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Body Language Secrets From Ex-FBI Agent


65% of our communication is nonverbal. That's right, your words don't mean shit when talking to a girl you just
met/your boss/your mother/anybody. It's what you do, not what you say.
Tips From Ex-FBI Agent on the Mastery of Body Language
Body language. We've all heard the term; some of us have actually looked into it. It's the subliminal but dominant form
of communication among all humans. Before we evolved our auditory languages, we only had body language. Think of
cavemen communicating to each other without grunting, just plain old hand movements, facial expressions etc.
Spoken languages are relatively new to the evolution of humankind, therefore the innate knowledge of body language is
still prominent within all of our interactions. Yet, most of us are completely unaware of this amazing tool that can be
used to further relationships, if learned and used correctly. Once you can read and reproduce desirable body language
signals, every interaction with people becomes an easy game of chess that you win every single time. Take notes and
enact these methods as soon as you can. Every single long term relationship you have in your life will thrive because of
this. Remember, body language is meant to be read cumulatively, not specically. Meaning that just because a girl
crosses her arms once, doesn't mean she doesn't like you. Read the entire novel of someone's body language, not just a
Lessons Learned:
Body language is crucial to picking up women, properly handling interactions with your superiors, or simply conveying
the proper message in every social interaction.
47 Comments 228


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FLFTW16 Endorsed Contributor 1y

About 10 years ago I was working at a clothing store in a small U.S. city that had a rapidly expanding Latino/Spanish-
speaking population. My boss was a big queer guy, white, who didn't speak more than two words of Spanish, nor did I. But
he was brimming with condence and a desire to climb the corporate ladder so he needed to push sales and encourage
his salespeople. He would tell me "I speak international." I didn't know what the fuck he was talking about until I saw him
selling clothes to Spanish speaking customers using smiles, open body language, a relaxed posture, simple gestures, and
the unbridled condence that he acquired from his queer community. That was a life lesson for me. What he was doing
seemed like magic at the time. Now I live in a foreign country (Thailand) where I understand maybe 10% of the language
and can speak 5%, but I speak international, so I get on just ne. It's all about condence, smiling, gestures, staying
relaxed and cool.

Sementeries 1y
We all smile in the same language.
Clever man.


parsar01 1y
Body language is everything in Thailand

iamBillCosby 1y
Are you white by any chance?


Proud_Norwegian 1y
If he is White, he is part of the best of natural selection, I can tell from his grammar he is not black.

Zunscriii 1y
Downvotes are prove that this red pill isn't completely red.

[deleted] 1y


Zunscriii 1y
Le edgy maymay
I forgot that this was reddit, the second bluest place on the web.
Now don't mind me I have some fedoras to tip elsewhere.

[deleted] 1y

kyyv 1y That is a link to the PDF mentioned above. (It downloads on click.)

[deleted] 1y
To anyone skimming the comments mindlessly: you are at a disadvantage if you haven't read this book.

iam-mike 1y
Yeah man time not wasted with this book. Gets in your mind to see how little control you have of your own body

rpscrote 1y
I read this one. Very worthwhile. Its dense with information, not a lot of uff, and its all very usable and realistic.

All__fun 1y
I'm currently taking notes on this book.
I can post them if anyone would like.

ayuuumiii 1y
i would like to read yours

All__fun 1y
When people rst see me: Raised eyebrows = they like me
Squinted eyes = not very friendly
Commandment 1: Be a competent observer of your environment.
Commandment 3: Learn to recognize and decode non-verbal behaviors that are universal.
Lip compression: pressing your lips together, as if to make them disappear. Clear sign that they are troubled and
something is wrong.
Commandment 4: Learn to recognize and decode idiosyncratic non-verbal behaviors - a signal that is unique to a
particular individual. Look for behavioral patterns.
Commandment 5: When you interact with others, attempt to establish their baseline behaviors. Find out they do
things normally, on a regular basis (how they sit, hand placement, feet placement, posture, facial expressions, how
they hold items.)
Baseline behaviors give me a comparing point.
Commandment 6: Always watch people for multiple tales, behaviors that occur in clusters or succession.
Commandment 7: Look for changes in a persons behavior indicate: signals changes in thoughts, emotions, interest
or intent.
Commandment 8: Learn to detect authentic and misleading cues.
Commandment 9: be able to distinguish between comfort and discomfort.
Ask yourself "Is this a comfort behavior (Happiness or relaxation)?"
Or is this a discomfort behavior (displeasure, stress, anxiety, unhappiness, tension)?
Commandment 10: 42:08 When observing others, be subtle about it. Do not stare.

