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All four steps are equally as important and should be followed in the
given order, with the intention of taking you to the destination of
your choice.

1. Let Go -This first step is about letting go of old, negative thought

patterns and laying the foundations for change.
2. Identify your Goals - The second step requires you to choose
the final destination for your journey. What do you want most out of
life? What are your goals and hopes for now and the future?
3. Fuel your Desires - Once you know what you want, step three
will show you how to get it - through a series of easy-to-follow and
practical steps.

4. Enter The Desired State This fourth and final step will teach
you how to enter into your desired state to cement the changes
that are coming into your life

Step One - Letting Go

Until now, something has been holding you back from realizing your
dreams and keeping you stuck in a cycle of negative experiences
whatever they may have been for you. This could be the result of
old negative thought patterns or a lack of awareness over your
thoughts .

Whilst many people will argue that they are not inherently negative
people, by simply observing negative situations or holding onto old
limiting beliefs, they are unknowingly attracting damaging, negative
Observing = Attracting (Or Accidental Attraction)

You take a look at your bank account to find that its empty. Seeing
a big zero where your money should be immediately fills you with
an array of negative emotions; anxiety, fear, anger, general feelings
of lack and need all of which lower your energies. The universe
then strives to match and expand on these energies, resulting in
more financial troubles manifesting in your life. This could be in the
form of an unexpected bill or unforeseen expenses e.g. the boiler
breaks or you lose your glasses

Obviously, the Law of Attractions inability to separate what you do

want from what you do not want poses a difficult problem, as it
means that you need to learn how to pay closer attention to your
thoughts. This can prove an initially daunting feat for anyone;
however, this is not far from impossible.

Wise Up to Your Words

Your words are everywhere; you use them when you speak, write,
read, listen, think. So its easy to see how the words you use can
have such a great impact on the way you feel in your day-to-day

TIP: When you use the words No, Dont or Not you are observing
what you do not want and are attracting more of the same into your

It is important to always remember that the universe is not only

responding to what you do want, but also to what you dont want.
Therefore, when you are giving attention to what you dont want and
you hear yourself speaking negatively, you are directing your
attention in all the wrong places - attracting more of what you dont
want to see in your life.

So, how can you combat accidental attraction? One of the

easiest and most effective ways is to stop thinking about what
you dont want and start asking yourself what it is that you do

EXERCISE: Then what DO I want?

Turning a negative into a positive. So how can you learn to shut off
the negative thoughts and focus on more productive, positive ones?
A good way to start would be to get into the practice of learning how
to use what you dont want to direct your attention to what you do.
For example your negative statement might be, I DONT want to
sit in an office all day.
And then your positive alternative could be, what I DO want is a job
that requires outdoor work.
This is the kind of exercise that will not only make you a more
positive and focused individual but will also help you to attract more

TIP: Listen to your emotions. Feeling

angry/sad/dissatisfied/worried? Then you need to reset the
frequency you are emitting to the universe and listen more carefully
to the words and thoughts that you are using. On the other hand,
are you feeling happy/satisfied/excited/peaceful? Then keep it up
your thoughts and words are helping you to get more of what you
want .

Letting Go of Resistance

Why Resistance Is Futil

Before you can begin to attract greater, more positive things into
your life you must first learn to accept your life exactly as it is. This
statement may come as a shock to some after all, isnt
acceptance the same as admitting defeat? In this case it is not.
Choosing to accept your life for the way that it is right now doesnt
mean that you have to settle for your current lifestyle forever.
Alternatively, it is more about making peace with your current
situation in order to let go of resistance and move forward with your
life .

Let me explain; when you resist something, you are acknowledging

that it makes you unhappy. As a result, your energies grow
increasingly negative and eventually you attract more of the same
keeping you trapped in a cycle of negativity and unhappiness.
So, you can either waste energy fretting, feeling angry or unhappy
with your current situation or you can choose to just let it go. When
you stop struggling against something that has already happened
and choose to accept things for exactly the way that they are you
will immediately feel all of the negativity that was bubbling up inside
of you slowly begin to melt away.

TIP: Next time you feel yourself resisting a situation e.g. you
might be feeling angry at something someone has said, or feel
anxious because it says you are overdrawn on your bank
balance you should stop and ask yourself why you are trying
to resist something that has already happened? Dwelling on
something that is now a part of the past and out of your control
is pointless and will only create more negativity for you. Learn
to feel ok with things exactly as they are. Accept what is
troubling you as a fact unchangeable and a part of the past.
Try not to associate any emotions with the situation, negative
or positive. Let the situation just be and concentrate on
attracting positivity back into your life through the only thing
that you can control your thoughts.

