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31/7/2017 Objects | FEWD-001


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Unit 2 / Lesson 6

Estimated Time: 8-9 hours

Objects are a complex data type that allow you to bring together common
properties and behaviors into a single entity. Objects provide an excellent
way of organizing code that belongs together, help you avoid global
variables, and let us represent individual instances of some model.

For instance, you can take the idea of a person and come up with a
generalized model of that persons attributes. A person has a name, and can
say hello. Then we can have individual instances of that person model. We
might have an individual person named "Sue" who greets others by saying
"Howdy y'all", and another individual person named "Greta" who greets
others by saying "Hi there". All instances of a person share these traits (they
have a name and can greet others).

Objects give us a way of representing instances of an idea or model, and

because of that they're used all the time in programming. At the end of this
course, in your capstone project, you'll create an app that retrieves data from
a third party API and displays it to your user. In your JavaScript code, the
results from the API will be represented as an array of objects.

In this lesson you'll learn the syntax for interacting with objects in JavaScript.

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