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Chapter 1 Understand Your Handphone Type of Camera

1.1 Camera Mode
-explain on every detail each mobile phone may have.
1.2 What is Phonetography/Videography
-type of apps used to take photo/record a video
1.3 Device/accessories
-type of accessories used for phonetography fans.
1.4 Your mobile setting on camera
1.4.1 Basic Mode (Auto Modes)
1.4.2 Expert Zone (Manual Modes)
-type of manual modes
-Depends on mobile smart phone
Chapter 2 Phonetography (Capturing a photo)
2.1 Subject
2.2 Framing
2.3 Rule of Thirds (basic photography)
-depends on mobile phone type
2.4 Positioning
2.5 Basic Units in Image Composition
2.5.1 Spot
2.5.2 Lines
2.6 Manipulating Lighting Source
Chapter 3 Shooting on Different Types of Scenery
3.1 Landscape Photography
3.2 Food Photography
3.3 Portrait Photography
3.3.1 Selfie
3.3.2 Wefie
3.4 Sunrise or Sunset
3.5 Sport
Chapter 4 Videography
4.1 Type of videography (basic videographer)
4.2 Video Camera
-basic explanation on video camera setting on smartphone
-how smart Is your smartphone

4.3 Shooting
-shooting tips, how to..
4.4 Lighting
4.5 Audio
4.6 Positioning
-orientation, movement etc.
4.7 Storage
-handling storage
4.8 Editing

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