The Power of Perception

How we choose to interpret events in our life can have a

significant impact on the thoughts or
energies that we are emitting. Because of this, it is important to
remember that your
interpretation of something is a creation of your own thoughts and
biases and more importantly,
are completely within your control.

This is great news! If you have the ability to choose how you
interpret every single event and
experience in your life, then why not choose to interpret it
positively? By learning to be more
positive in your perception of the people, experiences and events in
your life, youll find it much
easier to let go of resistance and harbor more positive, beneficial

Using your paper or notebook from earlier, try this experiment its
called, Through the LOA
Looking Glass.
First of all, decide on something you want to show up in your
life. For example, it could be
sunflowers or a red feather. Once youve thought of something
for the sake of the experiment,
wait and expect it to turn up in your life.
Give yourself a 48 hour period to spot whatever youre
expecting to see. At the end of the 48
hours, make a note of how many times you noticed your
chosen thing crop up.
For example, write down:

I expect to see:
Number of times spotted:
Play around with this experiment anytime, anywhere. Hopefully it
will help demonstrate to you
just how the power of perception can and does have an impact on
the reality you create for
yourself. Use your results to see for yourself just how much sway
you alone have on the life that
surrounds you, and use this as an effective tool for breaking down
any resistance that stands
between you and what you want most.

Practicing an Attitude of Gratitude

PRACTICE: Keep a gratitude journal. Every night try to write

down a list of all of the things that
you have been grateful for that day. Take the time to re-read the
journal back to yourself either
before you go to bed or the next morning before you begin
your day. As you do, allow feelings
of overwhelming gratitude to wash over you and try to
recapture these feelings throughout the
EXERCISE: Mastering the Art of Appreciation
Level 1 First you must learn to capture that feeling of being
grateful for something. So, take
something that you really, really love perhaps it is a person, your
family home or a prized object
that brings you great amounts of pleasure. Now, recognize that
warm feeling of gratitude
spreading throughout you upon recalling this thing or place or
person in your mind. Feel
appreciation flowing through you sense how good it feels to have
something this marvelous to
be thankful for. It is important that you really take note of how good
appreciating this object,
place or person is, as you will need to be able to remember this
feeling and apply it to situations
and things that are less easy to appreciate.

Level 2 The next test is to take something that you feel indifferent
about. It could literally be
anything, no matter how uninteresting; for example, it could be the
street light that you spot
whilst you are stuck in traffic or even the lady that you occasionally
see walking her dog. Now, the
challenge is to try and feel as much appreciation for this thing as
you did for your beloved
person, location or object in the beginners challenge. Try thinking
about what could make this
person/place or object worthy of gratitude to you do they have a
practical function? Some
usefulness or attraction? Take some of the feelings of thankfulness
that you experienced in the
beginners lesson and apply them to your mundane thing.
Keep trying this out on any uninteresting or everyday objects that
you see when you go about
your day and try to increase the feelings of appreciation that you
feel each time that you do.

Level 3 Now for the real challenge learn to do this and a lifetime
of happiness and appreciation
is there for the taking.
Think of something or someone that really tests your patience; it
could be a dripping tap, the
angry driver behind you or your continually ringing telephone. When
you feel yourself filling up
with the familiar feelings of rage or annoyance at this person or
object, the task is to try and
conjure up the feelings of love and appreciation that you felt in the
beginners practice and apply it
to this annoying person or object.
By practicing feelings of appreciation and love for things that have
no redeeming qualities, you are
strengthening your ability to conjure up gratitude at will. This will
help you to look for the positives
in almost every situation, helping you to become a much happier
and positive person attracting
more of this positivity into your life with greater ease and
TIP: Having trouble mustering an attitude of gratitude? Try
looking out for acts of love or
kindness in your surroundings. For example you might be
stuck in bad weather thinking I hate
standing in the rain, but then you remember the warm scarf
your mum gave you or you might
notice a businessman offering his umbrella to an elderly
woman across the street. Think of
gratitude as your spoon full of sugar no matter what the

Letting Go: A Summary

Observing = accidental attraction. Whatever you give your
attention to, be it positive or
negative, you attract into your life.
Choose your words carefully. The Law of Attraction does not
understand the word no.
Therefore, when you hear yourself using the words No , Dont or
Not you should ask
yourself if I dont want this , what do I want instead?
Resistance is futile. You are only able to emit one frequency at a
time; therefore, when
you resist something the frequency you emit is negative. Learn to
remove resistance by
practicing acceptance for things exactly as they are.
Interpret positively. If we can only emit one frequency at a time,
then why not choose to
interpret everything that we encounter and experience positively ?
Learn to interpret positively and your world will become a much
happier place.
Be thankful. The ultimate key to happiness is being thankful.
Practice keeping a gratitude
journal and being thankful for all of the good that is already in your
life. Very soon you will
become the embodiment of absolute positivity and love.

