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(a) 3 2
gains 2 marks
else working
gains 1 mark
(b) 2850 ecf 3
gains 2 marks
for 1 mark
else working
gains 1 mark
(c) friction/air resistance increases with speed; 3
till frictional = max forward force;
then force/acceleration is zero
for 1 mark each
(alternative limitation for safety gains 1 mark only)

change in speed 0.6

2. (a) *evidence of acceleration = time 3 3
gains 1 mark
gains 2 marks
units m/s
for 1 mark
(b) (i) 2000 or 1960 1
for 1 mark
(ii) evidence of 2
work done 25
power = time taken or weight speed (credit figures)/ .6
gains 1 mark
1200/1176 or figure consistent with (b)(i)
gains 2 marks

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(c) evidence of 3
force = mass acceleration or 200 0.3
gains 1 mark
gains 2 marks
60 + weight of girder (2060/2020*)
(or figure consistent with (b)(i))
gains 3 marks

change in speed 40
3. (a) evidence of time taken 5 3
gains 1 mark
(credit 50/10 or 5 with 1 mark) NOT 40/10 or 50/5
8 [N.B. negative not required]
gains 2 marks
units metres per second per second
or (metres per second squared or m/s)
for 1 mark
(b) (i) idea that 3
accelerates at first due to gravity
air/wind resistance
friction/resistance/drag with air increases with speed
eventually gravity and friction cancel balance
(no net/accelerating force) [NOT terminal velocity]
each for 1 mark
(ii) idea 1
a bigger resistance/friction/drag
at any given speed
(credit a bigger drag (factor))
for 1 mark
(c) evidence of 10 / 9.8 / 9.81 1
for 1 mark

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4. (a) ideas that greater speed means more kinetic energy 3
gains 1 mark
any evidence of the formula mv
making the case that kinetic energy depends on the speed squared
gains 3 marks
or that 2 = 4
(b) (i) any evidence of concept of momentum or mass speed 6
(or velocity) in words or figures
e.g. 9.5 20 or 0.5 40
gains 1 mark
correct values for momentum of lorry and car
i.e. 190 and 20 [ignore units]
gains 2 marks
initial momentum correctly calculated
170 or 190 - 20
gains 3 marks
evidence when calculating final speed of
idea that momentum is conserved
use of combined mass
each gain 1 mark
17 [or 0.1 figure for initial momentum]
(NB direction not required)
gains 3 marks
(ii) kinetic energy is lost 1
for 1 mark
[credit (some kinetic) energy transferred as heat/sound]
[NB Accept only answers in terms of energy as required by the question]

5. (a) [NB e.c.f not allowed from incorrect formula] 2

work done = force distance or 250 5
gains 1 mark
gains 2 marks

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(b) (mainly) transferred as kinetic / movement energy 2
[not makes bike move]
(some) lost / wasted / transferred as heat / sound
used to overcome friction / air resistance
each for 1 mark

change in speed / velocity

6. (a) acceleration = time taken 3
or 4
gains 1 mark
do not penalise if both of these present
but change in omitted from formula
gains 2 marks
unit m/s or metres per second squared
or metres per second per second

or ms *
for 1 mark
(b) evidence of using area under graph or distance average speed time 3
10 4 2
gains 1 mark
gains 2 marks
units metres / m *
for 1 mark
(c) force = mass acceleration or 75 25 2
gains 1 mark
gains 2 marks
*NB Correct unit to be credited even if numerical answer wrong or absent.

7. (a) reference to 2

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weight / force of gravity / acting downwards
unbalanced (by any upwards force)
for 1 mark each

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(b) ideas that 3
forces balance(d)
gains 1 mark
weight / force of gravity / downwards force balanced by friction / air
resistance / drag / upwards force
gains 2 marks
latter increases with speed
(accept arrows or relevant length and direction if clearly labelled,
as answers to parts (a) and (b))
for 1 further mark

