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College of Agricultural Sciences


3 Late Blight

5 Early Blight

6 Verticillium Wilt (Early Dying)

8 Rhizoctonia Canker (Black Scurf)

10 Fusarium Dry Rot and Seed Piece


11 Silver Scurf

12 Pythium Leak

13 Pink Rot

14 Black Dot

15 Powdery Scab

16 Gray Mold

17 Sclerotinia Stalk Rot (White Mold)

18 Common Scab

19 Blackleg and Soft Rot

21 Ring Rot

22 Viruses

23 Physiological Disorders

Late Blight

During periods of high relative humidity

Causal Organism and leaf wetness, lesions may be
Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) De Foliage bordered or totally covered by a cottonlike
Bary (fungus) Symptoms of late blight appear as small white moldy growth on the underside of
light- to dark-green water-soaked spots, the leaf or on the stems (Fig. 5). The
Affects often with a chlorotic halo (Fig. 1). white growth is the fungus sporulating,
foliage and tubers Lesions enlarge rapidly and turn brown or producing sporangia. Under continuously
purplish black. The lesions are not limited wet conditions, the fungus sporulates
by veins, and they coalesce as new profusely and the disease progresses
infections occur, blighting and killing the rapidly as the fungus rots the leaves and
entire leaf within a few days. If the stems. High temperature and dry
lesions dry out, the leaf becomes very conditions will slow or temporarily stop
brittle (Fig. 2). Lesions may occur on disease development, but as conditions
petioles or stems, making detection become moist and cool, the fungus
difficult because leaves still appear green resumes growth and disease develop-
and healthy (Fig. 3). Infected stems turn ment continues. Sporulation on stem
black with rot but are not as spongy as lesions appears less affected by hot dry
stems infected with blackleg or soft rot conditions because of the high relative
bacteria (Fig. 4). humidity within the crop canopy.

1. Late blight lesions with chlorotic halo. 2. Late blight lesion that has dried and 3. Late blight on stem.
become brittle.

4. Late blight on stem, leaves with 5. Late blight lesions with sporulation.

Disease Cycle Management/Control
The exteriors of infected tubers show
irregular and slightly depressed areas of The fungus survives between potato Use high-quality disease-free seed.
brown to purplish skin (Fig. 6). A coppery crops primarily in infected tubers (as Use resistant cultivars where possible;
brown granular rot usually extends less seed, culls, volunteers). When infected Kennebec, Sebago, and Elba are
than one-half inch into the tuber. This rot tubers sprout the following spring, the moderately resistant.
may be deeper when the infection is pathogen can grow from the tubers into Destroy cull piles and volunteers.
caused by new genotypes of late blight the newly formed plants. Under cool, Do not overfertilize with nitrogen.
(Fig. 7). The boundary between diseased moist conditions, the fungus can sporu- Make sure plants are adequately hilled.
and healthy tissue is not clearly defined. late on the foliage of these plants. If the Apply fungicides.
Tubers may appear shriveled as older spores become airborne, they can be Scout suspect areas such as low-lying
lesions become firm and sunken due to carried to neighboring plants or nearby areas, areas near woods, and areas that
water loss. Invasion by secondary decay fields. As long as spores continue to form tend to dry out more slowly.
organisms is common, resulting in the on diseased foliage, infections will occur Vine kill and continue to apply
complete breakdown of tubers. The throughout the growing season. protectant fungicides until plants are
cottonlike white mold may be observed completely dead.
on the surface of tubers when they are When spores are washed off the foliage Harvest only when vines are dead.
stored under conditions of high moisture. by rainfall, tubers can become infected. Avoid harvesting under wet conditions.
Tubers also may become infected at Maintain good air circulation in storage.
harvest through contact with spores on
infected vines. Tubers inadequately
covered by soil are more likely to be
infected than those that are properly
hilled. If the fungus sporulates on tubers
in storage, any movement of those tubers
can cause the sporangia to be dissemi-
nated and allow infections to occur on
other tubers.

Conditions That Promote Disease

Ideal conditions for late blight are cool

nights (50 to 60F) and warm days (60 to
6. Late blight rot on tuber. 70F) accompanied by fog, rain, or long
periods of leaf wetness. Conditions must
remain moist for 7 to 10 hours for spore
production to occur.

