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Company Profile / Profil Socit / irket Profili

Sustainable Growth
Our vision is being a dynamic company, which is generating sustainable solutions to ensure a better, healty and safe
life for all people around the world.

Une Croissance Durable

Notre ambition est de devenir une entreprise dynamique proposant des solutions durables qui rendent la vie des
populations du monde entier plus meilleure, sre et plus saine

Srdrlebilir Byme
Vizyonumuz, dnyann her yerindeki tm insanlar iin daha iyi, daha gvenli ve daha salkl bir hayat salayacak
srdrlebilir zmler reten, dinamik bir irket olmaktr.

Professional Team
In EKOS GROUP, Engineers who are graduated from reputable universities and experienced in their branches, are work-
ing to provide the best solution to customer requests.

Une Equipe dExperts

Une equipe dexperts dingenieurs, diplms des universits les plus prestigieuses et expriments dans leur domaine,
sefforce de fournir la meilleure solution aux demandes des clients.

Uzman Kadro
EKOS GROUPta, Trkiyenin en sekin niversitelerinden mezun ve alannda uzman mhendis kadrosu, mterilerin
isteklerine en uygun zm sunmak iin almaktadr.

EKOS GROUP always consider the quaility important, for the continuity of customer satisfaction in all scopes of activi-

La Qualit
Pour la continuit de la satisfaction des clients EKOS GROUP garde toujours la pointe la qualite dans toutes les do-
maines dactivit.

EKOS GROUP, faaliyet gsterdii tm alanlarda, mteri memnuniyetinin devamll iin, kaliteye her zaman nem

After Sales Service

EKOS GROUP provides post-sales technical support and service, 24 hours in 7 days for all the products in its product line.

Le Service Aprs-Vente
EKOS GROUP fournis un soutien technique et de service aprs-vente 24h/7 pour tous les produits fabriqus.

Sat Sonras Hizmet

EKOS GROUP, retimini yapt tm rnler iin, sat sonras 7 gn 24 saat teknik destek ve servis hizmeti sunmaktadr.

Turnkey / Cl En Main / Anahtar Teslim

Turn Key Solutions Solutions Cl en Main Anahtar Teslim zmler

The goal of EKOS GROUP is to transfer its engineering experi- Lobjectif du GROUPE EKOS est de transfrer son exprience EKOS GROUPun amac, kaliteli hizmet ve stratejik zm
ence to turn-key contracting projects while adopting high- en ingnierie des projets de contrats cl-en main, tout en anlayyla hareket ederek, mhendislik faaliyetlerini komple
quality service and strategic solution vision. The Turn-Key adoptant un service de qualit et une vision stratgique. Les anahtar teslim mteahhitlik alanna tamaktr. Yenilene-
Solutions provided to Governmental and Private Companies centrales de production dnergie renouvelables (hydroelec- bilir Enerji retim Tesisleri (HES, RES), Enerji letim Tesisleri,
are Renewable Power Production Plants (Hydro, Wind, etc) trique, eolienne, etc), les postes de transmission dnergie, les Enerji Datm Tesisleri ve zel Anahtar Teslim SCADA
Energy Transmission Susbstations, Energy Distribution Sub- postes de distribution dnergie et les applications spciales Uygulamalar, kamu ve zel kurulu yatrmlarnda salanan
stations and Special SCADA projects. de SCADA sont les solutions cle-en main fournis des so- komple anahtar teslim zmlerdir.
cits gouvernementales et prives.

Wind Power Plants Hydroelectrical Power Plants

Centrales dEnergie Eolienne Centrales Hydroelectriques
Rzgar Enerji Santralleri Hidroelektrik Santraller

Combined Cycle Power Plant Industrial Installation Applications

Centrales a Cycle Combine Applications dInstallations Industrielles
Kombine evrim Enerji Santralleri Endstriyel Tesis Uygulamalar

