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132 Z. Kristallogr.

218 (2003) 132143

# by Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, Munchen

Structural analysis of complex materials using

the atomic pair distribution function a practical guide

Th. Proffen*, I, S. J. L. BillingeII, T. EgamiIII and D. LoucaIV

Los Alamos National Laboratory, LANSCE-12, MS H805, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1116, USA
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
Department of Physics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville,VA 22901, USA

Received July 29, 2002, accepted November 11, 2002

Abstract. Modern materials and their properties are of- this point. The top panels show two simulated structures,
ten characterized by varying degrees of disorder. Routine both having the same lattice with one atom per unit cell as
crystallographic structure solution only reveals the average well as the same concentration of vacant sites. What is
structure. The study of Bragg and diffuse scattering yields different is the ordering: Panel (a) shows a random distri-
the local atomic arrangements holding the key to under- bution whereas in panel (b) we see chemical short range
standing increasingly complex materials. In this paper we order (SRO), in this case vacancies prefer to be arranged
review the pair distribution function technique used to un- in chains along the x- and y-direction. The powder diffrac-
ravel the local structure. We aim to give a practical over- tion patterns for both structures are shown in Fig. 1c. Ana-
view and make this method easily accessible to the wider lysis of the Bragg scattering e.g. using the Rietveld meth-
scientific community. od will yield identical results for both structures since
Bragg peak positions and intensities are the same. This is
indeed no surprise since the average structure of both
Introduction structures is identical with a site occupancy of 70%. The
inset of Fig. 1c shows the powder pattern magnified by a
In the past 50 to 100 years our knowledge of materials factor of 100 and we observe a difference in the diffuse
has been revolutionized by the ability to determine the scattering for the two structures. Fig. 1d shows the corre-
atomic structure of increasingly more complex materials. sponding PDFs. Since the total scattering pattern is used,
In more recent years biology is experiencing the same re- the PDF is sensitive to the chemical SRO as can be read-
volution powered by the advances in the field of protein ily seen from the difference curve plotted below the
crystallography. The best way to accurate crystallographic curves in Fig. 1d. In summary we note that Bragg scatter-
structure determination is single crystal diffraction. How- ing contains information about the long range average
ever, in many cases only poor quality single crystals can structure whereas diffuse scattering contains information
be grown or even worse the material of interest is not about in general two-body correlations, in this example
forming single crystals of the required size at all. In these about the chemical SRO. However two-body correlations
cases powder diffraction is the method to choose and this can not only be chemical SRO but also distortions, corre-
technique has also matured over the last 30 years or so. lated motion or orientational SRO of molecules to name a
The breakthrough in powder diffraction data analysis came few examples.
with the Rietveld method (Rietveld, 1969). Here the full As we have stated before, determining the atomic ar-
profile of the powder diffraction pattern is refined based rangements holds the key to understanding and possibly
on a structural model. Rietveld techniques have been im- predicting properties of materials. It is easy to imagine
proving dramatically, with the recent successful refine- that the particular vacancy ordering in Fig. 1 is determin-
ments protein structures (von Dreele et al., 2000; von Dreele, ing the properties of that material. Clearly one needs to go
2001) being proof of that. beyond the analysis of Bragg scattering or beyond tradi-
With increasing complexity of materials, the traditional tional crystallography to study the local atomic structure
crystallographic structure solution approach is no longer based on the total scattering pattern, which includes Bragg
sufficient to understand properties of materials on an and diffuse scattering. Again the most information about
atomic scale. The limitation of traditional structure refine- disorder in a crystal can be obtained via analyzing single
ments is of course the fact that it only yields the long crystal diffuse scattering. More information about this to-
range average structure of the material. Figure 1 illustrates pic can be found in numerous review articles (e.g. Frey,
1997; Welberry and Butler, 1994) or a recent book by
Nield and Keen (2001). However, significant, and often
* Correspondence author (e-mail:
sufficient, information can be gleaned from total scattering
Structural analysis of complex materials 133

7.1 A




Fig. 2. C60 (a and b), its normalized neutron diffraction pattern (c)
and the corresponding PDF (d). The vertical dotted line in (d) is at

c 7.1 
A the diameter of the ball (from Billinge et al., 2000a).

PDF basics

In this section we will discuss some basics of the PDF

analysis method: what is a PDF, how to obtain one and
finally what can be learned from an experimental PDF.

What is a PDF?