Disease Look-alikes

early blight, botrytis

soft rot, blackleg

pink rot, early blight

7. Late blight rot in tuber.

Early Blight

Disease Cycle Disease Look-alikes

Causal Organism
Alternaria solani Sorauer (fungus) The fungus overwinters in soil, plant Foliage
debris, infected tubers, or other solana- late blight, botrytis
Affects ceous hosts. The disease usually occurs
foliage and tubers along fields adjacent to potato fields from Tubers
the previous season. Early blight usually late blight, fusarium rot
occurs late in the season, with the first
appearance in mid-July. Spores are
Symptoms Management/Control
produced on the older lesions and are
Foliage dispersed to other plants by wind, rain, Rotate away from the previous years
Foliar symptoms first appear as small irrigation water, or mechanical means potato fields.
circular dark spots on lower, older leaves throughout the later part of the growing Plant cultivars with some degree of
(Fig. 8). Lesions are dark brown to black season. The disease therefore increases resistance, since early-maturing
and have concentric rings, resulting in a more rapidly after the plants flower. Tuber cultivars are more susceptible than late-
targetlike appearance within the dead infection occurs during harvesting and is maturing cultivars. Katahdin, Kennebec,
tissue. As lesions coalesce, they become most severe when the tubers are bruised Sebago, Elba, and Atlantic are moder-
restricted by large leaf veins and take on or wounded. ately resistant.
an angular shape (Fig. 9). Lesions may be Apply protectant fungicides beginning
surrounded by a chlorotic border. Infection Conditions That Promote Disease after bloom or at the first sight of early
also may occur on stems, resulting in blight symptoms.
small dark lesions that do not cause The temperature range for disease Use cultural practices that promote
significant injury. development is 68 to 86F with an tuber skin set.
optimum range between 70 and 75F. Use harvesting methods that minimize
Tubers Alternating wet and dry conditions with skinning and bruising.
Tuber lesions are dark, sunken, and often long periods of high relative humidity and
surrounded by a raised margin (Fig. 10). leaf wetness promote disease develop-
The underlying tissues are leathery to ment. The disease is more severe on
corky in texture, dry, and usually reddish potatoes that are stressed from poor
to dark brown. Infected tubers become nutrition, insect damage, drought, or
shriveled after prolonged storage. other stresses. Disease development
increases as senescence begins.

8. Early blight lesions on leaves. 9. Early blight lesions on leaves and stem. 10. Early blight rot in tubers.

Verticillium Wilt (Early Dying)

Symptoms Disease Cycle

Causal Organism
Verticillium dahliae Kleb and Foliage The fungus survives in the soil, on the
Verticillium albo-atrum Reinke and Verticillium wilt causes early senescence seed piece, or in infected plant debris,
Berth (fungi) of plants (Fig. 11). Symptoms often are and can persist in the soil for many years.
difficult to distinguish from normal Because Verticillium has a wide host
Affects senescence, since they are expressed range, it can survive at low levels on
foliage and tubers typically during the later part of the many symptomless crop and weed
season. Foliar symptoms appear as species. Infection occurs through root
uneven chlorosis and wilting of lower hairs, wounds, or sprouts, and then
leaves (Fig. 12). Either top leaves, single continues into the vascular system
stems, or leaves on one side of the stem (water-conducting tissues). As infected
may begin to wilt first (Fig. 13); however, plants die, the fungus grows through all
the stem remains erect as the leaves wilt, of the dying tissues and forms infective
turn yellow, and eventually die. A diagnos- propagules that are released into the soil.
tic symptom is wilted leaflets on one side
of a petiole. Tan discoloration of the Potato early dying is a syndrome consist-
vascular tissues usually can be seen ing of premature vine death and declining
when the stem is cut in cross section or yields in areas where potatoes have been
in a longitudinal section near its base (Fig. in production for several years. Although
14). Verticillium is the primary pathogen, other
organisms have been associated with this
Tubers syndrome. Root-lesion nematodes most
Some tubers from infected plants may frequently coinfect with Verticillium. Other
develop a light brown discoloration in the pathogens have been reported to
vascular tissue at the stem end, which increase Verticillium wilt and have been
usually does not extend through the tuber implicated in the early dying syndrome.
(Fig. 15). Other disorders also can cause
this type of discoloration.

11. Verticillium wilt, advanced senescence. 12. Verticillium wilt with wilting on lower
leaves and uneven chlorosis.

Conditions That Promote Disease Disease Look-alikes Management/Control

Elevated temperature and moisture Foliage Do not plant susceptible cultivars.

during the early part of the growing blackleg, black dot Rotate potatoes with cereals, grasses,
season, followed by drought, promote or legumes.
Verticillium. Continuous potato cropping Tubers Avoid rotation with highly susceptible
and planting susceptible cultivars ring rot solanaceous crops such as eggplant or
(Kennebec and Superior) increase the tomato.
pathogen population. Plant resistant cultivars such as Elba or
moderately resistant cultivars such as
Katahdin, Norchip, and Atlantic. Avoid
susceptible cultivars such as Kennebec
and Superior.
Control weeds.
Control nematode populations.
Avoid overirrigation.
Use green manure crops such as corn,
oats, peas, rape, rye, and sudangrass
to reduce the pathogen population.

13. Verticillium wilt with chlorosis of one 14. Verticillium wilt with discoloration of 15. Verticillium wilt with discoloration of
side of plant. vascular tissue. tuber vascular tissue.

Rhizoctonia Canker (Black Scurf)

Symptoms Tubers
Causal Organism The fungus forms sclerotia (survival
Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn (fungus) Stems and stolons structures) on the tubers (Fig. 19). The
Characteristic symptoms of Rhizoctonia sclerotia vary from netted or scurfy
Affects are brownish black sunken lesions on residues to individual black masses on
stems, stolons, and tubers underground stems and stolons (Fig. 16). the tuber surface. Tubers may be mis-
The disease may cause nonuniform shapen, cracked, or may develop a
stands of weak, spindly-looking plants. russetlike skin (Fig. 20).
Early-season infections often result in the
pruning of young stolons where lesions
girdle them completely. Dark stem
lesions occurring below the soil line may
girdle the main stem, resulting in yellow-
ish or purplish leaves that curl upwards.
On relatively healthy-looking plants, aerial
tubers may form (Fig. 17). During
midseason, the fungus may develop a
white powdery mold growth on the
stems that extends just above the soil
line (Fig. 18). This often is associated with
stem lesions below the ground.