Turn Key Solutions Solutions Cl en Main Anahtar Teslim zmler

Soultions provided up to 500 kV; Solutions fourni jusqu 500 kV; 500 kVa kadar alt sistemleri iin salanan zmler;
- Preparing Physical and Electrical Projects and the - Prparation des projets physiques et lectriques, et les ap- - Fiziki ve Elektriksel Projelendirme ve Onay Sreleri
Governmental Approvals probations Gouvernemental - alt Merkezi naat leri
- Substation Construction Works - Construction des postes - Primer Montaj ve Saha leri
- Primary Equipment Installation and Site Works - Installation de lquipement primaire et des Travaux du site - OG ve Sekonder malat ve Montaj leri
- MV and Secondary Manufacturing and Installation Works - Fabrication des armoires MT et secondaire et des Travaux - SCADA Sistemi, RTU ve Haberleme Sistemleri
- SCADA Systems, RTUs and Communication Systems dinstallation - Primer - Sekonder Test ve Devreye Alma
- Primary Secondary Tests and Commissionning - Systmes SCADA, RTU et Systmes de Communication - Proje Ynetimi
- Project Management - Tests en primaire & secondaire et mise en service
- Gestion de projet

HV/MV/LV Transformer Substations SCADA and Automation Applications

HT/MT/BT Postes de Transformateur Applications dAutomatismes et SCADA
YG/OG/AG Transformatr Merkezleri SCADA ve Otomasyon Uygulamalar

Mobile Transformer Substations Transformer Monitoring and Diagnostic Systems

Postes Mobiles de Transformateur Systme de Surveillance et de Diagnostic de Transformateur
Mobil Transformatr Merkezleri Transformatr zleme ve Tehis Sistemleri

Our Production / Notre Production / retimimiz

Compact Gas Insulated Switchgears (RMU)

The switchgear, which can be produced up to 36 kV, 630 A, 25 kA, is compact gas insulated
and designed for medium voltage distribution systems.

Cellules Compact Isoles au Gaz (RMU)

Lappareillage de commutation qui peut tre produite jusqua 36 kV, 630 A et 25 kA, est une
cellule compacte isole dans gaz, conue pour les reseaux de distribution MT.

Kompakt Gaz zoleli Hcreler (RMU)

rn, orta gerilim datm ebekeleri iin dizayn edilmi olup kompakt gaz izolelidir ve 36
kV, 630 A ve 25 kAe kadar retilebilmektedir.

Air Insulated Switchgears (AIS)

The switchgear, which can be produced up to 36 kV,
1250 A, 16 kA, is modular air insulated and designed
for medium voltage distribution systems.

Cellules Isoles dans lAir (AIS)

Lappareillage de commutation qui peut tre produite
jusqua 36 kV, 1250 A et 16 kA, est une cellule isole
dans lair, conue pour les rseaux de distribution.

Hava zoleli Hcreler (AIS) Concrete Kiosks (Ground, Semi Underground, Underground)
rn, datm ebekeleri iin dizayn edilmi olup hava The concrete kiosk, which includes medium voltage switchgear, transformer and low
izolelidir ve 36 kV, 1250 A ve 16 kAe kadar retilebil- voltage panel, is air insulated and designed for medium voltage distribution systems.
Postes Prfabriques en Bton (Sur Terre, Semi Enterr, Souterrain)
Le poste en bton, qui comprend une cellule moyenne tension, un transformateur et un
panneau basse tension, est isole dans lair et conu pour les systmes de distribution
en moyenne tension.

Beton Kkler (Yer st, Yar Gml, Yer Alt)

rn, datm merkezi olarak dizayn edilmi olup orta gerilim hcre, transformatr ve
alak gerilim panosu iermektedir ve hava izolelidir.

Overhead Type Sectionaliser

Overhead type sectionalisers is a SF6 gas insulated device and designed for
three phase automatic or manual operation providing protection for over-
head distribution lines.

Sectionneur Pour Ligne Arienne

Le sectionneur haut de poteau est un dispositif isoles au gaz SF6, conu
pour une utilisation automatique ou manuel en 3 phases, offrant une pro-
tection des lignes ariennes de distribution.

Havai Hat Tipi Ayrc

Direk tipi gaz izoleli havai hat ayrcs SF6 gaz izoleli bir cihaz olup, havai hatlar
koruma amacyla, 3 fazl otomatik ya da manuel kullanm iin tasarlanmtr.

