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Emily Beasley

Stuart Halls reception theory is an active

audience theory, which sees the audience as
being engaged in the interpretation of different
media texts. Instead of being passive consumers,
they instead interpret texts in different ways and
demonstrate that the understanding of the
message sent out is not received.

This could mean that while the message sent out

was meant to be positive, it could instead be seen
as negative in some audiences eyes. This is all to
do with the reception of different types of media
and how people perceive everything differently.
When the audience agrees
Dominant with the messages that the
or Preferred producer has placed behind
the text

How a text When the audience does not

can be Negotiated agree or disagree, but can
received see the point whilst making
their own personal opinions

When the audience rejects

the meaning completely as
Oppositional they do not agree with the
message being presented.
I could apply Stuart Halls theory to my analysis of this Suicide
Squad trailer. When analysing this I discussed about the
connation's of the character, representing her to have power
and how the cover was very feminism forward. The way I
interpreted it, was that the producers wanted to portray a very
dominant and influential female character. This would be a
change in the media as females are normally presented as the
damsel in distress; this way it would be breaking these

However, this cover could be an example of how audience

reception could come between the producers intended
interpretation. Instead of her appearing powerful, she is instead
being objectified by the connotations of her appearance. Her
stance could appear suggestive to male audiences; the head tilt
and wide grin/smirk almost alluring. The choice of her clothing
attracts attention to her body instead of the heroic impression
audiences should/are wanting to perceive her by.
In conclusion, Stuart Halls theory into the reception of media texts was
helpful and widened my knowledge of different audience perceptions. I now
have the knowledge of three different ways an audience can receive it,
compared to the way/objective that producers want them to. By applying it
to an example I have looked at, it helped my understanding and I was able
to look at it from two different perspective.

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