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1. Draw Lewis structures and allocate formal charges to appropriate atoms where applicable.

a) SO4 2-

b) NH4+

c) CO32-

d) NO32-

e) BH4-
f) CN-

2. What are the geometry and bond associated with;

a. Sp3 Hybridization

Tetrahedral (AX4)
Trigonal Pyramidal (AX3 E)
Bent ( AX2E2)

Bond Angle: 109.5o

b. Sp2 Hybridization

Trigonal planer (AX3)

Bent (AX2 E)

Bond angle: 120o

c. Sp Hybridization

Linear (AX2)

Bond angle: 180o

3. What kind of covalent bond compromises the double and triple bonds in alkanes and alkynes?
In alkenes, two of the sp2 hybrids on the carbons combine to give a molecular orbital.
The other electron pair ends up in a bond. Thus forms a Double bond.
In alkynes, Sp Hybridization occurs. 1S orbital in H with one of the Sp orbitals in carbon to
form a bond. The other Sp combines with an Sp from the other carbon to form another
bond that contains two of the 6 electrons in the triple bond. The remaining 4 electrons are
placed in the MOs formed by mixing the Px and Py unhybridized orbitals. These orbitals combine
to form two bonds, each of which contains a pair of electrons. Thus, a triple bond contains
both and character.
4. Indicate the type of Hybridization?

C=C occurs due to Sp2 Hybridization.

CC bond occurs due to Sp Hybridization.

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