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(To the Kantele) Source:

John Soininen Library of Congress AFS 4275 B2
from Finland Collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell
Berkeley, CA, 1939

Parlando - rubato q = 88

Nyt kai - u kan - te - lee - ni, ja mi - e - le - in rau - hoi - ta,


Su - lo - s - ve - leil - ls ka - u - as kai - ho - ni kar - koi - ta.

Transcribed by Kati Pienimki Schenker

Finnish Text English Translation

1. Nyt kaiu kanteleeni, ja mielein rauhoita, 1. Resound, my Kantele, and reassure my mind;
Sulosveleills kauas kaihoni karkoita. With your sweet melodies, ward off my longing.

2. Niin kaiu kannel armas, jo rinta rauhan saa, 2. So resound, my dear Kantele, peace returns to my heart;
Tunnen kuinka kaiho karmas sointuihin katoaa. I feel my dreary longing disappearing into these chords.

3. Ja tuulen tuohku vieno, vie svel armaallen, 3. Gentle wind, deliver this sweet melody to my beloved;
Hlle kuiskaa, kuoloon asti m hnt muistelen. Whisper in her ear, till death I'll always remember her.

Background Information
The kantele is a traditional Finnish plucked string instrument of the dulcimer or zither family. It originally had five
horsehair strings, usually tuned as a major or minor pentachord, stretched over a carved wooden body. More
contemporary concert versions can have up to 40 strings.

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