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//-./ Room I22 Homework
Eoses are
Violets ars firtcll
This Poom illalt$
Week of April llth 2016 ::,


Deor Pqrents,

Here is this week's homework:

a Eoch night your child will reqd f or 2O minutes in o guiet ploce.

a Eoch night your child will proctice spelling words.
a Eoch night your child will complete at leost one poem from their poelry
pocket. ** Roses are red, vblefs are blue, working af home means less
sfress when your poems are due!
a Eoch night your child will hove moth review.
o Finolly, your child mayhave work that he/she didn't finish in clqss to
complete - be sure to osk!

Pleosereturn this pocket to school on Thursdoy morning, completed. You ond

your child moy check off eoch item os it is finished. The chort is to help the childrenbe
more organized. ff you hove ony guestions pleose feel freeto coll or send o note.

Thonk you so much for your help!

Mrs. Kilmu

f reod 20 minutes
f procticed my word study
spellinq words
f completed at leost three
f completed my doily moth
review. (Mqth must be returned
qs we qo over it doi
f f inished ony homework thot f
didn't finish in closs.

Porent signoture
Name #_ Week 31

Greek root -aero (air), Latin root-audi (hearing)

and academic vocabulary.

1. ouditorium Choose one spelling activity each
2. ouditory Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday night.

3. oudience L. Write your spelling words in

alphabetical order.
4. oudiometer
2. Find synonyms for each of your spelling
5. oudition words.
6. oudit
3. Break your spelling word up into
7. oudio syllables.

8. audible 4. Write each spelling word using a

9. ouditor different color.

10. ostrolabe 5. Write your spelling words each on two

separate flashcards. Mix them all up and
11. oeronoutics turn them face-down on the table. Play
the memory match game with them.
12. oerobics
13. oerodynomic 5. Create a crossword puzzle and solve.
http: ' o
t4. oerosol -puzzlemaker/

15. aerospace 7. Create a word search using your

16. dissenter spelling words.
17. pilgrim om' VordSearchSetupForm.asp?campaig
n=flvout teachers puzzle wordcross
18. persecution
8. Write your spelling words 4 times each
19. intoleront
20. purify 9. http://www.spel I
t J
Cross-Curricular Reading Comprehension Works
Esccrping Persecution
Cross-Curriculcrr f,ocus: History/Socicl Sciences
Answer the following questions based on the reading
Some of the settlers who came to the English colonies in North America passage. Don't forget to go back to the passage
were trying to escape religious persecution. They had been treated unfairly whenever necessary to find or confirm your answers.
because others were intolerant of their religious beliefs. People who
wanted to separate themselves from the official Church of England called
themselves Separatists. A company of Separatists traveled from England to 1) What is the difference in the beliefs of a Puritan versus
the Netherlands before deciding to make the American colonies their home the beliefs of a Separatist?
in 1620. They settled in what is present-day Massachusetts. They founded
Plymouth Colony under their newly-elected leader, William Bradford. Since
they were the flrst colonists known to come for religious reasons, the people
of Plymouth Colony were called the Pilgrims. A pilgrim is a person who
travels to a specific location for religious purposes.
Pilgrims from Plymouth Colony are often confused with the Puritans. 2) Which group, the Puritans or the Separatists, were the
The Puritans were a different group who traveled to America for religious Pilgrims that established the Plymouth Colony?
freedom in 1630. People of this group wanted to purify the Church of
England. They wanted to cleanse it of the things they believed had gone
wrong instead of separating from it altogether.
John Winthrop established the Puritan colony of Massachusetts Bay as
a place where Puritans could worship freely and be an example of godliness
to those around them. Most of the Puritans lived in the city of Boston. 3) lf you had the opportunity to travelto a new country
Since England was mostly a Protestant country, many Catholics felt where you could set up a colony based on your personal
persecuted. Lord Baltimore founded the colony of Maryland in 1634 to beliefs, would you do it? Why or why not?
provide a safe place for Catholics to practice their faith.
The Massachusetts colonies were formed by those in search of
religious freedom. However, some colonists found that their leaders
would not allow religious beliefs that were different. Thomas Hooker left
Massachusetts with a smallgroup in 1636 and founded Hartford in the area
that is now the state of Connecticut. Roger Williams was a famous colonial
4) Name two of the states that were founded for religious
dissenter, a person who holds beliefs that are different from his leader's freedom.
beliefs. He was forced out of Massachusetts in 1636. He went to present-
day Rhode lsland and founded the colony of Providence.
ln 1681, William Penn received payment for a debt from King Charles ll
5) What is a pilgrim?
of England. The payment was in the form of land along the Delaware River.
He began what he called a holy experiment there. He established a colony
of Quakers, where people of all religions could live together. The colony
would become Pennsylvania.