16. Rhizoctonia cankers girdling the stem. 17. Rhizoctonia aerial tubers. 18. Rhizoctonia mycelium growth on lower

Disease Cycle Conditions That Promote Disease Disease Look-alikes

The fungus survives in soil with decom- Ideal conditions for Rhizoctonia are cool Tubers
posing plant residue. Sclerotia can survive (55 to 60F), moist soils. The pathogen powdery scab, common scab
on infected tubers and persist in the soil population increases with continuous
for many years. Sclerotia germinate and potato cropping. Management/Control
invade stems or sprouts. Roots and
stolons are invaded as they develop Use disease-free seed.
throughout the growing season. Sclerotia Use seed treatments of registered
can form on new tubers at any time, but fungicides to reduce some infections,
maximum development occurs as tubers especially from an infected seed piece.
remain in the soil after the death of the Warm the seed prior to planting.
vines. Plant in warm (60F) soil.
Any practice that promotes rapid emer-
gence will reduce attack by Rhizoctonia.
Use proper crop rotation, preferably
grasses or cereals.

19. Rhizoctonia sclerotia on tubers. 20. Rhizoctonia cracks and russetlike skin.

Fusarium Dry Rot and Seed Piece Decay

Symptoms Disease Cycle

Causal Organism
Fusarium spp. (fungus) Externally, tubers may have sunken or The fungus can be seed- or soilborne. It
wrinkled areas and an occasional white or enters tubers through wounds or bruises
Affects pink fungal growth. Internally, tubers incurred during harvesting or handling.
tubers develop a crumbly dry decay ranging from The disease can spread quickly if pota-
dark brown (chocolate colored) to black toes are improperly cured. Infected seed
(Fig. 21). In addition, cavities often tubers result in low-quality seed that
develop in the rotted tissue that contains causes poor crop stands. The fungus can
the white or pink fungal growth. A moist survive as resistant spores or mycelium in
rot may occur if tubers are invaded by a decayed plant debris in the soil.
secondary infection with soft rot bacteria.
Conditions That Promote Disease

Conditions that promote dry rot in storage

include storage temperatures above 50F,
too much soil piled with the tubers,
bruising or wounding of tubers during
harvest or handling, and improper
suberization of tubers or seed pieces.

Disease Look-alikes

early blight

21. Fusarium dry rot in tuber.
Minimize bruising and wounding of
tubers during harvest and handling.
Avoid harvesting when tuber pulp tem-
peratures are cold.
Harvest when vines are dead.
Remove excess dirt and clods from
tubers before storing.
Promote proper wound healing.
(Temperatures from 55 to 60F with 90
to 95 percent relative humidity encour-
age wound healing.)
Reduce the storage temperature
gradually when curing is complete.
Apply the fungicide thiabendazole to
harvested tubers going into storage.

Silver Scurf

Symptoms Disease Cycle

Causal Organism
Helminthosporium solani Dur. and Symptoms of silver scurf include light The main source of inoculum is infected
Mont. (fungus) brown circular spots with indistinct seed. The fungus sporulates on the
borders. These may cover a considerable surface of the seed piece, and then the
Affects portion of the tuber (Fig. 22). The affected spores wash onto new tubers. Infection
tubers areas have a distinct silvery sheen, takes place through lenticels. Symptoms
especially if wet. Tubers may shrivel in may be visible at harvest, but sometimes
storage due to moisture loss. Red- are not visible until potatoes are in
skinned varieties may lose their color. storage.

Conditions That Promote Disease

The longer the mature tubers remain in

the ground, the more severe the problem
becomes. Fluctuations in storage
temperatures at high relative humidity
(>90%) can result in condensation on
tuber surfaces, allowing the fungus to
sporulate and colonize new tissue.

Disease Look-alikes

black dot


Use disease-free seed.

Treat seed with fungicides before
Follow good crop rotation practices.
22. Silver scurf.
Harvest tubers as soon as they are
Disinfect the storage space and
Minimize the amount of soil going into
storage with the tubers.
Provide good ventilation in storage.

Pythium Leak

Symptoms Disease Cycle

Causal Organism
Pythium ultimum Trow. and other The rot starts as discolored water-soaked Because the fungus is soilborne and
Pythium spp. (fungus) areas that appear around a bruise or enters the tubers only through wounds,
wound. Diseased tissue is clearly infection usually occurs only at harvesting
Affects demarcated from healthy tissue by a dark or grading.
tubers boundary line. Rotted tissue is spongy
and extremely watery, and ranges in color
Conditions That Promote Disease
from gray to brown to black (Fig. 23).
When a diseased tuber is squeezed, a Soil temperature above 70F at harvest
clear, watery fluid is exuded. Pure promotes the incidence of leak.
Pythium leak is not a slimy rot, but rather Extremely wet conditions followed by a
gives the tuber the texture of a cooked short period of dryness during tuber
potato. Invasion by secondary organisms maturation increase the incidence of leak.
is common, however, and this may alter Relatively high temperature and poor
the texture of the rotted area. ventilation in storage promote the rot.