8. (a) evidence of 3
distance 100 40
speed = time (travelled) or 20 or 20
gains 1 mark
but or any correct calculation of gradient
(except when zero)
gains 2 marks
70 or 2
gains 1 mark
units metres per second or m/s or ms
(not mps)
for 1 mark
(b) evidence of 2
calculating the two speeds
100 40
( 20 and 20 or 5 and 2) (evidence of this may be in (a))
noting distances travelled in same time (20 secs) i.e. 100m and 40m
gains 2 marks

9. (a) 3.125 1
accept 3.1 or 3.12
(b) plotted at 1. 15 - 1.17, 1.24 - 1.28 1
across on the second from 1.2, up between first and second line

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sketch curve steeper near 0.64 s 1
fairly smooth curve bending
to become pretty well horizontal at 1
1.16, 1.25

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(c) (i) 1.68 or 1.7
working is 2(l.16 - 0.64) + 0.64 =
(ii) 2.5 m unit required 1
consequential marking applies here
(d) X1 at 0.64 s, 0 m 1
it is in contact with the floor or the
ball changes direction or the
downward force is balanced by the
reaction of the floor
accept the ball is hitting the floor
do not credit it has hit the floor
X2 at 1.16 s, 1.25m 1
it is at the top of its bounce
accept the ball changes direction or has run out of KE

10. (a) (i) work = force distance 1

or any correctly transposed version e.g.
force = distance
or in correct units throughout e.g.
or in acceptable abbreviations e.g.
do not credit W = Nm or any other
ambiguous or unclear response
do not credit

or W

unless subsequent calculation shows understanding

(ii) EITHER 2
3.7 (m)
OR 1
(distance = ) 540
(iii) 2000 J 1
unit required

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(b) EITHER 2
speed = 600 1.5 1
or speed = 600 3
or speed = 400
or speed = KE 2 mass
metres per second 1
or m/s
(c) any three from 3
deceleration (would be) (very) great
or rate of change of speed / velocity would be (very) great
(because) F = ma
or (because) force is proportional to deceleration / (negative)
(so the) force (on Susan / the rope) would be (very) great
do not credit she would be hurt
do not credit just the rope could snap
the rope may exceed its elastic limit

11. (a) A then E 1

(b) A>E 1
A=E 1
A<E 1
(c) when van stops 1
or is stationary
or is parked
(d) decelerating or slowing down 1
constant speed 1
accelerating or speeding up 1
(e) force 1
forwards 1
backwards 1

12. (a) time 1

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force 1

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(b) any three from 3
drivers reactions are slow(er)
accept driver could have taken drugs
or alcohol or due to tiredness or
poor weather conditions
accept raining or snowing or fog /
mist (poor visibility)
greater mass or weight
poor road conditions
oil / gravel / mud / leaves / wet / icy
going downhill
poorly maintained brakes
do not accept drivers weak foot force
worn tyres

13. (a) (i) decreases 1

for 1 mark
(ii) decreases 1
for 1 mark
(iii) lower speed everywhere 1
for 1 mark
s 33
(b) (i) 3 a = t or a = 11 1
gains 1 mark
ms 1
gains 1 mark
(ii) 2850 ecf 2
gains 2 marks
else working
gains 1 mark
(iii) air resistance/frictional forces increase with speed; 2
till frictional force = max forward engine force;
when acceleration is zero
(incorrect statement - 1 mark)
(limitation on maximum speed for safety-1 mark)
any two for 1 mark each

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14. (a) (i) 6 1
for 1 mark

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(ii) 6 1
for 1 mark
(iii) 1.5 1
for 1 mark
(iv) 4.5 1
for 1 mark
(v) 3 1
for 1 mark
(b) initial ke = 12J; 3
final ke = 0.75J + 6.75J;
energy loss = 4.5J
for 1 mark each
(If wrong; any correct ke value gains 1 mark; maximum of 2
path through calculation clear and correct gains 1 mark)
(ignore either ball - max 1 mark)

15. (a) mass and velocity/speed 2

for 1 mark each
(b) total momentum before and after collision 2
are the same
for 1 mark each
(c) (i) MAUA + MBUB = (MA + MB)v 4
2 6 = (2 + 1)v
for 1 mark each
2 2
(ii) 1/2 mv (before) - 1/2 mv (after) 4
1/2 2.36 - 1/2 3.16
= 12
for 1 mark each