Fig. 1. (a) shows a random distribution of vacancies and (b) pre- The PDF gives the probability of finding an atom at a given
ferred ordering in x- and y-direction. Panel (c) shows the correspond- distance r from another atom. In other words it can be un-
ing powder diffraction patterns. The inset shows the background en- derstood as a bond length distribution. In some sense the
larged by a factor of 100. Panel (d) shows the corresponding PDFs PDF is similar to the Patterson function well known to
for the random distribution (filled circles) and the short-range ordered
distribution (solid line). The difference is shown below. crystallographers, but one has to be be aware that normally
the Patterson function will only give interatomic vectors
within a unit cell corresponding to the average structure
powder measurements, as we discuss below, and experi- since only Bragg intensities contribute to the Fourier trans-
ment as well as data analysis are in general less com- form. The PDF on the other hand is obtained via the Fourier
plicated. In this paper we focus on the analysis of the transform of the total scattering pattern and yields the local
atomic pair distribution function (PDF) obtained from the structure on length scales beyond the unit cell size.
total scattering from powder samples. In fact the PDF The study of the PDF on different length scales allows
method was originally applied to the study of liquids and one to obtain information about the nano-scale structure of
amorphous materials but can also be applied to disordered materials. For example, consider the PDF from a sample
crystalline materials (Egami, 1990). The strength of this that has some kind of domain structure with a characteris-
approach is that it can be applied to the complete spec- tic domain size of x. This is illustrated in Fig. 2. Looking
trum of materials from non-crystalline materials to crystals at the PDF on a length-scale  x the pairs of atoms con-
with varying degrees of disorder on various length scales. tributing will predominantly lie within the same domain as
Obviously this also includes the very important group of each other and the resulting structure will be the intra-do-
nano-materials. main structure. Studying the same PDF at a distance
In this paper we will try to give a practical guide to the r > x=2 then most of the pairs of atoms giving rise to
PDF method focussing on the use of neutron diffraction. features in the PDF lie in different domains and the result
However, most of the presented material applies equally is the average of the different local structures. This is no-
well to X-ray diffraction, especially using high energy where better illustrated than if we think of solid C60 as a
synchrotron radiation. Also we will limit the examples to microstructured material where each bucky ball is a single
disordered crystalline materials. Further reading on the domain. The bucky ball, its scattering and PDF, are shown
technique and its applications can be found in Billinge in Fig. 2. The diameter of the ball is 7.1  A. Sharp peaks
and Thorpe (2002, 1998) and in a recent book by Egami are observed in the PDF coming from the characteristic
and Billinge (2002). For more information as well as ac- CC pairs on the ball up to 7.1  A. Thereafter only broad
cess to software visit featureless structure exists. The sharp peaks are the intra-
molecular structure and the broad feature the inter-molecu-
lar structure, or ball-ball correlations.
134 Th. Proffen, S. J. L. Billinge, T. Egami et al.

Fig. 3. PDF, Gr, of Ni obtained from GLAD instrument at IPNS range extends to r 100 A. The scattering data were terminated at
(filled circles) and NPD at LANSCE (solid line). Note the displayed Qmax 35 A1 for both data sets.

How to obtain a PDF? of research. Compared with the XAFS technique which is
capable of determining only the first and second nearest
The PDF is obtained from the powder diffraction data via neighbor distances, the PDF method has an advantage of
a sine Fourier transform of the normalized scattering inten- describing the short- as well as medium-range local struc-
sity SQ: ture. Currently a high resolution neutron powder diffract-
Gr 4prqr  q0  ometer, NPDF, is being constructed at the Lujan Center at

1 LANSCE (Proffen et al., 2002a). This diffractometer is an
2 upgrade of NPD and will be dedicated to PDF studies in
QSQ  1 sin Qr dQ ; 1 particular or materials where the medium-range order is of
0 interest. With the proposal of a disordered materials dif-
where qr is the microscopic pair density, q0 is the aver- fractometer at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) cur-
age number density and Q is the magnitude of the scatter- rently being constructed, the future for PDF type studies is
ing vector. For elastic scattering Q 4p sin q=l with 2q looking very promising. Similar efforts are under way to
being the scattering angle and l the wavelength of the build a dedicated X-ray PDF beamline at the Advanced
radiation used. Photon Source in Argonne National Laboratory.
The trouble with the Fourier transform is that we Having done the experiment, the remaining challenge
would like to measure our data up to Q infinity which of is to obtain the properly corrected and normalized struc-
course is not possible. The cutoff at finite Q decreases the ture function SQ which is then Fourier transformed. For
real space resolution of the PDF and causes so called ter- X-ray scattering, data processing software choices include
mination ripples. The decreased resolution in the PDF is
illustrated in Fig. 4. Here we see the nearest neighbor
peak of the semiconductor alloy ZnSe0:5 Te0:5 terminated at
two different maximum values of Q. The interesting fea-
ture in these alloys is the difference in bond lengths for
ZnSe and ZnTe of Dr 0:14  A. The PDF obtained
from the data terminated at Qmax 40  A1 clearly shows
the two distinct bond lengths. However if the same data
are terminated at Qmax 17  A1 only one broad peak is
observed in the PDF. This cutoff corresponds to using
MoKa radiation. Even though for some applications the
use of a laboratory X-ray source might yield useful PDF
data, in many cases high energies are required to be able
to access high values of Qmax . In the case of X-rays this
requires the use of high energy synchrotron radiation. For
neutron PDF measurements spallation neutron sources are
the most suitable. The influence of the resolution in reci-
procal space, DQ on the PDF can easily be seen by in-
specting Fig. 3 showing Gr for nickel. In all cases the
data were terminated at Qmax 35  A1 . Note that the
PDF in Fig. 3 extends out to r 100  A. The Q resolution Fig. 4. PDF around the nearest neighbor peaks of ZnSe0:5 Te0:5 . The
results in an exponential dampening of the PDF peaks as A1 clearly show-
solid line corresponds to terminating at Qmax 40 
ing the two bond length ZnSe and ZnTe which differ by
function of r (Toby and Egami, 1992). Using high Q-reso- Dr 0:14  A. The dotted line shows the PDF obtained from the same
lution data for PDF analysis allows one to access medium data terminated at Qmax 17  A1 . In this case the peak split is
range distances, 10  100  A, opening up a new territory smeared out.
Structural analysis of complex materials 135