When people feel threatened or exposed they freeze up when blufng, stealing, or lying.
Interlocking feet behind the chair legs so defensiveness.
Shop-lifters attempt to hide in the open by hunching or raising the shoulders and lowering the heads (Turtle Effect,
i.e Losing team walking of a eld. )
Blocking behaviors: Anything to shield away from something disliked.

Neck-touching / or touching below the adams apple (suprasternal notch)- pacifying behavior in responding to
A good indicator for lying or concealing important information. They are attempting to pacify themselves, because
they are disturbed for whatever reason.
Types of pacifying behaviors = Face touching, hair touching, lip-cheek touching. Any touching of the: face , head,
neck shoulders, arm, leg, hands - in response to a negative stimulus(a difcult question, stress,) = pacifying
Whistling, tapping ngers, excessive yawning, rubbing the legs (also dries sweaty palms), adjusting your shirt collar
to try and ventilate, rubbing shoulders,
Men prefer to touch there faces, women = necks, clothing, jewelry, arms and hair.
When I see pacifying behaviors, stop and ask myself "Why is this person pacifying?" What caused them to do that?
The ability to link a pacifying behavior, with the specic stressor that caused it - allows you to understand a persons':
thought, feelings and intentions more accurately.

Your feet are the most honest part of your body.

When reading body language, start from the bottom and go up.
Happy feet - Feet Wiggle or bounce with joy. Shoulders will simultaneously be moving up and down.
Watch feet/Torso behavior: If someone faces me fully, torso and feet facing me = I am welcome. If they only swivel
at the hips = they don't want to be bothered.
If talking to someone and they gradually/suddenly shift their feet away from me. - Why did this behavior take place?
If someone's feet are 'L' shaped (one facing me, the other facing another direction. A right Angle) an indication they
may want to take leave.
Knee clasp (Hands on knees, forward lean of torso, sitting on edge of chair)- Time to end the interaction.
Heels to the ground , toes pointing skyward - feeling positive.
Most people have a place to go and a task to accomplish, thus they walk with a purpose. Predators, muggers, drug
dealers, thieves- lurk about. waiting for their next victim - no purposeful direction to their travel, until they are ready
to strike. If you see someone walking around with no purpose, and they suddenly make a bee-line towards you. GET
OUT as quickly as possible, listen to my inner voice.
People who shift at the hips and face you, while their feet point in opposite direction - MAY be hiding something.
Foot Giggling to Foot Kicking in a seated person- An indication that the person has seen or heard something
negative and is not happy about it.
Kicking is a subconscious way of combating the unpleasant.
Interlocking Feet/Ankles - when done by males is suspicious when done over long period of time. Non -moving feet
as well, restricts movement. People tend to restrict arm and leg movements when lying. Lack of movement is
indicative of self-restraint and caution, Which both lying and nervous individuals use to calm down/subside their
Through their feet and legs , a person will tell you about things they do not wish to talk about. As the topic becomes
less stressful, the feet will emerge again, expressing the limbic brains relief that the topic is no longer being
Foot lock + Leg Cleanse - Very Nervous.
Torso Lean - People turn their torso's away from unpleasant things/ or towards things they like.
When you see people protecting their torsos, use it as a indicator of discomfort on their part. By nding the source
of their discomfort, you can try to help them or better understand them. (Men - Fixing Tie Knot, Adjust Watch, Adjust
Shirt Sleeve, Adjust Cuff Links,)
When under distress - the limbic brain prepares the body for the freeze, ght, or ight response. Blood is channeled
through the large muscles of the limbs and away from the skin (In case these muscles will be used to escape /
combat the threat.) As blood is diverted to these vital areas, some people may lose their normal skin tone, and may
look pale /in shock / feel cold.
Upset Stomach - Your digestive system does not have the proper amount of blood for digestion. Many people vomit
after experiencing traumatic events, the body prepares for escape /physical conict
Person/Child sprawled out / taking up a lot of space. Neutralize this behavior by asking them to sit up, or
standing/sitting close to them.
Disrobing during an argument (Take off shirt or hat) - may mean a ght is coming. Example: Unbuttoning shirt.
Full Shoulder Shrug - Honest and true response. Both shoulders will rise sharply and equally. Condent answers.
Slight Shoulder Shrug - When answering a question, speaker is not committed to what was just said. One shoulder
rises or both rise partially. Is being evasive or deceptive.
Head down and shoulders rising towards the ears - an attempt to disappear, hide one's self. Shame, scared,
Arms - protect the torso.
Happy - Arms raised. (High ves, Pumping up the crowd,)

ayuuumiii 1y
fully copied. great one. thanks man.

icecow 1y
Started to type one out, saw yours, copied, thanks.