Metal Clad Withdrawable Circuit Breaker

The switchgear, which can be produced up to 36 kV, 3150 A, 31.5 kA, is withdrawable type
and designed for primary distribution systems and tough operating conditions.

Metal Clad-Disjoncteur Dbrochable Sur Charriot

Lappareillage de commutation qui peut etre produite jusqua 36 kV, 3150 A et 31.5 kA
avec un disjoncteur de type dbrochable, est conue pour des systmes de distribution
primaire et pour des conditions de fonctionnement difficiles.

Metal Clad - ekmeceli Kesici

rn, primer datm merkezleri ve zorlu alma koullar iin dizayn edilmi olup, kesicisi
ekmecelidir ve 36 kV, 3150 A ve 31.5 kAe kadar retilebilmektedir.

Modular Gas Insulated Switchgears (GIS)

The switchgear, which can be produced up to 36 kV, 3150 A, 31.5 kA, is
modular gas insulated and designed for medium voltage distribution

Tableaux Modulaires Isoles au Gaz (GIS)

Lappareillage de commutation, qui peut tre produite jusqu 36 kV,
3150 A, 31.5 kA, est un tableau modulaire isol dans gaz et conu pour
des systmes de distribution de moyenne tension.

Modler Gaz zoleli Hcreler (GIS)

rn, orta gerilim datm ebekeleri iin dizayn edilmi olup modler
gaz izolelidir ve 36 kV, 3150 A ve 31.5 kAe kadar retilebilmektedir.

Complete Solutions / Solutions Compltes / Komple zmler

Distributor of General Electric Distributeur de General Electric General Electric Distribtrl

GE Digital Energy, produces high quality and reliable protec- GE Digital Energy, produit des quipements de protec- GE Digital Energy, retim-iletim-datm sistemleri ve
tion-control-SCADA, Transformer Monitoring & Diagnostic tions contrle SCADA, de Surveillance et Diagnostic des endstriyel tesisler iin yksek kaliteli ve gvenilir koruma-
and communication products for industrial plants and ener- Transformateurs et de communications de haute qualit et kontrol-SCADA rnleri, transformatr izleme-tehis rnleri
gy production, transmission and distribution systems. EKOS fiable pour les installations industrielles et les compagnies ve haberleme ekipmanlar retmektedir. EKOS GROUP, Ge-
GROUP is representative of General Electric Digital Energy de production dnergie, de transmission et de distribution. neral Electricin Digital Energy blmnn, Trkiye ve Kuzey
in Turkey and North Africa. With the Sales and Engineering EKOS GROUP est reprsentant de General Electric Energy Afrikadaki tek yetkili satcs ve uygulaycsdr. Bnyesindeki
teams, it provides tailor-made solutions for its customers. numrique en Turquie et Afrique du Nord. Avec les quipes sat ve uygulama ekibiyle, tamamen kendi mhendisliiyle,
de ventes et dingnierie, il fournit des solutions sur mesure mterilerine zmler sunmaktadr.
pour ses clients.

Protection and Control Panels Integrated Substation Automation Systems

EKOS GROUP, with its own engineering, manufactures EKOS GROUP, with its own engineering, manufactures integrated
protection and control panels suitable for the needs of the Substation Automation Systems suitable for the needs of the specific
specific transmission companies by using General Electric transmission companies by using General Electric Protection Relays,
Protection Relays. Bay Controllers and SCADA Systems.

Armoires de Protection et de Contrle Systmes Intgrs dAutomatisation des Postes

EKOS GROUP, avec son ingnierie propre, fabrique des ar- EKOS GROUP, avec son ingnierie propre, fabrique des systmes int-
moires de protection et de contrle appropris pour les grs dautomatisation des postes adapts aux besoins des entrepris-
besoins des entreprises de transport dnergie spcifiques es de transport spcifiques laide des relais de protection lectriques,
laide des relais de protection lectriques de General Electric. contrleurs de la baie et les systmes SCADA de General Electric.