Disease Look-alikes

pink rot


Rotate fields out of potatoes for 3 to 4

The fungicide metalaxyl, applied at
flowering and 2 to 3 weeks later, has
controlled leak in some production
Avoid bruising and injury during
Avoid harvesting in extremely warm
If rotting begins in storage, increase air
movement to cool and dry the tubers
as quickly as possible.

23. Pythium leak.

Pink Rot

Symptoms Disease Cycle

Causal Organism
Phytophthora erythroseptica Symptoms include brown to blackened The fungus is soilborne and can infect
Pethybr. (fungus) roots or stolons. In severe cases, leaves roots, stolons, and underground stems.
are chlorotic, stunted, and wilted. The Tubers usually become infected through
Affects disease usually is identified by the tuber diseased stolons, but infection can occur
tubers and foliage rot. The advancing margin of tuber decay through buds or lenticels. Tubers usually
is delimited by a dark line, which is are infected in the field, but the disease
sometimes visible through the skin (Fig. can spread in storage.
24). The eyes of infected tubers are often
dark brown. Rotted tissues remain intact Conditions That Promote Disease
but spongy with the consistency of a
cooked potato. A clear liquid is exuded if Plants that are subjected to water
a cut tuber is squeezed. The internal saturation in fields, especially late in the
tissues of a cut tuber turn salmon pink season, will have a higher incidence of
after exposure to air for 15 to 20 minutes, pink rot.
then turn brownish black and eventually
completely black (Figs. 25 and 26).
Disease Look-alikes

late blight, pythium


Plant seed in soils with good drainage.

Avoid excessive irrigation late in the
Grade and discard infected tubers.
Provide adequate air flow through the
pile if the disease is detected in
The fungicide metalaxyl, applied at
flowering and 2 to 3 weeks later, has
controlled pink rot in some production

24. Pink rot symptoms on outside of tuber. 25. Pink rot in tuber. 26. Pink rot after pink color has changed to

Black Dot

Symptoms Disease Cycle

Causal Organism
Colletotrichum coccodes (Wallr.) S. Foliage Sclerotia survive on the surface of
J. Hughs (fungus) Foliage yellows and wilts in mid- to late infected tubers, and once introduced into
summer. Symptoms often go unrecog- new fields, can live on infected plant
Affects nized because of the similarity of black residue in the soil for a long time. When
foliage and tubers dot to Verticillium wilt. White to tan conditions are favorable, the fungus
lesions often can be found on the stem, if invades underground stem tissue and
wounding occurred there to allow the moves upward in the plant. Airborne
fungus to infect the plant (Fig. 27). spores can infect the foliage, especially
Numerous black dots (sclerotia, which are when it has been injured by windblown
dormant fungal masses) may appear on sand or debris. More sclerotia are
the infected stems, stolons, roots, and produced in late stages of the diseases
tubers. The infected stems also have a development. In addition, the fungus can
purplish discoloration within the vascular invade tomatoes and weed species.
tissue. Small brown lesions (similar to
Rhizoctonia) may appear on the stolons. Conditions That Promote Disease
Roots may be discolored (brown to black)
and stunted. Ideal conditions that promote black dot
include poor soil drainage and aeration,
Tubers high soil temperature, and low soil
A brownish to gray discoloration, similar moisture. Low plant fertility also in-
to that caused by silver scurf, occurs on creases black dot incidence.
the tubers, often covering a large portion
of their surface (Fig. 28). Unlike silver
Disease Look-alikes
scurf, black dot will produce sclerotia
within the discolored area; these can be Foliage
seen easily with a hand lens. verticillium wilt

silver scurf


Plant certified seed.

Rotate crops with grains, preferably
waiting five years before replanting
potatoes or tomatoes.
Keep soil adequately fertilized.
Irrigate, but avoid excessive watering.
Avoid skinning or bruising tubers.
Control weeds.

27. Black dot lesion on stem. 28. Black dot lesion on tuber.

Powdery Scab

symptom may be a scurfy appearance on

Disease Look-alikes
Causal organism: the skin, which, upon examination with a
Spongospora subterranea f. sp. microscope, reveals spore masses (Fig. Tubers
subterranea Toml. (fungus) 34). common scab, rhizoctonia

Affects Disease Cycle

tubers, roots, and stolons Management/Control

Powdery scab spores are disseminated Disinfect equipment.

on seed or by soil or water movement. Plant clean seed.
The spores also adhere to equipment, Plant less susceptible (russet-skinned)
crates, and sacks, and even remain viable varieties.
Powdery scab infections start in the roots in the manure of animals that have Do not use manure as fertilizer if
and then proceed to the tuber. Lesions digested them. The spores survive in the animals have ingested infected
similar to those caused by other root- soil or on seed tubers, and can persist for potatoes.
invading organisms may be observed on 6 years. The spores germinate to release Improve soil drainage.
the roots and stolons. Galls usually will zoospores, which can infect the plant Withhold irrigation during tuber set.
form on the roots (Fig. 29). The initial through root hairs and lenticels. Rotate out of infested fields for 3 to 5
infections on tubers are purplish-brown years.
pinhead lesions that develop into a raised Conditions That Promote Disease
pimple-like area (Figs. 30 and 31). When
the pustules are mature, a powdery spore Ideal conditions for powdery scab include
mass is easily visible within the raised high soil moisture and low soil tempera-
area (Fig. 32). Craterlike symptoms, with ture (58 to 68F) . In addition, fields or
raised skin at the borders of the pustules, parts of fields that are poorly drained have
sometimes develop (Fig. 33). Another a higher incidence of powdery scab.

