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Circle of 5ths Activity: Name: _____________

1. Unjumble the following the phrase

Father Gave Dad Christmas blanket An


2. Rewrite the above sentence here:

_______, _________, ___________, __________, ___________, __________, __________

3. Take the FIRST LETTER of each word and write them out in order. (there are total of
7 letters

___ ___ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Task 2: Race against the clock. ( You will be timed)

1. Draw a clock face. Put the numbers in.

2. Starting from 11 Oclock to 5 oclock, put the letters you have just organised in order.
These are your MAJOR KEYS.

3. Look at 1 oclock. It should be G major

G major has 1 sharp, and the sharp is F (F#),

Look at 2 oclock. What is the key?

How many sharps has it got?
What are the names of the sharps?

4. Can you work out the key at 3 and 4 oclock? Is there a method?
3 oclock: Key: ____________, sharps: ________________
4 oclock: key: ____________ sharps: ___________________

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