Koruma Kumanda Panolar Trafo Merkezi Otomasyonu

EKOS GROUP, kendi mhendisliiyle, General Electric Rleleri EKOS GROUP, kendi mhedisliiyle, General Electric kontrol-SCADA
kullanarak, farkl Enerji letim irketlerinin standartlarna uy- rnlerini kullanarak, farkl enerji iletim irketlerinin standartlarna
gun olarak, koruma-kumanda panolar imal etmektedir. uygun olarak, trafo merkezi otomasyonu sistemleri imal etmektedir.

Communication Products Transformer Monitoring & Diagnostics

With General Electric Communication Products, you can With The Monitoring and Diagnostics systems, you take have the
transfer data in difficult conditions without the need of hard most up to date information about the transformer and you can take
cabling. the necessary precautions by detecting faults at the initial stages.

Produits de Communication La Surveillance & Diagnostic des Transformateurs

Avec les produits de communication General Electric, vous Avec Les systmes de Surveillance et de Diagnostic, vous aurez
pouvez transfrer des donnes dans des conditions difficiles, linformation actualise sur ltat du transformateur et vous pouvez
sans la ncessit de cblage dur. prendre les prcautions ncessaires en dtectant les dfauts des
stades initiaux.
Haberleme rnleri
General Electric haberleme rnleri ile, zorlu koullarda Transformatr zleme & Tehis
kablolama zahmeti ekmeden kolaylkla veri transferi zleme ve Tehis sistemleri ile transformatrn durumu hakknda en
yapabilirsiniz. gncel bilgiye sahip olur, arzalar balang aamasnda tespit ederek
gerekli nlemleri alabilirsiniz.

Locations / Localisation / Lokasyonlar

EKOS GROUP Facilities Les Sites de Fabrication du GROUPE EKOS EKOS GROUP Tesisleri
EKOS GROUP products, which are manufactured in its fa- Les produits du GROUPE EKOS, qui sont fabriqus dans ses EKOS GROUPun, 4 ayr noktada bulunan tesislerinde retilen
cilities located in four separate locations, are used safely in usines qui sont sur quatre sites diffrents, sont utiliss en rnler, 4 ktada gvenle kullanlmaktadr. Ayn zamanda
four continents. Gas insulated switchgears and disconnec- toute scurit dans quatre continents. Les cellules isoles au genel merkez olan Geabze Fabrikasnda gaz izoleli hcreler
tors, load break switches and mechanisms of air insulated gaz et les interrupteur et mcanismes pour les cellules iso- ile hava izoleli hcrelerde kullanlan ayrc, yk ayrcs ve
switchgears in Gebze factory, which is also the headquarter les dans lair sont fabriqus sur le site de Gebze, qui est aus- mekanizmalar retilmektedir. Adapazar tesislerinde hava
of the group. Air nsulated switchgears and concrete kiosks si le sige du groupe. Les cellules isoles lair et les postes izoleli hcreler ve beton kkler retilmekte, Cezayir tesis-
are manufactured in Adapazari factory, air insulated switch- prfabriqus en bton sont fabriqus sur le site dAdapazari. lerinde ise hava izoleli hcrelerin montaj yaplmaktadr.
gears are assembled in Algeria factory. Panels made with GE Dans lusine dAlger lassemblage des cellules isoles lair GE Digital Energy koruma ve kumanda rnleri ile yaplan
Digital Energy protection and control products are manufac- est ffectu. Les panneaux de protection, contrle et com- panolarn retimi ise Tuzla Serbest Ticaret blgesinde bulu-
tured in facilities located in Tuzla Free Trade Zone, Istanbul. mande avec les produits de GE Energy numrique sont fab- nan tesislerde yaplmaktadr.
riqus dans le site de zone franche de Tuzla Istanbul.