PDFgetX (Jeong et al., 2001) and RAD (Petkov, 1989). sample. In the case of neutron scattering bi is simply the
These programs perform background substraction, absorp- scattering length, in the case of X-rays it is the atomic
tion and multiple scattering corrections as well as normal- form factor evaluated at a given value of Q. For Q 0 the
ization and removal of Compton scattering contributions. value bi is simply the number of electrons of atom i. To
Neutrons are used for quite some time for PDF studies of account for the limited range in Q, the calculated function
glasses and liquids and the two main data processing Gr is then convoluted with a termination function,
packages are the GLASS package (Price, undated) and the sin Qmax r=r. We find this approach to be more reliable
ATLAS package (Soper et al., 1989). These packages are than to introduce a termination function in the Fourier
also used to process data obtained from crystalline materi- integral (Eq. 1). Similarly the effect of the resolution in
als. More recently a user-friendly interface, PDFgetN, to reciprocal space is modelled by multiplying the calculated
the GLASS package has been developed to make data pro- PDF with a exponential dampening function (see Toby
cessing available beyond the circle of specialists (Peterson and Egami, 1992).
et al., 2000). It can be difficult, especially for the non-spe- Full profile refinement of the PDF based on a structur-
cialist, to judge the quality of a resulting PDF or to main- al model can be carried out using the program PDFFIT
tain conditions when processing a large number of PDFs (Proffen and Billinge, 1999). The program allows to re-
which were collected e.g. as a function of temperature. fine structural parameters such as lattice parameters,
The program PDFgetN also offers a set of quality criteria anisotropic atomic displacement parameters, position and
to aid in these questions. More details can be found in site occupancies. Even though this is similar to the results
Peterson et al. (2002). of a Rietveld refinement, one needs to realize that the
So far we have talked about the total PDF, where all structural model obtained is strictly only valid for length
atoms in the sample contribute. By changing the scatter- scales corresponding to the r-range used for the refine-
ing power of one or more elements it is possible to ex- ment. This opens up the possibility to study the local
tract a chemically specific PDF. In a binary alloy two structure on different length scales by varying the r range
measurements contrasting atom B would yield the differ- refined (Egami, 1995). This approach works very well in
ential PDF containing contributions from AA and situations where the model structure can be described
AB pairs. Using three independent measurements, all with relatively few atoms. In other cases the Reverse
partial PDFs AA, AB and BB can be extracted. Monte Carlo technique (McGreevy and Pusztai, 1988) can
For X-ray scattering one utilizes the fact that close to the be used to match a structural model containing many
absorption edge of a specific element the scattering atoms to an experimental PDF. A comprehensive sum-
power changes due to anomalous scattering. An example mary of the method applied to crystalline materials is
of the chemically specific PDF of the semiconductor al- given in Tuker et al. (2001a). The algorithm works as fol-
loy In0:5 Ga0:5 As is given in Petkov et al. (2000b). In lows: First, the PDF is calculated from the chosen crystal
case of neutrons one can use the fact that different iso- starting configuration and a goodness-of-fit parameter c2
topes of an element have different neutron scattering is computed.
length. Isotope substitution studies are applied to glasses
PN G r  G r 2
and liquids (e.g. Petri et al., 2000; Dixit et al., 2002) but e i c i
c2 : 3
are also used to study disordered crystals, e.g. in a study i1 s2
by Louca et al. (1999) on high temperature superconduct-
ing cuprates. The sum is over all measured data points ri , Ge stands for
the experimental and Gc for the calculated PDF. The RMC
simulation proceeds with the selection of a random site
Modelling of a PDF within the crystal. The system variables associated with
this site, such as occupancy or displacement, are changed
After having obtained an experimental PDF, the question by a random amount, and then the model PDF and the
arises how to analyze it. The simplest analysis is to obtain goodness-of-fit parameter c2 are recalculated. The change
bond length information and coordination numbers by fit- Dc2 of the goodness-of-fit c2 before and after the gener-
ting the near neighbor peaks of the PDF. A simple analy- ated move is computed. Every move which improves the
sis of the peak width reveals information about correlated fit (Dc2 < 0) is accepted. Bad moves worsening the
motion (Jeong et al., 1999). However, in most cases the agreement between the observed and calculated PDF are
comparison or refinement of a structural model will de accepted with a probability of P exp Dc2 =2. A com-
desired. The PDF is simply the bond length distribution of prehensive study on cristobalite using the RMC technique
the material weighted by the respective scattering powers was done by Tucker et al. (2001b). The PDF is also sensi-
of the contributing atoms. The PDF can be calculated tive to chemical SRO similar to the example in Fig. 1. The
from a structural model using the relation feasibility of extracting chemical SRO parameters from
" # PDF data was shown by Proffen (2000) using simulated
1 P P bi bj data. The reader might refer to that paper for more details
Gc r dr  rij  4prq0 ; 2
r i j hbi2 on the RMC refinements. More recently SRO parameters
for Cu3 Au were successfully extracted from measured
where the sum goes over all pairs of atoms i and j within PDF data (Proffen et al., 2002b). These studies were car-
the model crystal separated by rij. The scattering power of ried out using the defect structure simulation program
atom i is bi and hbi is the average scattering power of the DISCUS (Proffen and Neder, 1997).
136 Th. Proffen, S. J. L. Billinge, T. Egami et al.