16. (a) (i) Constant speed 2

(ii) Accelerates to higher constant speed
(b) (i) Points correct (allow one major or two minor mistakes) 2
Line correct (for their points)
(ii) 5 m/s 3
or 5
gets 2 marks

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or correct unit
gets 1 mark mark

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(c) (i) 50 s 3
or 50
gets 2 marks
or t = d/v
gets 1 mark
(ii) Line correct (of gradient 4 and spans 30 consecutive seconds) 1
(d) (i) 0.04 3
or 6/15
gets 2 marks
or a = v/t
gets 1 mark

17. (a) Throughout the question the equation M = mv is credited once only. 3
This is the first time it appears. The mark scheme below assumes
it will appear in (i).
(i) M = mv m v sufficient not m s, mass speed
= 1500 8
= 12 000
(see marking of calculations)
(ii) M = mv 2
M = 2000 1
= 2000
(see marking of calculations)
(iii) must be sum of (i) and (ii) 14 000 1
for 1 mark
(b) total mass = 3500 5
momentum = 14 000 (conserved)
M = mv or v = 14 000/3500
(c) (i) it reduces 1
for 1 mark
(ii) ke to sound/heat 1
for 1 mark
(iii) change smaller 1
for 1 mark

18. (a) product of mass and velocity 1

(b) (i) 4kg or 4000g 1

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(ii) M = 8kgm/s or Ns 3
for 3 marks
else M = 8
for 2 marks
else M mv or 4 2
for 1 mark
(iii) 8 kgm/s (watch e.c.f.) 1
(iv) v = 400 3
for 3 marks
else v = 8/0.02
for 2 marks
else M mv, v M/m or 8 = 0.02v
for 1 mark
(v) ke = 8 3
for 3 marks
else ke = 1/2 (4 2 )
for 2 marks
else ke = 1/2 (mv )
for 1 mark
(vi) transferred to heat and sound
or does work against wood/pushing wood aside/deforming bullet 1

19. (a) W = 65 10 4
(allow a maximum of 3 marks if candidate uses
g=9.8N / Kg (as ecf))
gains 1 mark
W = 650 (N)
(allow use of p.e.= m g h)
gains 2 marks
PE change = 650 1.25 or 65 10 1.25
gains 3 marks
PE change = 812.5 (J) (allow 813J or 812J)
gains 4 marks
(b) k.e. = p.e. 3
gains1 mark

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(speed) = 812.5 2 / 65 or 812.5 = 65 (speed) ecf
gains 2 marks

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speed = 5 (m/s) (allow 4.99 5.002)
(if answer = 25mls check working: 812.5 = m v gains 1 mark for
2 812.5
2 2 65
(but if 812.5 = m v = 65 v or v = gains 2 marks)
25, with no working shown gains 0 marks
gains 3 marks

20. (a) (i) gravity/weight 1

(ii) 2193750000000 2
or 2.19 10
not 2.19
allow 1 mark for the correct conversion to 7500 (m/s)
allow one mark for answer 2193750(J)
transferred to heat 1
ignore extras of sound and light
accept changed to heat
accept lost due to friction
changein velocity
(b) (i) acceleration = time (taken) 1
accept word speed instead of velocity
accept a = t
or correct rearrangement
do not accept

a t
even if subsequent calculation correct

v -u

a t
can gain credit if subsequent calculation correct
(ii) 2 1
ignore + or - signs
m/s 1
accept m/s/s or ms

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(c) (i) force = mass acceleration 1
accept correct rearrangement
accept F = m a
do not accept

m a

unless subsequent calculation correct

(ii) 156 000 1
accept 78 000 their (b)(ii)(only if (b)(i) correct)

21. (a) (i) zero 1

accept nothing
speed is zero 1
accept not moving
(ii) A 1
largest mass or weight 1
accept heaviest luggage
do not accept largest luggage
(iii) momentum does change 1
accept yes
direction is changing 1
accept velocity is changing
do not accept answers in terms of
speed changing
(iv) kg m/s 1