Headquarter, Gebze, Turkey Tuzla Facility, Turkey

Sige Social Gebze, Turquie Usine de Tuzla, Turquie
Genel Merkez, Gebze, Trkiye Tuzla Yerlekesi, Trkiye

Adapazari Facility, Turkey Algeria Facility, Algeria

Usine de Adapazari, Turquie Usine de Algrie, Algrie
Adapazar Yerlekesi, Trkiye Cezayir Yerlekesi, Cezayir

Certificates / Certificats / Sertifikalar

EKOS GROUP has the ISO 9001 Quality Management Sys- Le GROUPE EKOS possde les certificats ISO 9001 Systmes EKOS GROUP, ISO 9001 Kalite Ynetim Sistemleri, ISO
tem, ISO 14001 Environmental System, OHSAS 18001 Occu- de Management de la Qualit, ISO 14001 Sytmes de Man- 14001 evre Ynetim Sistemi ve OHSAS 18001 Sal
pational Health & Safety Management System Certificates. agement Environnemental OHSAS 18001 Systmes de ve Gvenlii Ynetim Sistemi sertifikalarna sahiptir. Ayrca,
Also, manufactured medium voltage switchgears have type Management de la sant et de la scurit. Les cellules de retimi yaplan orta gerilim hcreleri, KEMA, IPH, ICMET gibi
test reports, taken from internationally acredited laborato- moyenne tension possedent les rapports de type test des uluslararas akredite olmu laboratuvarlardan alnm tip
ries, such as KEMA, ICMET, IPH. laboratoires accredites internationnaux comme KEMA, test raporlarna sahiptir.

EKOS World / Le Monde dEKOS / EKOS Dnyas

EKOS GROUP exports the 70% of its products to Czech Re- Le GROUPE EKOS exporte 70% de ses porduits vers la rettii orta gerilim ekipmanlarnn %70ini ihra eden
public, Algeria, Senegal, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Rpublique Tchque, lAlgrie, le Sngal, le Canada, la irketin alt lkeler arasnda ek Cumhuriyeti, Cezayir,
Uruguay, Mali, Benin, Nigeria, Togo, Kazakhistan, Turkmeni- Grande-Bretagne, lAllemagne, lUruguay, le Mali, le Ni- Senegal, Kanada, Byk Britanya, Almanya, Uruguay, Mali,
stan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Tunisia, Marocco, Libya, gerie, le Bnin, le Togo, le Kazakhistan, le Turkmenistan, Benin, Nijerya, Togo, Kazakistan, Trkmenistan, Azerbay-
Jordan and Syria. lAzerbaijan, lIran, lIrak, la Palestine, la Tunisie, le Maroc, la can, ran, Irak, Filistin, Tunus, Fas, Libya, rdn ve Suriye yer
Libye, la Jordanie et la Syrie. almaktadr.

EKOSinerji Elektrik San. ve Tic. A.S.
Sirasogutler Mah. Guney Yan Yol No: 78 41420
Cayirova Gebze Kocaeli Turkey / Turquie / Trkiye
T: +90 262 656 4767 F: +90 262 656 4770 | |

EKOSinerji Elk. San. Ve Tic. A.S. and OSEL Elk. San. A.S. and Sarl EKOS ENERGIE and EKOSinerji Dis Tic. Kol. Sti. companies belong
to EKOS GROUP that is the Authorized Distributor and the Value Added Reseller of General Electric Digital Energy in Turkey and
Algeria. All precautions have been taken for the content of this catalog is accurate and up to date. According to continuous product
development policy, EKOS GROUP and constituent companies reserves the right to make changes to this catalog.
EKOSinerji Elk. San. Ve Tic. A.S. et OSEL Elk. San. A.S. et Sarl EKOS ENERGIE et EKOSinerji Dis Tic. Kol. Sti. sont les socits du GROUPE
EKOS, qui est le Distrbuteur Authoris et Revendeur Valeur Ajoute de General Electric Digital Energy en Turquie et en Algerie. Le
GOUPE EKOS et les socits constituants le groupe rservent le droit dapporter des modifications sur ce catalogue.
EKOSinerji Elk. San. Ve Tic. A.. ve OSEL Elk. San. A.. ve Sarl EKOS ENERGIE ve EKOSinerjiD Tic. Kol. ti. irketleri EKOS GROUPa bal
olup, GROUP Trkiyede ve Cezayirde General Electric Digital Energy Yetkili Bayisi ve Katma Deerli Satcsdr. Kataloun ieriinin
doru ve gncel olmas iin tm nlemler alnmtr. Srekli rn gelitirme politikas erevesinde, EKOS GROUP ve bal irketler bu
katalogda deiiklik yapma hakkn sakl tutar.

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