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First Preliminary Examination in English 16 September 1-2, 2016

Direction: Answer the following questions in not less than 4 and not more than 7 sentences.
1. Explain the importance of instructional materials. (10 pts.)s
2. Explicate the role of the teacher in the use of instructional materials. (5 pts.)
3. Why do teachers, as instructional designers, need to be well-versed with the various learning
principles? (5 pts.)
4. Explicate the criteria in the selection of instructional materials. (10 pts.)
5. Illustrate the ADDIE model through a graphic organizer and explain the process. (20 pts.)

"Knowledge comes but wisdom lingers.

Lord Alfred Tennyson

God bless your heart:

Teacher Rachel

First Preliminary Examination in English 16 September 1-2, 2016

Direction: Answer the following questions in not less than 4 and not more than 7 sentences.
1. Explain the importance of instructional materials. (10 pts.)
2. Explicate the role of the teacher in the use of instructional materials. (5 pts.)
3. Why do teachers, as instructional designers, need to be well-versed with the various learning
principles? (5 pts.)
4. Explicate the criteria in the selection of instructional materials. (10 pts.)
5. Illustrate the ADDIE model through a graphic organizer and explain the process. (20 pts.)

"Knowledge comes but wisdom lingers.

Lord Alfred Tennyson

God bless your heart:

Teacher Rachel

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