Copyri g ht @201 2 K1 2 Reader - http //www k'l 2read

: er. com
g4t Compuring ftnd ordering decimals
t)*nrpurc ftre tlecirrrcrXs. Which efucimcrt is grecrucr:l

2.?,and3.1 O.4b andO,@

Line rhem up vcrticcrlll,.
2.2 A.+5
3.1 0,6a

3>2, ao 3.1>22 6>4, *a 0.6>0,45

Compure thc decimqls. lfi/hictr clecimcrl is greuter?

7.$ unct il.1 0.5 curcl 0.6J, 3.{r crnd il.S4 0.4 un.l 0.67 nncl 1.9 0. 1 I trnd l. l0 r\"5 crncl 6.!) fi.?5 crnrl (i.?l

Fincl tJrr; glrectcr$t clecimfll.

2.9 cnd 2.75 crnd 2.6 0.9? orul 1.09 crncl Li 4.9 nnc{.3.fi7 crnc{ 4.75

Write thc ctecimals in urder fnrm greatest te least.

0.3t t. r s.3 34.$5 t3.9 ?4.5 7 .5 6.95 7.58

llind thr: fi:lls\uof [:u euc]r pnuh[enr.

The \X/ccrth*r llunc*u r*p*rtcd 5.18 inchts ttf rcrilt in iv{crrch,

S.74 inchcs in April, ond 5.21 itrches iri lvlcry. \Vtrrich rrrt:nth
hud rhc lccrst rainfclll

A ptst*l wtrk*r u,rrlktcl 4.5 n"rthr's r:n'Wectnescluy, 1.?5 lr-rilcs

on Thtrscl*y, cnd 4.25 niiles *n Fridcry. Which ctcy did shc
u'crlk tlrc f,"rrthcst l

@ Dorling Kindersley Limircd t?010J ffi i+- crreat

Weekly Question Big

Idea 4
Why arc plan"a: round? ,

There are eight planets in our solar system: Mercury, Venus,

Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Some planets WEEK 3
are much larger than others, and some are surrounded by rings or
moons. But all planets have three things in common. They orbit the
sun, they are massive enough that their gravity controls all the
objects in the area around them, and they are spherical. Vocabulary
Although you might not think of "roundness" as a particularly spherical
special or unusual quality, most objects in the solar system are not
round, ball-shaped;
round. Millions of asteroids between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter having a surface
are irregularly shaped chunks of rock. Planets are round because of equally distant
their large mass and gravitational force. from the center
at allpoints

A. Check the box next to the object that is spherical.

C prp", tube fl "gg
D football fl basketball

B. What are three things that all planets have in common?

1. 3.


