of the lesson the student should be able to:
1. Identify the difference between food chain and food web.
2. Write a list of different examples about the components.
3. Illustrate the order of the different consumer.


Topic: Food chain and Food web.
Values Integration: Self-confident
References: Basic Biology (p. 354-355) Edna A. Amparado
Materials: Chart and Pictures


A. Preparatory Activities
1. Daily Routine
Teachers Activity Students Activitys

2. Motivation

Create a group with your friends

consisting of 5 members in each group
and arrange yourselves form greedy to
picky eater.

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation of the lesson
1. Students will write atleast 5
animals that consumes food.
2. Write 5 plants that produce
their own food.
3. Write atleast 2 decomposers of
dead plants.

2. Discussion

Class, any idea about our topic for

(Student will answer)

Anyone in the class has any idea about

what is food chain.
Food chain is a series of processes food is produced and
eventually consumed.

Nice answer! How about food web?

Food web is a series of chains that linked together.

Very good, now we already know what

the food chain and food we is, how about
its components, any idea what are
Based on what I observed Maam in our activity, the
components are consumer, producer and decomposers.

Great! Its correct now can you define

the first one?
A consumer is an organism that feeds o other animals.

Very good! What component, who

would like to give me the definition of
Producer is a source of energy.

Thank you! Now lets proceed to the

last one. What is it?
Decomposer is an organism that feeds on dead organisms and
the waste products of other organisms.

Great! So, did you understand our topic

for today?
Yes Maam!
3. Generalization
Draw a Venn Diagram, write details that Food Food web
how food chain different from food web. chain is very
Write details that tells their similarities, is very Both complex
where the circles overlap. simple the food and consists
. chain and food of a number of
One string web represent flow food chains.
of of food and energy Many
producers through various animals eat
and organisms. more than
consumers. one type of

Student will place the picture in the
corresponding arrangement.

Write TRUE if the statement is
correct and change the underline word if
the statement is wrong.

1. Food web is the series of process 1. Food Chain

by which food is produced and 2. Food Web
eventually consumed. 3. TRUE
2. Food chain is a series of chains 4. TRUE
that linked together. 5. Food Chain
3. Producer is a source of energy. 6. TRUE
4. A consumer is an organism that 7. Food Web
feeds on other animals. 8. TRUE
5. Food web could start with grass 9. Decomposers
eaten by rabbits. 10. TRUE
6. Decomposer is and organism that
feeds on dead organisms and the
waste products of other
7. Food chain is the entirety of
interrelated food chains in an
ecological community.
8. Producer its able to produce its
own food from inorganic
9. Consumers are organisms that
break down dead or decaying
10. Consumers are organisms that
receive all their energy by
consuming other types of

Draw 3 separate food chain in a bond paper.

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