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The Little Prince to Motive for Metaphor

The Little Prince by Saint-Exupry and Henrys book The Motive for Metaphor

revolve around the theme of imagination. There is a vivid description of how imagination

influences the way we talk and explain scenarios or the way we describe artistic features.

While the audience of the two stories may not value or see the significance of imagination, it

remains as one important element that creates a different world that all would love to dwell

in. Some incidences have been explained in the books that have affected brilliantly provoked

arts and sciences. Arts is initiated with the world built through imagination and works

through ordinary experience (Frye 6). On the other hand, Saint-Exupry (2), adds that the

world is better shaped through imagination. Therefore, any person lucking a certain level of

intelligence and creativity cannot fathom a hidden meaning or even explain an art. For

instance, the adults in The Little Prince lack a sense of imagination and creativity. This is

shown through the answers they give when asked an artistic question. The narrator is

essentially trying to stress out the need for seeing things beyond the obvious (Saint-Exupery

1). Frye argues that language and literature should be a way by which one enters the world of

imagination (Frye 5). This is meant to stress the importance of education that can help to

expound a persons thinking abilities and improve their analysis beyond the obvious.

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