Pluto would be classified as the ninth planet if it were not for the
fact that there are millions of other space rocks within its orbit that
I nr gravity doesn't control. What are two examples of objects that &

are controlled by a planet's gravity?
@ Evan-Moor Corp. . EMC 5015 . Daily Science Big ldea 4. Week 3 111

Day Weekly Question Big

ldea 4
2 Why are planets round?
Most scientists today believe that the solar system formed when
a giant cloud of gas and dust contracted into a rotating disk of WEEK 3
matter. Most of this material coalesced in the center of the disk and
became our sun. The rest formed small, rocky bodies or balls of gas.
Over time, gravitational force allowed these objects to attract and
collect other chunks of rock or molecules of gas in their regions of Vocabulary
space. As these objects grew in size, their gravity increased. This accretion
allowed them to attract and gather even more material. This uh-CREE-shun
the process of
process, called accretion, is believed to have formed the planets,
becoming larger
asteroids, comets, and other bodies in our solar system. by adding more

ffi *ffiW @
to unite; to grow

Formation of the Solar System

A. Write true or false.

1. Our solar system began as a rotating disk of gas and dust.

2. As the gravity of objects in the solar system increased,
the objects became bigger.

3. Most of the gas and dust in the early solar system became
the planets.

B. Use the vocabulary words to complete the sentences.

1. Dust and other particles of matter can to form

the beginning of a planet.

2. Through the process of , an object grows in size

and increases its gravitational force.

112 Big ldeo 4. Week 3 Daily Science . EMC 5015 . @ Evan-Moor Corp.
Name: Date:

Comparing Fractions
Complete the Activity.ldentify whether a fraction is smaller (<),
larger (>) or equal (=)

o?7 5
@2 2
4 6

@L 1
@? 2
8 4 3 3

@5 1
@4 1
6 3 7 2

@L 4 @3 4
7 5 8 B

@L 5 @1 3
2 6 5 5 2009 WS#: Score:


Rsflcl tlris pclrm uli:rrd,

What is the Sun?

rhc $un is nl"r ur*ng* clilrghy
sniling ucross cr cnlrn sccr
it is u golc{ cnin
drcppecl dt-rwn cr clrcrin in I leuvcn
ttrrc $un is tr yeilr:r, hecrch hull
kicked hiqh inrc rhe summcr sk1,

it is o rec{ thunrh-pnint
on cr sheet of pcle htrlc pcrper
the $t.rn is c milk hn[{:le's gntrc{ tr:6r
Ilrxrring in cr prrelclle

Wer htruglee

l"luu' nrnn),tnetoph*rs firr ttrrc $un cun y** fil:rcl in thix poeml hluk* ei list *l theni hclow.
Remerubet: A met*phor is somertring t{escrihec{ os if it \q,.cre $emcrhing else. It is like
cr silnifui hut c[:es lrot inclur{e tfic wordri }ikc ur crs,


Revvritc culc of the five i'er$e$t ontl cixrncle the metophor to c simile. To c{o this, you
ixrtry nced ti't cdd cnr rvr:rrc{.




Pick cr verse frcrn rhc'poem, ond writr cr short pcrrcrgrcrph cxplnining u,hcrr is mcont h1,
thr: clt":scriptinn nf, rtrre $rrn.


Whicl:r *i'thrl n:etoplrcl*i in thr"r f]{}eftr l;cenlri mnst r:firctir,c tti yt-rtrl Whyl


O t)orling Kindrrslc"y Limitud tl010l ffi;Eraet

Name Date

Compare and Order Fractions

Compare. Write ) (, or = for each O.

You can use a model. You can use equivalent fractions.
2 _ (2x2) _ 4
4 - (4x2) - I
$ is greater than f,, so
62 62
s >a 8>4

5 Q4
t' 19 ^2 2^7
z'sao 5 ^4
3-7u6 3^
+.6(J 6

Mental Math Writ@ ) (, or = for each O.

s. r of 3^ I
o.6(, ro
z.OL) 3
ro ,. lot
Order the fractions from least to greatest.
e.555 374
10.6-D6 527
12. I 16 Td

rs. Fred split a square into 16 equal Show your work.

smaller squares and shaded 10 of the
squares. Frank split a square into 24
rectangles and shaded 18 of the
rectangles. Which person shaded in a
larger fraction of his square?

Copyrighl @ Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. Use with text pages 498-500.

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