29. Powdery scab galls on roots. 30. Early symptoms of powdery scab 31. Pimple-like powdery scab pustules.

32. Typical powdery scab symptoms. 33. Powdery scab canker stage. 34. Russetlike powdery scab symptoms.

Gray Mold

Symptoms Disease Cycle

Causal organism
Botrytis cinerea Pers. (fungus) Symptoms of gray mold include lesions Infections become apparent on senes-
similar to those caused by early blight cent plant parts. The spores of this fungus
Affects (concentric rings) or late blight (dark are ubiquitous and are disseminated by
foliage and tubers watery decay), occurring at leaf margins wind and rain.
or tips (Fig. 35). Lower leaves that are
chlorotic from shading break down in a
Conditions That Promote Disease
slimy rot. A grayish mold is visible on the
infected leaves and stems (Fig. 36). Ideal conditions for gray mold include
Although tuber rot is uncommon, a dry excessive humidity, relatively cool
rot occurring in storage has been attrib- temperatures, and shading of foliage.
uted to gray mold.

Disease Look-alikes

late blight, early blight


Protectant fungicides.

35. Botrytis on leaf. 36. Botrytis sporulation on stems.

Sclerotinia Stalk Rot (White Mold)

Symptoms Disease Cycle

Causal Organism
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) Initial symptoms are the presence of Sclerotia survive in the soil for several
De Bary (fungus) individual wilted plants within a canopy of years between susceptible crops such as
healthy-looking plants. Water-soaked beans, soybeans, or sunflowers. Sclerotia
Affects lesions appear on the main stem of the lying near the soil surface germinate
stems wilted plants. As the lesions dry out, they when the crop canopy shades the soil
become a bleached tan color. Under and soil moisture remains high for several
humid conditions, these lesions expand days. Sometimes the sclerotia germinate
and may girdle the stem, causing the directly, producing a white fungal mat;
plant to wilt. White mold is often present however, in most cases a mushroomlike
on the stem, especially near the soil line structure, called an apothecium, develops
(Fig. 37). Black, hard, irregularly shaped from the sclerotia. The apothecia are
structures, called sclerotia, develop on or produced for 2 to 8 weeks beginning at
in the decaying stems. row closure, and they eject spores onto
the foliage. These spores typically infect
dead or dying tissue that may be in
contact with healthy tissue. As infected
stems decay, sclerotia are formed in the
lesions. These sclerotia will fall into the
soil as the plant tissue decays. It is known
that the sclerotia can survive in the soil
for a minimum of 3 years.

Conditions That Promote Disease

Cool temperatures (61 to 72F) and damp

conditions are required for this disease.
High N fertility, which promotes lush,
dense plant canopies, can produce high
relative humidity and long periods of free
moisture within the canopy, increasing
the incidence of white mold. Older tissue
appears to be more susceptible than
young tissue.

Disease Look-alikes

37. Sclerotinia mycelium growth on stem. Foliage

blackleg, black dot


Rotate with graminaceous crops and

rotate out of susceptible crops for 4 or
more years.
Perform light, frequent irrigation of
coarse, heavy soils, or less frequent
irrigation of light soils.
Apply foliar fungicides.
Flooding of fields between crops
destroys the sclerotia.

Common Scab

Disease Cycle Management/Control

Causal Organism
Streptomyces scabies (Thaxter) The pathogen usually is introduced into Avoid planting scabby seed.
Waksman and Henrici (actino- the soil on seed pieces, and survives Increase the time between potato
mycetes) indefinitely once the soil is contaminated. croppings in infested fields. Rotate with
The organism can survive on decaying crops such as alfalfa, rye, and soy
In soils with a pH below 5.5, the plant debris and is spread by water or by beans.
acid-tolerant species S. acidiscabies infested soil on equipment. As soon as Avoid rotations with carrot, beet, spin-
causes acid scab. tuberization begins, the newly formed ach, turnip, and radish.
tubers are susceptible. They become Maintain soil pH at or slightly below
Affects infected through the stomata or lenticels. 5.5.
tubers Mature tubers with a well-developed Avoid overliming the soil.
periderm are no longer susceptible to Maintain soil moisture levels during and
infection. after tuber set.
Symptoms Fungicide seed treatment will reduce
Conditions That Promote Disease
Lesions typically are circular, raised, and Plant cultivars with some degree of
tan to brown in color, with corky areas A soil pH from 5.5 to 7.5 is most favorable resistance (Superior, Monona, Norchip,
that develop randomly across the tuber for common scab; acid scab favors a soil Atlantic, Kennebec, Norland).
(Fig. 38). Lesions may become irregular in pH from 5.0 to 5.5. Other conditions that Green manure crops such as rye,
shape when they coalesce (Fig. 39). A promote common scab include continu- millet, and oats may reduce the
superficial corklike layer (russet scab) ous cropping with potatoes, coarse soils incidence of common scab.
occasionally appears instead of the that dry out quickly, and legumes (espe- Avoid applying animal manure to fields
circular lesions. In other cases, the cially red clover) that have been cut down where potatoes will be planted.
lesions are one-half inch deep (pitted and left on the field. Applications of sulfur or acid-forming
scab) (Fig. 40). These pitted scab lesions fertilizers such as ammonium sulfate
are dark brown to black, and the tissues lower the soil pH.
Disease Look-alikes
underneath are often straw-colored and
translucent. More than one type of Tubers
symptom may be present on a single rhizoctonia, powdery scab
tuber. Symptoms usually are not notice-
able until late in the growing season.