Applications of the time. The data were processed using PDFgetN

(Peterson et al., 2000). The reduced structure functions,
In this chapter we present a very subjective list of applica- QSQ  1, obtained from the ZnSe1x Tex samples are
tions of the PDF method to study the local structure. shown in Fig. 5 and the corresponding PDFs are shown in
Again it should be mentioned that there is an extensive Fig. 6. Some conclusions can be draw from simple inspec-
range of PDF studies on amorphous materials and liquids tion of the PDFs shown in Fig. 6. Let us focus first on the
which are beyond the scope of this paper. area between the vertical dotted lines labelled (L) in the
figure. As we start from the bottom (x 0) we see the
Strain in semiconductor alloys ZnTe NN peak decrease in height and the SeTe NN peak
increase as a function of composition. It can also be
The first application of the PDF technique we like to dis- clearly seen that the corresponding bond lengths stay close
cuss is the study of local atomic strain in semiconductor to their respective end member values. This will be com-
alloys, A1x Bx C. The technological interest in these mate- pared to XAFS results below. The region labelled (L) re-
rials is given by the fact that the band gap can be tuned as flects the local structure. The situation is different in the
function of the composition x. The so-called IIIV semi- area between the vertical dotted lines labelled (A) in
conductor alloy ZnSe1x Tex can be made over the entire Fig. 6. Here we observe the two peaks around r 7  A
range of compositions. Looking at the crystallographic shift to larger distances as the value of x increases. We do
structure, we find that both end members ZnTe and ZnSe not observe peaks appearing and disappearing as for the
have the zinc-blende structure (F 43m) with Se/Te occupy- NN peaks. In this region we observe the Vegards law be-
ing (0, 0, 0) and Zn occupying (1=4 1=4 1=4). The lattice havior of the average structure However, it is also clear
parameter of the alloys interpolates linearly between the that the PDF peaks broaden for intermediate compositions
end member values as function of the composition, x, con- which indicates large static displacements caused by strain
sistent with Vegards law (Vegard, 1921). Conventional in the alloys. The NN peaks were characterized by profile
structure analysis also results in nearest neighbor (NN) fitting (for details see Peterson et al. (2001)). The resulting
bond length interpolating between the respective end NN bond length and their 2s error bars are shown as
member values. However, theory (Cai and Thorpe, 1992a, filled circles in Fig. 7. The values determined from an
b) shows that the atomic NN distances stay close to their XAFS study by Boyce and Mikkelsen (1989) are shown
natural lengths found in the end-member compounds: as empty circles in the same figure. There is excellent
L0ZnTe 2.643(2) A and L0ZnSe 2.452(2)  A. This is agreement between the results.
confirmed by X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) ex-
periments (Boyce and Mikkelsen, 1989). XAFS is also a
local structural probe, however in contrast to PDF it is
limited to the nearest and second nearest neighbor shells.
More recently the PDF method has been used to study the
local structure of Inx Ga1x As (Petkov et al., 1999, 2000b).
Since the bond length differences are only 0.10.15  A,
high energy X-rays were needed for this study in order to
obtain the required value of the maximum momentum
transfer needed to resolve the NN peaks, as we have seen
in the previous section and Fig. 4.
The example given here is a neutron PDF study of the
semiconductor alloy ZnSe1x Tex (Peterson et al., 2001).
Time of flight neutron powder diffraction data were meas-
ured on the GEM diffractometer at the ISIS spallation
neutron source at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in
Oxfordshire, UK. This instrument yields useful diffraction
information up to a maximum Q of greater than 90  A1 .
Unfortunately, due to a neutron resonance in Te, the Four-
ier transform need to be terminated at a maximum Q of
40 A1 in this experiment. This resulted in NN peaks in
these alloys which are resolution limited rather than sam-
ple limited. This was verified by Fourier transforming the
ZnSe end-member at higher values of Qmax . The NN peak
kept getting sharper up to Qmax 60  A1 . Nonetheless,
the distinct short and long bond distances are still evident
in the alloy PDFs. The total measuring time per data set
was only 60 min in comparison to 12 h for X-ray data of
similar quality. It should also be noted that at the time of
the measurement the backscattering detector banks on Fig. 5. Normalized reduced structure function FQ QSQ  1
GEM were not operational. With the present instrument of ZnSe1x Tex . Measurements were carried out on GEM diffract-
GEM, similar quality PDFs can be obtained in a fraction ometer at ISIS at T 10 K (from Peterson et al. (2001)).
Structural analysis of complex materials 137

