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The purpose of this portfolio to explain the work and experience I had while working as

the administrator during the 2017 Summer School Program at Maugansville Elementary

School. I had to work with many teachers, the administrative team, and the lead teacher to

develop and incorporate a three (3) week summer school program. As a school, it was decided

what students would participate and letters were sent out to those families. Of the 125 students

invited, 85 students have committed to summer school this year. This is a huge increase from

the 50-60 students that have attended in previous years.

The portfolio is organized to show the work that I have completed during the 2017

Summer School Program. It will demonstrate the activities that were completed to meet the

required hours. Much of the work and planning was completed during the Spring of 2017 in

preparation for the summer program. A theme Around the World in 12 Days was selected to

help teachers prepare the curriculum and necessary materials. Teachers were expected to plan

instruction around different continents, oceans, and outer space for the 12 days of

instruction. This program was designed to meet the needs of the struggling learners that would

suffer the most summer loss. We will service students from grade Kindergarten to Grade 5.

The Summer School program is designed to be a fun and stress free experience for the

students. I decided to plan a mini field day, have the Star Lab from the Planetarium come, and

allow the students the experience of walking to the local creamery. Prizes and incentives will

also be given for attendance. As well as having crafts, technology, and games to incorporate our

theme of Around the World in 12 Days.

As you continue to read this portfolio, you will see all the hard work and dedication that

was completed by the staff, students, and myself to have a successful program. This was a fun
and challenging experience and a great way to see what an administrator has to do on a daily


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