38. Typical common scab symptom. 39. Common scab with many scab lesions. 40. Deep-pitted common scab.

Blackleg and Soft Rot

Aerial blackleg, a related disease, is

Causal Organisms caused by soft rot bacteria external to the
Erwinia carotovora subsp. Stems infected with blackleg have an inky seed piece and can occur when bacteria
atroseptica (Van Hall) Dye and black decay that usually begins at the enter wounds caused by hail, windblown
Erwinia carotovora subsp. decaying seed piece (Figs. 41 and 42). In sand, insect feeding, or cultivation.
carotovora (Jones) Dye (bacteria) severe cases, entire seed pieces or Symptoms are similar to blackleg, but the
developing sprouts rot prior to emer- rot does not originate from the seed
Affects gence, resulting in an uneven stand piece (Fig. 44).
stems and tubers count. Leaves of infected plants tend to
roll upward at the margins, become Tubers with soft rot have brown, slightly
chlorotic, and wilt (Fig. 43). Plants are sunken, water-soaked areas on the
often stunted and appear stiff before surface (Fig. 45). Advanced disease
wilting and eventually dying. In wet symptoms include slimy, completely
weather, the decay on the stems is soft rotted tissues with a foul odor (due to
and slimy, but under dry conditions, invasion by secondary organisms) (Fig.
infected tissues may become dry and 46).
shriveled. Tubers produced by infected
plants may have symptoms ranging from
slight vascular discoloration at the stolon
end to soft rot of the entire tuber.

41. Blackleg on lower stem. 42. Blackleg on lower stem. 43. Plant wilted from blackleg.

44. Aerial blackleg. 45. Soft rot symptoms on outside of tuber. 46. Soft rot inside tuber.

Disease Cycle Conditions That Promote Disease Management/Control

The primary inoculum for blackleg is on or High soil temperature and seed bruising Warm seed pieces to 55 to 60F before
in seed tubers. Bacteria can be spread favor preemergence blackleg. Cool, wet planting.
during seed cutting and handling. After soil at planting followed by high tempera- Plant clean seed.
being planted, the seed pieces decay, tures after emergence favor Avoid planting when soil temperature is
releasing bacteria into the soil and postemergence blackleg. Extremely wet below 55F.
sometimes infecting the stem of the host conditions at planting or harvesting Plant seed in well-drained soil.
plant. Bacteria may move in soil water promote soft rot. Excessive weeds may Frequently clean and disinfect seed
and contaminate developing tubers of harbor the soft rot bacteria. Soft rot cutting and handling equipment as well
adjacent plants. Bacteria can enter infections increase when immature as harvesting equipment.
lenticels, growth cracks, or harvesting potatoes are harvested or when the Avoid excessive irrigation.
injuries. temperature is above 70F during Remove infected plants as soon as
harvesting. Excessive bruising, improper they appear.
The primary inoculum for soft rot of wound healing, or free moisture and poor Harvest only dead vines, preferably
tubers comes from decaying seed pieces, air circulation in storage increase soft rot when the temperature is between 50
infected plants, infested soil, contami- incidence. and 65F.
nated seed cutting, or harvesting equip- Avoid harvesting under extremely wet
ment. Infection occurs through lenticels Disease Look-alikes conditions.
or wounds. Prevent condensation in the storage
Stems pile.
late blight

late blight, ring rot

Ring Rot

Disease Cycle Management/Control

Causal Organism
Corynebacterium sepedonicum Ring rot bacteria overwinter primarily in Use only disease-free, certified seed.
(Spiek. and Kott.) Skapt. and Burkh. infected seed tubers. Bacteria also can Use proper sanitation during seed
(bacterium) survive on unharvested tubers in the field handling. Containers, tools, and
and can survive 2 to 5 years in dried slime implements should be cleaned properly
Affects on crates, bags, and harvesting or grading and disinfected before use and
foliage and tubers machinery. The bacteria do not survive in between seed lots.
soil in the absence of potato debris, but Quaternary ammonium compounds,
can survive on volunteers. Infection hypochlorites, phenolic compounds,
Symptoms occurs through tuber wounds, especially and iodine compounds all are effective
when they come in contact with contami- disinfectants.
Foliage nated machinery. During seed cutting, the To be effective, disinfectants must be
Foliage symptoms include wilting of bacteria are transmitted readily to healthy present on the surface being treated
stems and leaves, along with chlorosis seed pieces. After infection, the bacteria for at least 10 minutes.
and necrosis of leaves. Lower leaves invade the vascular system. Dispose of all infected tubers as soon
usually wilt first and are paler in color than as possible.
healthy leaves. Later, the tissue between Conditions That Promote Disease Do not plant clean seed in a field that
the veins turns yellow, and eventually the may contain volunteer plants from a
entire stem senesces and dies. Foliar Wet soils at planting when the tempera- previously infected crop.
symptoms alone are not usually enough ture is 64 to 72F increase the chance of Never plant contaminated seed.
to accurately diagnose ring rot. infection. The disease develops most
rapidly when soils are dry and tempera-
Tubers tures are between 75 and 90F.
In the tubers, a creamy, yellow- to brown-
colored cheesy rot develops in the Disease Look-alikes
vascular ring (Fig. 47). Squeezing tubers
expels creamy, cheeselike ribbons of Foliage
odorless bacterial ooze. The vascular ring verticillium wilt, blackleg
may separate from adjacent tissues (Fig.
48). Slightly sunken, dry, cracked areas Tubers
may form on the outer surfaces of verticillium, soft rot
severely diseased tubers (Fig. 49).
Occasionally, symptoms develop only in
the bud end. Symptoms in tubers
frequently do not appear until after
several weeks in storage.