Fig. 8. Comparison of Kirkwood model result for ZnSe0:5 Te0:5 (solid

line) with experimental data (*). The difference is plotted below the
curves, the dashed lines correspond to an error of 2s (data from
Peterson et al., 2001).

where L2e is the NN bond length of an undistorted refer-

ence crystal structure, Lij is the length of the bond be-
tween the atoms i and j, and L0ij is the natural bond-length.
In this definition the bond-stretching, a, and bond-bend-
ing, b, force constants have the same units and
Fig. 6. PDF, Gr, of ZnSe1x Tex obtained from diffraction data qijk arccos  13, for an ideal tetrahedron. The details of
show in Fig. 5 (from Peterson et al., 2001). More details see text.
the modelling procedure are given in Cai and Thorpe
(1992a, b); Chung and Thorpe (1997, 1999). The values
Models for realistic alloy structures can be obtained for the potential parameters a and b can be obtained from
using the Kirkwood potential (Kirkwood, 1939). The Kirk- the PDFs of the end members. The derived slopes for the
wood potential is given by NN bond lengths are shown as solid lines in Fig. 7. Once
  the values for a and b are established, no further para-
a P b P 1 2
V Lij  L0ij 2 L2e cos qijk ; 4 meters are needed to obtain the model PDFs for the com-
2 ij 8 ijk 3 plete compositional range. The observed and calculated
PDF for x 0:5 is shown in Fig. 8. From these results it
is clear that the PDF is an excellent tool to extract local
bond length information even in cases where the mismatch
is only about 0.10.15  A. Furthermore, the comparison to
results based on a Kirkwood model with no adjustable
parameters over a wider range in r clearly demonstrates
the quality of the PDFs extracted. One should keep in
mind that one can obtain such a data set on modern
neutron scattering machines such as GEM in less than
30 minutes.

Local structure of doped manganites

A large class of exotic oxides with remarkable properties
are based on the perovskite structure and have the chemi-
cal formula ABO3 . Examples include high temperature
superconductors, ferroelectric materials, and colossal mag-
netoresistant manganites. The response to external stimuli
is greatly enhanced by the use of competing interactions
Fig. 7. NN positions from the PDF (*) (Peterson et al., 2001), XAFS in the material. The result are highly complex local struc-
data (Boyce and Mikkelsen, 1989) (*), and Kirkwood model z-plot tures. Understanding the local structure on various length
(solid line) (Cai and Thorpe, 1992b) as a function of composition, x,
for ZnSe1x Tex . The dashed line is the average NN distance. Note scales is therefore vital to understand these technologically
that not all XAFS points had reported error bars so they were all set important as well as scientifically challenging materials.
to the same value (from Peterson et al., 2001). However, the scope of this paper is to give a practical
138 Th. Proffen, S. J. L. Billinge, T. Egami et al.