TRPShill 1y
This was fantastic. Please post the nished notes here when you're done with the book

Venomroach 1y
I highly recommend reading it yourself unless you have a queue of other books on your shelf

All__fun 1y
This is 100% True.
I have not nished the book.

IrishFeeney92 1y
You are choosing a book for reading

[deleted] 1y
sorry but what is the name of book?

All__fun 1y
What Every Body is Saying: by Joe Navarro

IDefyAxioms 1y
I think it would be cool to do a post series similar to what was done with the 48 Laws. Go through everything in-depth,
step by step.
I have yet to read the book, so I'm not sure how much mileage (length) you could get out of separating them one by
one. Maybe groupings of some kind would work well.

All__fun 1y
I honestly have notes on quite a few books, that might be helpful for everyone.
John Maxwell - The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
Negotiation Techniques From the University Of Michigan
Earl Nightingale - The Miracle of Your Mind
The Charisma Myth | Olivia Fox Cabane
How to win Friends and Inuence People
Men are from mars, women from venus
Rich Dad, Poor Dad

The Manipulated Man Notes

The Richest Man in Babylon
Think and Grow rich 2.24
What Every Body is Saying: by Joe Navarro
48 Laws of Power
Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek
Linchpin by Seth Godin
Ten Commandments- Victor Lustig
If You see anything you like, I can gladly send you the notes.

[deleted] 1y
Hey man, would you consider copying these to a website like as a batch? I'd appreciate it. Or
you can pm me them and I can do it.

All__fun 1y
So, I was contemplating just doing a post for each book on RP.
I have all these notes in Evernote.
if you can't wait, I can email you them

[deleted] 1y
7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey is also good.

zzbellyop1 1y
I used to be quite read up on body language techniques and for the record, for anyone trying to use this, study it, it can
drive you insane. In the sense that you end up trying to react to someone else's body language all the time.
You begin interpreting every social situation in terms of body language, showing your wrists a lot more for example when
someone is closed up for them to open up and eventually reading into leg movements too much given a whole universe of
reasons for them to be doing such and such. It's not a exact science, there is no real truth in it only what your thoughts
make of it. You can't draw triangles and use a stick to measure one response against another as you don't know what has
happened ten minutes before to the person you are socially engaged with, though you can gauge how they feel up to a
point but you'll also, if you're mainly focusing on body language, be focusing on your own..
Believe me, it get's annoying. I'd just try to focus on the obvious stuff. There's better things to occupy yourself with.

All__fun 1y
You're not being present, in the moment.
Way to stuck in your head, this leads to terrible conversations..

[deleted] 1y
I think its better to master being a good conversationalist, and then you can concern yourself with the technicalities
such as body language.

icecow 1y
Do you have any good conversationalist books, videos, links, etc. in mind?

laere 1y
From what I've read actors and actresses actually have to force themselves to consciously display their body language
based on their character. I forget what it's called.
But with practice you can consciously display specic types of body language that help align your body and mind into a
more condent mentality (power poses) and what not, aka fake it until you make it.

slater2j 1y
Thanks for the perspective

good_man_gone 1y
People often underestimate the power of non verbal comm. Just talking with your friends and using your hands to
express yourself can be a massive turn on for women. I experienced this while talking to a friend in a club (which wasnt
very crowded). All of a sudden this chick sits right next to me and starts teasing me about the way I use my hands in
conversation. From there it was pretty much game on.

greenzego 1y
Very good video about body language. I learned alot about body language from watching the series "Lie to Me (Netix)"
every episode breaks down a key element of body langauge.

RationalKing 1y
Thanks for sharing I'm gonna be reading this for sure!

aazav 1y
This is really good. Check out the other videos that sum up this book.

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