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TASK 5: Discussion

Name: Ismael Samperio Samperio

What are the main problems facing young in your country?

In United Kingdom the young people in front of the policy is not a little by little
they are including, and in Mexico if it is a problem, because the young people do
not believe in the Mexican political system and that does not motivate the young
people to participate in the policy real

Do you think politicians understand these problems? Why not?

If, as individuals they see the public problems, but it is the system that does not
allow to give solutions to the problems and the political institutions manufacture the
behavior of the individuals

Were you surprised at the percentage of young people that voted in the 2015

No, I consider that 64% is a dangerous number, but alarming, that's why United
King made actions for young people and the politics

Do you think the percentage would be similar where you live?

Maybe. In Mexico in 2012 in the election for president of Mexico, according to IFE the
electoral population only voted 66%, but I do not have the percentage of young people,

Are young people apathetic about politics?

Is a very difficult question, young people are not apathetic, but the system is a monster
that we are afraid to be in, it is my experience

Would you like to be a politician? Why?

Yes, because as a decision taker I can change some things that as a citizen you can not

What might be good/bad about it?

Two thing easy , be academically prepared and be a better person

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