overview of the PDF technique and we will focus on a

single problem, understanding the metal-to-insulator (MI)
phase transition in the colossal magnetoresistant (CMR)
manganite La1x Cax MnO3 . A much more comprehensive
overview of this class of exciting new materials can be
found in the book by Egami and Billinge (2002).
La1x Cax MnO3 shows a MI phase transition from insu-
lating paramagnetic phase to a metallic ferromagnetic
phase for compositions from x 0:2 to x 0:5 as the
temperature is decreased. For x 0:25 the transition tem-
perature is Tc 230 K. In the insulating phase charges are
localized, in other words, manganese exists as Mn3 and
Mn4 . In the metallic case, charges are delocalized and
we have Mn3x . We will refer to the two phases as
localized and delocalized phase, respectively. Now the
question is, how does the charge state affect the PDF?
The answer is that charge state and structure are linked
through the Jahn-Teller effect (Billinge et al., 1996; Louca
et al., 1997). If manganese is in the Mn3 state, the MnO6 Fig. 10. Experimental PDF (*), Gr, of La0:75 Ca0:25 MnO3 and re-
octahedron is distorted, showing a MnO long bond of fined PDF (solid line). The difference is plotted below the curves.
about 2.15 A. The distortion is visible in the PDF and this The dashed lines correspond to an error of 2s.
way the PDF becomes a local probe for the charge state
of this material. and is sensitive to the charge distribution in the sample.
Neutron powder diffraction data of La0:75 Ca0:25 MnO3 Assuming that the number of OO bonds is constant, the
as a function of temperature were collected on the SEPD PDF peak height and PDF peak width are inversely pro-
diffractometer at the Intense Pulsed Neutron Source portional. Thus the PDF peak height gives us the inverse
(IPNS). Details about the sample preparation and experi- measure of the width of the OO bond length distribution
ments are given in Billinge et al. (1996). The data were in the sample. In the delocalized phase we expect a sharp
processed using PDFgetN (Peterson et al., 2000) and the or high PDF peak, since all the MnO6 octahedra are regu-
resulting reduced structure factor FQ QSQ  1 for lar, however in the localized phase the PDF peak will
the measurement at T 20 K is shown in Fig. 9. The cor- broaden due to contributions of the OO bond lengths of
responding PDF, Gr, is shown as filled circles in Mn3 O6 and Mn4 O6 octahedra. The PDF peak heights
Fig. 10. It should be noted that the NN MnO peaks in for La1x Cax MnO3 with x 0:12, x 0:21 and x 0:25
the PDF are negative, because the neutron scattering as function of temperature are shown in Fig. 11. The in-
length for manganese is negative. sets show the resistivity of the samples are function of
The first analysis of these data was to study the PDF temperature. The lowest doped sample (x 0:12) shows
peak height of the PDF peak at r 2:75  A as a function no MI transition and the PDF peak height drops as func-
of temperature (Billinge et al., 1996). This peak corre- tion of temperature due to the PDF peaks broaden as the
sponds to the OO distances within the MnO6 octahedra amplitude of thermal vibrations increases. For the other
two samples a MI transition is observed and the MI transi-
tion temperature, Tc, is indicated by an arrow. The data
clearly show that charges begin to localize, upon heating,
well before the MI transition temperature is reached. In
fact based on X-ray PDF measurements the existence of
nanometer length scale the coexistence of delocalized and
localized phase well within the localized region of the
phase diagram was demonstrated (Billinge et al., 2000b).
The next step of data analysis is to quantify the evolution
of the phase separation as function of temperature. Now,
instead of simply monitoring peak height which is a rela-
tive measure of the phase separation, we fit the data with
models which exemplify the JT and non-JT distorted octa-
hedra and quantify the phase separation on an absolute
scale. To achieve this, full profile PDF refinements were
carried out using the program PDFFIT (Proffen and Bil-
linge, 1999). The initial structural parameters for both
phases were taken from refinements of the undoped mate-
rial, LaMnO3 (Proffen et al., 1999) (localized phase) and
Fig. 9. Normalized reduced structure function FQ QSQ  1
La0:75 Ca0:25 MnO3 at T 20 K (delocalized phase). The
of La0:75 Ca0:25 MnO3 . Measurements were carried out on SEPD dif- refinement result over a wide r range for the delocalized
fractometer at IPNS at T 20 K (from Proffen and Billinge, 2002). phase is shown as solid line in Fig. 10. The difference is
Structural analysis of complex materials 139



Fig. 12. Refinement results for (a) T 20 K and (b) T 220 K. The
crosses mark the data, the solid line is the calculated PDF. The PDFs
from delocalized and localized phases are shown as dashed and
dotted lines, respectively (from Proffen and Billinge, 2002).

c regular octahedra, which are related to the proportion of
localized and delocalized phases in the sample.
The fraction of delocalized phase, fd , is shown in
Fig. 13. It is obtained directly from the two phase refine-
ments described above. Several observations can be made
by inspecting Fig. 13: The first observation is that even at
the lowest temperature, T 20 K, about 10% of the sam-
ple is in the localized phase. This is consistent with find-
ings using PDF analysis based on high energy X-ray dif-
fraction (Billinge et al., 2000b). The second observation is
the onset of charge localization at temperatures below Tc.
This again is consistent with the PDF peak height analysis
discussed above. However, the earlier work did not allow
Fig. 11. Normalized height of the PDF peak at r 2.75 A  vs. tem- conclusions about the absolute fractions of localized and
perature for various compositions x. (a) x 0:25, (b) x 0:21 and
(c) x 0:12. The insets show the resistivity vs. temperature for the
same samples. The arrows indicate the MI transition temperature in
the insets and the main panel (from Billinge et al., 1996).

