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40 points
As we have learned, there are many influences which make up who each one of us is. The
purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to really think about these influences
and apply them to individuals when it comes to identity. Therefore, this assignment is twofold.
You will write about yourself and another individual. The first interview will be an examination
of what influences have shaped you and how these influences have affected your identity. You
will include demographic information in the first paragraph.

The other part of this assignment is to discover how different influences and demographics have
affected another individual who is not like you. This other individual may be an adult or child,
but this individual should be from another culture or background. In other words, dont
interview someone like you.

For both parts, discuss the cultural/demographic influences as well as the influences of ethnicity
and race, class and SES, gender, exceptionality, language, religion, geography, and age that
shapes a persons identity. Also discuss the implications of these influences on the success or
lack of success of both individuals. What might be the positive and/or negative implications that
these influences might have or have had on you and your interviewee?

Your paper should adhere to the following guidelines:

1. 1 to 1 page for each interview = 2 to 3 pages maximum, single spaced, margins no more
than 1 inch from the top, bottom, left, and right. The font size (12) and style should be
easy to read. You will have a total of at least 4 paragraphs for each interviewee.
2. Your name, date, course/section, and assignment (4 separate lines) should be written in the
upper RH corner of your paper.
3. Include the following information (demographics) for each interviewee in the first
a. Name
b. Home city, state; city, country
c. Any other demographics (Check Gollnick text - table of contents) that would supply
some general information. Use detail.
This may be a shorter paragraph.
4. For each individual, each page should be divided into specific paragraphs the first
paragraph being about demographics and the subsequent ones about the influences listed
above in italics and underlined. Write on at least 3 influences. In each of the paragraphs,
be sure to include the implications these influences had on identity. You should discuss
the implications on learning as well. Your grade will depend upon how thorough you are
in your description. Do not combine the paragraphs and PLEASE hand circle the
influences for easier grading.
Evaluation Rubric 40 points
Conducting Interview with another person = 10 points
6 points 3 points 1 point 0 points
You Demographics and at Demographics and at Demographics and at No attempt
least 3 influences least 2 influences least 1 influence
addressed in detail and addressed in detail and addressed in detail and
with insight. with insight. with insight.
All 3 influences Influences include Influences include No attempt
include implications to only 2 implications to only 1 implication to
identity and learning. identity and learning oridentity and learning
Details included. lacks detail. and lacks detail
Individual from Demographics and at Demographics and at Demographics and at No attempt
another least 3 influences least 2 influences least 1 influence
culture/background addressed in detail and addressed in detail and addressed in detail and
with insight. with insight. with insight.
All 3 influences Influences include Influences include No attempt
include implications to only 2 implications to only 1 implication to
identity and learning. identity and learning oridentity and learning
Details included. lacks detail. and lacks detail.
Grammar/Form At least 4 paragraphs 3-4 paragraphs 2-3 paragraphs
Directions followed. Directions not Directions not
Well-written. followed or poorly followed and poorly
written. written.

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