EXERCISE: What Do I Really Want?

(Fill in your own answers)
Part 1 - What I want:
E.g. To be a successful actor.
Part 2 - I believe that these things would give me the internal
experience of:
E.g. Love/security
Part 3 - The final step of this process is to realize that your
answers to part 2 can be yours
right now. Its up to you to consider any ways in which youve
been resisting these internal
experiences and work to resolve this using what youve
learnt in the previous chapter.

Once you know how it is that you want to feel , use this to work
backwards and determine what
goals would help you to achieve your desired internal experience.

So now you know how you want to feel , heres a second

exercise, to set yourself goals that will
help you to achieve your desired internal state.
EXERCISE: Goals with Soul
Im now going to give you 18 different life areas and you need to
write down your rating for each
of them using a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest, 10 the highest) .
Next, consider what a perfect 10
would look like for each. Finally, consider what barriers may be
standing in your way of achieving
that 10 rating.
1) Health
2) Career/Success
3) Money
4) Relationships
5) Romance
6) Community
7) Family
8) Time
9) Relationship with Self
10) Home
11) Learning
12) Fun & Adventure
13) Spirituality
14) Body Image
Next, consider what a perfect 10 would look like for each. Finally,
consider what barriers may be
standing in your way of achieving that 10 rating.
Now, perhaps choosing the areas that are most important to
you or that youve scored the lowest,
write down at least three forms of action you can take to boost your
satisfaction with this area to
a 10.
For example, if fun and adventure is important to you but you rated
this area with a 3, what would
it take to boost your rating to a 10? Perhaps youd like to be more
spontaneous? Visit at least 3
new places each year?
PRACTICE: Get into the habit of becoming more attuned to
your daily decision making
processes, to ensure that you are living in accordance with
your desired feelings.
Every day, try to get into the practice of stopping and mentally
asking yourself the following
questions each time you go to take action (be it big or small).
- Will what Im about to do help to move me closer to how I
want to feel? Or is it going to
distract me from what I want?
- Is there a better alternative?
Stop and answer these questions in your mind before making
the best decision for you.
Once you have made a decision, feel confident and happy in
the knowledge that you have made
the best possible choice for achieving your goals.

Keep Your Eyes on the Finish Line

Possibly one of the most important and useful questions you

can ask yourself when youre trying
to get clear on what you want is this How do I want to be
remembered when I die?

If you were to die tomorrow, would you be proud of what you had
done with your life? Would you
be satisfied with how you filled your days? If the answer is no, then
it is time for you to make a
change and to get your priorities in order, once and for all.

Identifying your core values can help you to stop wasting time on
the things that bring you
unhappiness and instead, align your choices and actions with the
values that make you happiest.
One way of identifying your core values, is to ask yourself how
would I want other people to
describe me once Im gone?
Do you believe that your family and friends would describe
you today in the way that you would
most want them to? If not, then its time for a change, as you are
obviously not living in accordance with your core values; and
when youre not living by your core values, you cannot be

Your Capacity For Happiness Is Only As Big As Your Dreams

It can be argued that getting clear on what you want is the

most important step for manifesting
your desires with the Law of Attraction. This is because when you
are clear about what you want,
you are emitting the strongest, most positive frequency there is to
the universe (which may
explain why the most passionate of people are often also the most
successful). However, when
you are confused about what you want you emit mixed signals,
making it near-impossible for the
universe to respond correctly.
So the key here is to be specific! The more detailed you get about
your goals, the more successful
your manifesting efforts will be.
It is also vital that when deciding what you want from life, you
remember to be as daring and
imaginative as possible. After all, if you want to live big then first you
need to dream big!

Far too often, when you ask someone to name their biggest
dreams permitting them to be as
far-fetched and imaginative as possible - they will still try to be
realistic. A lot of people will want
to waste their time with the hows and the whens, rather than just
picking a dream and having
faith in the universe to provide it for them. So, once you decide what
it is that you want from life,
rather than worry about how youre going to get it, just think about
how good its going to feel
once you do.

TIP: Once you know what it is you want, write a list out on a
piece of paper and keep it
somewhere you will see it often. For example, stick the list to
your fridge or bathroom mirror.

Identify Your Goals: A Summary

Think about what a happy life means to you .
Ask how do I want to feel ? rather than what do I want? to
set goals with more soul .
Identify your core values. Pinpoint what action needs to be
taken to live a life more
aligned with the values that are the most important to you.
Dream BIG! Do not waste time on the hows or the whens
be bold with your goal
setting and trust that the universe is always working in your favor.

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