shown below the curves. The two phase refinements were

limited to the low r range between 1:7 < r < 3:2  A. This
range describes mainly the geometry of the MnO6 octa-
hedra. The model consists of a mixture of JT distorted
octahedra and non-JT distorted, regular, octahedra. Since
we are only fitting over a very narrow range in r, and the
cross correlation term has been neglected. The only para-
meters refined are the phase fraction of localized versus
delocalized phase and a scale factor for lattice parameters
and thermal parameters to account for the change in tem-
perature. This gave a very constrained and stable refine-
ment. At this point it is worth pointing out that the pro-
gram PDFFIT is able to carry out refinements using
multiple phases as well as multiple data sets. The program
is controlled by a command language and virtually any
constraint imaginable can be realized. The refinement re- Fig. 13. Temperature dependence of the proportion of MnO6 octahe-
dra that are regular (no JT distortion), fd , as determined from the two-
sults for two selected temperatures, T 20 K and
phase fitting to the PDF (see text for details). The vertical dashed line
T 220 K, are shown in Fig. 12. These refinements al- indicates the temperature of the MI transition (from Proffen and Bill-
lowed one to extract the absolute proportions of JT and inge, 2002).
140 Th. Proffen, S. J. L. Billinge, T. Egami et al.

delocalized carriers in the sample. Similarly, the fractions allows one to use the tools of conventional crystallography
of localized and delocalized carriers in the sample as a to determine the average structure of those materials. The
function of charge concentration was determined from an prerequisite for this type of analysis is long-range order.
x-dependent study in the Sr doped system by integrating Glasses and liquids on the other hand only show short-
the area under the nearest neighbor peak (Louca et al., range order and although they can be studied using the
1997; Louca and Egami, 1999). The last and most surpris- PDF method, we have excluded them from this review as
ing observation from Fig. 13 is the fact that even at room stated before. Increasingly, new remarkable materials are
temperature only about half of the sample has transformed discovered which fall between these two extremes. They
into the localized phase and half of the sample remains in show intermediate-range order and the name nanocrystals
the metallic delocalized phase. It is interesting to note that has been coined. These materials show only very sparse
the fraction of delocalized carriers is about 50% as a func- and broad Bragg peaks or none at all due to the very lim-
tion of charge concentration as well (Louca et al., 1997; ited structural coherence. However, the PDF method has
Louca and Egami, 1999). This observation led them to the potential to become the standard tool to characterize
speculate the percolation mechanism as the origin of the the local as well as intermediate structure of these crys-
MI transition (Egami, 1996; Louca et al., 1997). This ob- tallographically challenged materials as they are called in
servation seems to be confirmed by recent neutron small Egami and Billinge (2002). A number of structure deter-
angle scattering measurements Radaelli and Argyriou minations using the PDF of this class of materials have
(2001) which also indicate that 50% of the sample is pre- been carried out by Petkov and Billinge (2002); Petkov
sent in form of ferromagnetic clusters or regions of delo- et al. (2002a, b, c) and we will present the work on WS2
calized phase at room temperature. Finally, the informa- (Petkov et al., 2000a) as an example here.
tion obtained by the PDF analysis was critical in The material WS2 is made up of covalently bonded
elucidating the true origin of the ionic size effect (Hwang S-W-S layers which stack into the three dimensional
et al., 1995) on the CMR, which is critical in the fun- long range ordered structure. The diffraction pattern ta-
damental understanding of the CMR effect (Egami and ken on a laboratory diffractometer using AgKa radiation
Louca, 2002). (l 0:55 A) is shown in Fig. 14a. The inset shows the
Again the study of the local structure as opposed to high Q region enlarged. Solving the structure of this pris-
knowing the long range average structure has allowed tine form of WS2 is no problem since many sharp Bragg
scientists to take one more step towards understanding the reflections are observed. After intercalating lithium be-
astonishing properties of CMR materials on an atomic tween the layers, the layers are stripped apart and the sam-
scale. The presented two phase refinement of the neutron ple is in the exfoliated stage. Next the lithium can be re-
PDF data demonstrates the current state-of-the-art in full moved again and the layers restack. The corresponding
profile refinement of PDF data. diffraction pattern of the exfoliated restacked WS2 taken at
beamline A2 at the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron
Crystallographically challenged materials Source (CHESS) is shown in Fig. 14c. It is evident from
the diffraction pattern that the restacked material has un-
So far we have presented examples of disordered but still dergone a dramatic structural change. The sample has en-
well behaved crystals showing sharp Bragg peaks. This tered the state of nano-crystallinity and standard crystal-


