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THIS INDENTURE, made the eleventh day of August,

One thousand nine hundred and forty three, between RALPHS.
STOTESBURY, as Executors and Trustees under the Last Will
and Testament of Helen E. Tompkins, late of the City of
Beacon, County of Dutchess, State of New York, deceased,
parties of the first part, and CITY OF BEACON, a municipal
corporation, organized and existing under the 1.a'WSof the
State of New York, party of the second vart;

VvITNESSETH, that the .i1arties of the first part,

by virtue of the power and authority to them given in and
by said Last Will and Testament, and in consideration of
the sum of TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000.00), lawful money
of the United States, paid by the party of the second part,
do hereby grant and release unto the :r:arty of the second
part, its successors and assigns forever,

ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of land

situate on the westerly side of Fishkill
Avenue in the Village of Mattea ~ n, (now City
of Beacon), Dutchess Comity, New York, and
bounded and described as follows, to wit:
BEGINNING in the middle of the road leading
from Fishkill Village to Fishkill Landing
at the easterly corner of land formerly of Mrs.
Margaret Schultz and running thence with the
lines of that land north twenty two degrees
fifteen minutes west one hundred forty five
feet; thence north t n i r ty four degrees west
one thousand eighty t wo feet six inches;
thence south forty four degrees thirty minutes
west three hundred sixty six feet to the
middle of the old road from Fishkill Landing
to Fisllkill Villa 6 e; t hence with the south-
e a ste rly side of a road of f orty fe e t i n width
al orig the southeasterly l ine of land of William
H. Smith north thirty eight degrees t h ir t y
minutes east five hundred seventy feet; thence
north thirty three deg~ees fifty three minutes
east one hun red seventy eight feet and eight
inc es; thence north thirty nine degrees five
minu t es east four hundred ninety four feet
. '

three inches; thence north twenty two degrees

f.ifty five minutes east four hundred twenty
feet to the westerly corner of land of the
Estate of John Boyce; thence with that land
south one degree forty five minutes east four
hundred eleven feet; thence north eighty two
degrees fifteen minutes east nine hundred
ninety seven feet; thence south twenty six
degrees thirty minutes east one thousand seven
hundred fifty three feet to the northerly corner
of a lot of Hugh Neary; thence with that lot
south seventy eight degrees thirty minutes west
eighty nine and four tenths feet to a post at
the northwesterly corner of said Nearys lot;
thence still with said lot south thirteen de-
grees fifty minutes east one hundred fifty eight
feet nine inches to the middle of the first
mentioned road; thence along through the middle
of said road westerly one thousand seven hun-
dred ninety four feet nine inches to the ..)lace
of beginning;
CONTAINING seventy one and fifty four one hun-
dredths acres of land. Together with a right
of way over and upon the strip of land or Road
of forty feet in width above mentioned ex-
tending from the said Old Road along the north-
westerly side of the lands above described to
the northerly corner thereof.
EXCEPTING therefrom that portion conveyed by
Jolm B. Kerr and Elizabeth R. C. Kerr, his wife,
to Fanny Ager by deed dated June 24th, 1884, and
recorded in Dutchess County Records of Deeds
in Book 218, page 149, July 1st, 1884. Also
that portion thereof conveyed by t:i:le same parties
to Mary E. B. Schenck by deed dated December 19th,
1884, and recorded in Dutchess County in Book
219 of Deeds, page 493, December 24th, 1884.
And the portion also conveyed to said Schenck
by deed dated July 25th, 1885, and recorded in
Dutc11ess County in Book 222 of Deeds page 240,
September 9th, 1885. Also that portion con-
veyed by the same parties to Thomas Neal Chapman
by deed dated October 5th, 1886, and recorded
in Dutcness County in Book 227 of Deeds, J)age
176, October 13, 1886.
Said premises to be used by the party of the
second part as a public park.
TOGETHER Vv'i th the a1J1::mrtenances, and also all the
estate which the said testator had at the time of her de-
cease in said premises, and also the estate t.i.1.erein, which
the parties of the first part have or have JJOWer to convey
or dispose of, vvhether individually or by virtue of said
Will, or otherwise.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted
unto theP3-rty of the second part, to wit: City of Beacon,
its successors and assigns forever.

AND the grantors covenant that they have not done

or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been

incumbered in any way whatever;

That the said _premises are free from incumbrances;

That the parties of the first part will execute

or procure any further necessary assurance of the title to
said premises;

That the parties of the first part will forever

warrant the title to said premises.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of the first _part

have hereW1to set their hands and seals the day and year
first above written.

Executors and Trustees under

the Last Will and Testament
of Helen E. Tompkins, deceased.


On the 11th day of August, 1943, before me came
to be the individuals described in and who executed the
roregoing instrument, and _.:---.,...:;_ duly ac 1 dged. that
they executed the same.

Public, Dutchess Co
~i, ii 0 Y PUnUC, DUf::H[S~. CC!INT\ ,; ,
i,,;!.d.,i:i:il0~ ElPll'ES W,R,'.H :,n ;q;


On the I 7-- day of August, 1943, before me came
HELEN T. STOTESBURY, to me knovm to be one oft e individuals
described in and who executed the foregoing instrument,
and she duly acknowledged to me that she executed the same.


New York Conn!y Cksk' ~ f.Jo. 254

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/' 37955 Form 1

ct~!~t1:/Ne!Y!rk, }ss.: / ' No ..................................................

I, ARCHIBAL~g':~...~~~,::;'IJ ~ : .b1 ~,: :.ii~Ti~:~h':,""ty, th, sam,

wh ,.....,.--,; , o ~ . , , . , ; L i o n , ' " " 1 i l i ~ t o , p m o f ,

was at. th time of taking the sam.e a ~OTA.RY :PUBUC in and lor said County, duly com-
missioned and sworn and g~alif,e<l to act as uch and authorized by the laws of the . tate
of 1ew York to. rotest notes, to take arid certify dtpqsition , to administer oaths and affirma-
tions and certify the acl..7lowledgment or preof o f deeds and other written instruments for
lands, tenements and hereditaments, to be read in evidence or recerded in tbis tate. And
furtber,. ha-t I am -well acguainted with the handwriting of such Notary Public, or have com-
pared ~e gnature of such, with his antograph signatur~ filed fo my office, and believe

:,~,:~-w:~:= zi:.:.:: : :.:.~_:: : !: . .

that the s1gnature to the s_aid annexed instrument is genuine. /,;
,.,d I

~94 Coun-ty Clerk and Clerk of the Supreme Court, New York County

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