47. Ring rot in vascular tissue of tuber. 48. Ring rot in more advanced stage. 49. Ring rot symptoms on outside of tuber.


PVY Disease Cycle

Causal Agents Symptoms vary depending on the cultivar.
Potato Leafroll Virus (PLRV), Potato Current-season infection may have no All viruses are tuber borne. Several of the
Virus Y (PVY), Potato Virus X (PVX), symptoms, but the tubers may become viruses are transmitted mechanically from
Potato Virus S (PVS), Potato Virus A infected. Plants grown from infected seed plant to plant or from seed piece to seed
(PVA), and others. pieces may develop severe mosaic, piece. PLRV is transmitted persistently by
mottle, and necrosis (Fig. 54). aphids. PVY, PVA, and PVS are transmit-
Affects ted nonpersistently by aphids and also are
foliage PVA produces a mild mosaic. transmitted mechanically. PVX is transmit-
ted only by mechanical means.
PVX and PVS may be completely symp-
tomless; however, more than one virus
Symptoms Management/Control
frequently occurs in an infected plant.
PLRV Infection with both PVS and PVY causes Sanitize equipment and storages.
Current-season infections (transmitted by severe mosaic symptoms. Plant only high-quality certified seed.
aphids) may have no visible symptoms, Plant B-size seed.
although younger leaves may roll up and Plant resistant cultivars.
appear yellowed or slightly pinkish (Fig. Monitor and manage the aphid and
50). On plants that are infected with leafhopper populations.
diseased seed pieces, the lower leaves
roll up and have a leathery texture (Fig.
51). The plants may be somewhat stunted
and appear upright (Fig. 52). Some
varieties develop symptoms in the tubers
called net necrosis, an internal browning
that fans out from the center pith area
(Fig. 53).

50. Leafroll on upper leaf. 51. Leafroll from infected seed piece.

52. Plant stunted from leafroll. 53. Leafroll symptoms in tuber. 54. Mosaic symptoms from Virus Y.

Physiological Disorders

Brown Center and Hollow Heart Conditions That Promote the Management/Control
Brown center and hollow heart are Select plant varieties that are less
physiological disorders that are unpredict- Low soil temperatures (50 to 55F susceptible.
able and impossible to grade out by continuously for 5 to 7 days during Select fields with an optimum level of
conventional methods. These two tuber initiation) and high moisture tend fertility and pH. Be sure soils have
disorders are distinct but closely related. to favor hollow heart, as does heavy adequate potassium. Avoid very acid
An affected tuber can have a beautiful irrigation after the plants are stressed. soils with low cation exchange.
outward appearance but a hollow or Some potato cultivars are more Delay planting on fields that are prone
brown center. susceptible: Atlantic is susceptible, to low soil temperature and excessive
whereas Norland and Superior seldom wetness, or that have had serious
have hollow heart. problems in the past.
Wide plant spacing promotes bigger Plant for denser stands. Assure uniform
Brown center is characterized by light to tubers and tends to favor hollow heart. spacing.
dark brown discoloration in the center Applying a high rate of nitrogen late in Avoid excessive fertilization.
pith tissues of the tuber. Brown centers the season can encourage hollow heart. Avoid excessive irrigation.
are referred to as incipient hollow heart. A connection between calcium and Do not make side-dress applications of
Hollow heart is split tissue in the pith hollow heart exists. In stressed plants, boron or calcium.
accompanied by a brown to black the availability of calcium decreases, High potassium levels can reduce
discoloration around the split tissue which may cause weak tissue if the hollow heart.
(Figs. 55 and 56). Although hollow heart stress occurs at a critical time in the
usually is found in larger tubers, smaller plants growth. Complete control is
tubers also can be affected. difficult, if not impossible, and requires
uniform growth and reduced plant
Hollow heart can begin at different times stress.
during the growing season. It usually
starts early, shortly after tubers begin to
form, but also may occur later in the
season when tubers are enlarging. If
initiated early, the cavity is usually at the
stem end of the tuber, whereas late-
starting hollow heart is closer to the bud
end. Early hollow heart usually is pre-
ceded by a brown discoloration that
indicates dead cells caused by plant
stress. By contrast, discolored tissue
does not appear in late-initiated hollow
heart. Symptoms that begin during
bulking occur because of a quick change 55. Severe hollow heart with brown/black 56. Hollow heart.
in the tuber growth rate, which causes discoloration.
the internal tissue to split.

