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1. C

Barometer /brmtr/
1.any instrument that measures atmospheric pressure.

Compare aneroid barometer, mercury barometer.

2. Anything that indicates changes.

Fluctuation /fl,ktu'en/

1.Continual change from one point or condition to another. ,,

2.Wavelike motion; undulation.

3.Genetics. A body variation due to environmental factors and not inherited.

2. B

Empathized /m paz/
Verb (used without object)

1.To experience empathy (often followed by with):

<> His ability to empathize with people made him an excellent marriage counselor.

3. D
Acquisition /k wz n/


1.The act of acquiring or gaining possession:

< The acquisition of real estate.>

2.Something acquired; addition:
< Public excitement about the museum's recent acquisitions.>
3.The purchase of one business enterprise by another: the acquisition of a rival


< Mergers and acquisitions.>

4.The act or process of achieving mastery of a language or a linguistic rule or element:

< Child language acquisition>; <second language acquisition.>

4. D

Dispatch /dspt/

V. 1. ,,,,

2. To put to death; kill

<> The spy was promptly dispatched.

N. 1. A written message sent with speed.

Disseminate /dsm net/

verb(used with object)
1. to scatter or spread widely, as though sowing seed; promulgate extensively;

broadcast; disperse:,,;

< To disseminate information about preventive medicine.>

Disentangle /ds nt gl/

verb (used with or without object)
1 .To free or become free from entanglement; untangle; extricate (often followed by

from). ,,

<> All of these factors are related to cognitive enhancement, but they're difficult to


5. C

Conspicuous /knspk yu s/

1. Easily seen or noticed; readily visible or observable: ,

A conspicuous error.

2. Attracting special attention, as by outstanding qualities or eccentricities:

<> He was conspicuous by his booming laughter.

< Be conspicuous for/by+>

Congruous /k gru s/
1.Exhibiting harmony of parts. ,,

2.Appropriate or fitting.

<> Now she appeared too young to be congruous to the circle of the oldwas too

old to participate in the pastimes of the young.

Contiguous /kntg yu s/
1.touching; in contact.

2.In close proximity without actually touching; near. ,,

3.Adjacent in time:
< Contiguous events.>
6. B

Prosecution /prs kyu n/

1. the act or process of holding a trial against a person who is accused of a

crime to see if that person is guilty

<> There has been an increase in prosecutions for gun-related crimes.

2. the act of doing or continuing to do something

3. the prosecution : the side of a legal case which argues that a person who is
accused of a crime is guilty : the lawyer or lawyers who prosecute someone

in a court case

<> The prosecution called their first witness.

<> The defense t old the j ury t hat t he prosecuti on had not proved its

cas e.

Proliferation /prlf re n/


1.The growth or production of cells by multiplication of parts.

2.A rapid and often excessive spread or increase:

<Nuclear proliferation.>
<rumors about the incident proliferated on the Internet>

Proposition /prp z n/


1 . s om ething (such as a plan or offer) t hat i s present ed to a person or

group of peopl e to consi der

<> He made an attractive business proposition.

2 . a st at em ent t o be proved, expl ained, or discussed

<> Her theory rejects the basic proposition that humans evolved from apes.

3 . s om ething that som eone i nt ends to do or deal wit h

<> The election will be a tough proposition for the mayor.

Verb (used with object)

1. To propose sexual relations to.

2. To propose a plan, deal, etc., to...

Protestation /prt ste n/

1. a strong statement that something is true when other people do not believe

it is true

<> Despite his protestations to the contrary, he appears to be guilty.

<>The governor went on television to make a passionate protestation of his

innocence in the bribery scandal.

7. A

Eradicate /rd ket/

verb (used with object)
1. to remove or destroy utterly; extirpate:,,,

< to eradicate smallpox throughout the world.>

2. to erase by rubbing or by means of a chemical solvent:
< to eradicate a spot.>
3. to pull up by the roots:

< to eradicate weeds.>

<> Targeting drugs () aim to eradicate tumors efficiently and lower the

damage to other healthy tissues. <3

8. A

Cognitive /kg n tv/


Of or relating to cognition; concerned with the act or process of knowing, perceiving,
Cognitive development; cognitive functioning.
2.Of or relating to the mental processes of perception, memory,judgment, and reasoning,
as contrasted with emotional and volitional processes.

Pertinent /pr tn nt/


1. relating to the thing that is being thought about or discussed

<> He impressed the jury with his concise (), pertinent answers to

the attorney's questions.

Prevalent /prv lnt/

(a.) ,

1. accepted, done, or happening often or over a large area at a particular time,

common or widespread
< a fashion that is prevalent among teenagers >

<> Sweden is known as a nation ridden by suicide and alcoholism, but those

problems are no more prevalent here than in most European countries. John
Harris, Rolling Stone, 14 Nov. 2002

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