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Created with TheTeac hers Co Cro s s wo rd Puz z le Generato r

Acro ss Do wn
1. 31st__________1957 was Malaysian National 2. 14 stripes in Malaysian flag means ________ in
Day Malaysia
3. Malaysian famous food that we can eat at AISM 4 . First Malaysian Prime Minister was Tunku
every Wednesday. _________
5. Your MCS teacher's name is cikgu 7. Tunku Abdul Rahman also known as father of
____________ ____________
6. There are ______ states in Malaysia 10. Tun ___________ was the fourth prime
8. ____________ is a part of Malaysia long time minister of Malaysia.
ago. 12. ________is the national anthem of Malaysia.
9. The two states of Malaysia that are located on
Borneo Island (East Malaysia) are Sabah and
11. Malaysian first prime minister, Tunku Abdul
Rahman was named as Father of
13. The flag of Malaysia also known as Jalur
14 . Flag in Bahasa Malaysia is...
15. The colours that appear on a Malaysia's flag
are red, white, yellow and_______.

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