Internal Browning and Heat Blackspot Bruise Blackheart
Blackspot is a direct result of a bruising This injury occurs as a result of low
These two disorders are distinct but force or an impact. An internal discolora- oxygen levels in the interior of the tuber.
closely related. tion begins to develop just under the skin An irregular black to blue-black pattern
6 to 8 hours after bruising has occurred develops in the center of the tuber, and
Internal brown spot is characterized by (Fig. 58). the border of the discolored area usually
small irregularly shaped blotches through- is very distinct (Fig. 59). The darkened
out the tuber tissue that may occur at any Tuber hydration is important. If a tuber is areas are fairly firm. Blackheart can result
time during the growing season (Fig. 57). partially hydrated, it is less susceptible; when tubers are held in a low-oxygen
The symptoms tend to increase through- fully hydrated and poorly hydrated tubers environment or when gas diffusion into
out the season and can continue to are susceptible. Tuber temperature also the tuber is slowed down because of
intensify in storage. Immature tubers affects bruising. As the temperature extremely low (32F) or high (96 to 104F)
stored at higher temperatures have a drops, more bruising occurs. Fully killed temperatures. This condition can occur in
higher incidence of internal brown spot. vines reduce the impact of bruising, the field when soils are flooded, or in
The disorder has been associated with dry whereas green vines contribute to poorly aerated storage.
weather, high soil temperatures, and low bruising. Dry soils contribute to bruising
or fluctuating soil moisture. Normally because the soil draws water from the
there are no external symptoms. tuber. Dry soil interferes with skin set and
does not provide cushioning. Low
Heat necrosis is similar, but tubers may potassium levels increase blackspot.
have lesions in the vascular tissue and Some potato varieties bruise more easily
external symptoms such as depressions than others.
or cracking in the skin. It occurs most
commonly in tubers exposed near the soil

57. Internal browning. 58. Internal blackspot. 59. Blackheart.

Table 1. Characteristics of physiologically
White Knot Physiologically Old Seed young and old potato seed.

White knot or starch spot is a disorder Storing seed can affect its quality, not Young Seed Old Seed
that results in the grade-out of finished only because of the potential introduction slow emergence rapid emergence
product when tubers are processed into of disease problems, but also because of
chips. It is also undesirable in table stock aging. Table 1 describes the characteris- apical dominance multiple stems
potatoes. White knot appears as a hard tics of young and old seed (Figs. 61 and few main stems increased stem branching
white lump in the tuber flesh several 62). large, vigorous plants small, weak plants
millimeters below the surface of the tuber
(usually between the periderm and the fewer tubers set more tubers set
vascular ring) (Fig. 60). No evidence on long bulking period rapid bulking
the outside of the tuber indicates that it is long tuberization uniform set
present. White knot has been found
mostly in Atlantic, and usually is found large tubers small tubers
when the specific gravity is high. delayed senescence early senescence

high yield low yield

60. White knot. 61. Physiologically old seed with sprout. 62. Physiologically old seed producing
tubers without foliage production.

Herbicide/Chemical Injury Air Pollution

A wide range of chemicals can cause Some potato cultivars are sensitive to
abnormal foliage or tuber symptoms if various air pollutants. The most common
applied improperly. Growth-regulating problem is ozone damage. Ozone is a gas
herbicides may cause leaf distortion formed by the action of sunlight on
similar to that caused by virus infections products of fuel combustion. It usually
(Figs. 63 and 64). Vine-killing defoliants forms over cities or industrial areas, but is
may cause necrosis at the stem end that moved by wind to rural areas. Symptoms
resembles the browning caused by vary, depending on the concentration and
Verticillium wilt. duration of exposure. Small dark purple
spots, sometimes with chlorosis or often
with a bronzed appearance, first appear
between the veins on the upper leaf
surface (Fig. 65). Older leaves turn yellow
and may die prematurely.

63. Chemical injury. 65. Ozone injury.

64. Herbicide damage.

Acknowledgments Photo Credits
The author wishes to thank Dr. Winand Christ, B., department of plant pathology, Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences
research, extension, and resident education
Hock, professor of plant pathology, and Penn State University, all figures except programs are funded in part by Pennsylvania
the Pesticide Education Program for those listed below. counties, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
financial support of this project. Sharon and the U. S. Department of Agriculture.
Gripp provided editorial assistance. Schultz, O. E., Cornell University, figures
This publication is available from the
23 and 46. Publications Distribution Center, The
This publication was supported in part by Pennsylvania State University, 112 Agricultural
funding from the Pennsylvania Depart- Unknown, department of plant pathology, Administration Building, University Park, PA
16802. For information telephone (814) 865-
ment of Agriculture. Penn State University, figures 9, 10, 15, 6713.
35, 38, 56, and 57.
Author Where trade names appear, no discrimination
is intended, and no endorsement by the Penn
Barbara J. Christ, associate professor of
State College of Agricultural Sciences is
plant pathology. implied.

This publication is available in alternative

media on request.

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