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Title: Teach Yourself Brazilian Portuguese

Author: Sue Tyson-Ward

Date: 1997
ISBN: 0-8442-0044-1
Released: 2004-09-29, 2nd release (v2)

Ebook History:
- ripped complete audio, second release (2004-09-29)
- initial scan (2004-07-09)

This is a complete course in spoken and written Brazilian
Portuguese. If you have never learned Portuguese before,
or if your Portuguese needs brushing up, <i>Teach Yourself
Brazilian Portuguese</i> is for you.

Sue Tyson-Ward has created a practical course that is both

fun and easy to work through. She explains everything along
the way and gives you plenty of opportunities to practice
what you have learned. The course structure means that you
can work at your own pace, arranging your learning to suit
your needs.

The course contains a range of graded units of dialogues,

culture notes, grammar, exercises, a step-by-step guide to
pronunciation, and a Brazilian Portuguese-English vocabulary.

By the end of the course you'll be able to cope with a whole

range of situations and participate fully and confidently
in all aspects of Brazilian life.

Perhaps, if you believe in money, and have enough to spare,
you should consider paying the author for this work? I am
pretty sure the world still revolves around money, and that
she still desperately needs it to survive as an author! Or
maybe, hopefully, the world has finally changed into a
better free society? (Make the world better!?)

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