Fig. 14. Powder diffraction patterns of hexa-

gonal WS2 and exfoliated restacked WS2 : (a)
raw diffraction intensity data of hexagonal
WS2 ; (b) reduced structure function,
FQ QSQ  1, obtained from (a); (c)
raw intensity data of exfoliated restacked
WS2 ; and (d) reduced structure function,
FQ, obtained from (c) (from Petkov et al.,

Structural analysis of complex materials 141


Fig. 16. Neutron powder diffractometer NPDF currently under con-

struction at the Lujan Center at Los Alamos National Laboratory. The
image shows instrument technician Melvin Borrego installing second-
ary flight path shielding in the 119 detector bank.

sufficient since defects often govern the properties of inter-

b est of a material. As a result the interest in total scattering
Fig. 15. Experimental PDF data, Gr, for (a) hexagonal WS2 and (b) which includes Bragg as well as diffuse scattering has in-
exfoliated restacked WS2 . The solid line are the calculated data (from creased over the last few years.
Petkov et al., 2000a). The PDF technique has its roots in the study of liquids
and amorphous materials revealing the local structure on
lography is powerless. In Fig. 14b and d the reduced struc- the length scale of a few nearest neighbors in the material.
ture function FQ QSQ  1 are shown. The data Later the PDF technique found an application in studying
were processed using the program RAD (Petkov, 1989) disordered crystalline materials. The studies of strain in
and the resulting PDFs are shown in Fig. 15 as open cir- semiconductor alloys or the hunt for JT distorted MnO6
cles. Inspection of the PDFs show two remarkable aspects: octahedra in CMR manganites are examples discussed in
For both samples, we observe sharp PDF peaks indicating this paper. A new class of materials is grabbing the atten-
a well defined local structure in both cases. Secondly, the tion of scientists around the world: nano-crystals. Any
first two PDF peaks in pristine WS2 have split into four. structural information of these materials remains hidden to
This shows clearly that the symmetry of the local tungsten routine crystallographic methods, since they show no well
environment has fallen. However, one difference between defined Bragg reflections to analyze. The last example in
the PDF of the two samples is the fact that in the case of this paper demonstrated how the PDF method can be used
exfoliated restacked WS2 the amplitude of the PDF peaks to solve the structure of this type of material. Studies so
decrease as a function of distance r. From this fall-off we far have been carried out using high energy X-ray diffrac-
can estimate the structural coherence to be 20  A. All tion. In order to access intermediate range information,
this information can be obtained by simply looking at the high resolution powder diffraction data are needed, as we
PDF. The next step is to refine a structural model. In this have seen in Fig. 3. The neutron powder diffractometer
case it was done using PDFFIT and the calculated PDFs (NPD) at the Lujan center at Los Alamos National La-
are shown as solid lines in Fig. 15. The modelling of the boratory is the instrument with the highest resolution in
pristine WS2 was done as a reference refinement and the US and it is currently being upgraded to eventually
yielded the already known structure. However, the PDF become NPDF (see Fig. 16). Available to users in 2003,
analysis also reveals for the first time the structure of ex- this instrument will be dedicated to high resolution total
foliated restacked WS2 . Its structure is made up of layers scattering studies opening the door to investigating nano-
of distorted WS6 octahedral units, in contrast to the pris- crystalline materials using neutrons. However, the required
tine material consisting of layers of perfect WS6 trigonal sample amounts might still be a challenge in some cases.
prisms. More details on the resulting structural informa- But the future is bright with the disordered materials dif-
tion are given in Petkov et al. (2000a). fractometer at the SNS on the horizon. At the same time a
dedicated PDF beamline at the APS is currently planned
and together with ongoing efforts in software development
Summary and education, the PDF technique has the potential to be-
come the standard tool to characterize the structure of in-
Without a doubt the ability to obtain structural information
creasingly more complex materials.
on an atomic level has revolutionized our knowledge of
how materials work and as our tools to unravel the struc-
Acknowledgments. We would like to thank Peter Peterson and Valeri
ture on various length scales improve, the revolution still Petkov for their help in preparing this paper. This work was in part
is in progress. It is also becoming clear that information supported by the National Science Foundation through grants DMR-
obtained from routine structure determination is often not 0075149 and CHE-9903706 and by the U.S. Department of Energy
142 Th. Proffen, S. J. L. Billinge, T. Egami et al.

through grants DE-FG02-97ER45651 and DE-FG02-01ER45927. Louca, D.; Egami, T.; Brosha, E. L.; Roder, H.; Bishop, A. R.: Local
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Source at Argonne National Laboratory, funded by the U.S. Depart- tron diffraction. Phys. Rev. B56 (1997) R8475R8478.
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ment of Energy under contract W-7405-ENG-36 as well as CHESS, 7564.
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New Technique for the Determination of Disordered Structures.
Mol. Simul. 1 (1988) 359367.
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