22. (a) air(resistance) has greatest effect on paper 1

(b) paper or both fall faster 1
(both) fall together 1
accept same speed or rate

23. (a) (i) direction indicated 1

accept to right
or + or -
or arrow drawn on diagram
300 1

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kg m/s or Ns 1
(ii) 300 (kg m/s) 1

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(iii) there is no change in the total KE 1
total KE is constant
(b) momentum of person towards jetty = 2
momentum of boat away from jetty
total momentum is constant so as
person goes one way boat goes the
1 mark is for the idea of momentum conservation
1 is for direction
(c) time of collision increases 1
do not accept momentum is conserved
so a smaller force is exerted 1
do not accept designed to absorb energy or momentum
to produce the same change of 1
momentum or impulse force
do not accept cushions fall

24. (a) the snow 1

smallest mass 1
do not accept it is not moving
accept weight for mass
accept its the lightest
(b) (i) decrease 1
velocity reducing 1
accept speed for velocity
accept it is stopping
do not accept the brakes are on
accept car is decelerating
(ii) forwards 1
direction of momentum does not change 1
the car stops and snow does not
dependent on forwards given
accept answers given in terms of Newtons second or first law of
accept momentum of snow
do not accept the snow still has momentum
(c) Ns 1

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25. (a) velocity 1

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(b) lorry 1
momentum = mass velocity 1
all vehicles have some velocity 1
lorry has greatest mass 1
(c) (i) balance 1
accept are equal to
(ii) magnitude 1
accept size

26. (a) zero or 0 1

accept nothing
(b) (i) Force = change in momentum 1
(ii) change in momentum = 1
3600 0.001 = 3.6
3.6 = 0.045v 1
v = 0.045 = 80 1
(c) Quality of Written Communication
The answer to this part of the question requires ideas in good English. in a sensible order
with correct use of scientific terms. Quality of written communication should be
considered in crediting points in the marking scheme.
Max 2 if ideas not well expressed.
a smaller force is exerted 1
do not accept car designed to absorb momentum or energy
over a long period of time 1
do not accept momentum conserved
to produce the same change of 1
momentum or impulse force

27. (a) (i) momentum = mass velocity 1

accept speed or any transposed version
(ii) 11.2 to 11.3 2
0.75 15 for 1 mark
kg m/s down(wards) or Ns down(ward) 1
n.b. both unit and direction required for this mark
(iii) 11.2 to 11.3 1

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accept same numerical answer as part (a)(ii)
accept answer without any unit or with the same unit as in part
(a)(ii), even if incorrect, but any other unit cancels the mark
changein momentum
(iv) force = time 1
accept transposed version
(v) 112 to 113 2
or numerical value from (a)(ii) 10
11.25 0.1
or (a)(ii) 0.1 for 1 mark
newton(s) 1
or N
accept Newton(s)
do not credit Ns or n
(b) (the user will experience a) large change in momentum 1
do not credit just momentum changes
(but) seat belt increases the time for this to occur or 1
seat belt stops you hitting something which would stop you quickly
do not credit just stops you hitting the windscreen etc.
(so) the force on the user is less(*) 1
(so) less chance of (serious / fatal) injury(*) 1
(*) depends on previous response re momentum or continued

28. (a) (i) constant speed 1

do not accept normal speed
do not accept it is stopped / stationary
in a straight line 1
accept any appropriate reference to a direction
constant velocity gains 2 marks
not accelerating gains 2 marks
terminal velocity alone gets 1 mark
(ii) goes down owtte 1
accept motorbike (it) slows down
(b) (i) 20 (m/s) 1
ignore incorrect units
changein velocity
(ii) acceleration = time (taken) 1
do not accept velocity for change in velocity
accept change in speed
vu v v
a a 1 2
accept t or t

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or a = t
do not accept t

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(iii) 4 2
or their (b)(i) 5
allow 1 mark for correct substitution
m/s 1
m/s/s or ms or metres per
second squared or metres per
second per second
(c) vehicle may skid / slide 1
loss of control / brakes lock / wheels lock
accept greater stopping distance or difficult to stop
due to reduced friction (between tyre(s) and road) 1
accept due to less grip
do not accept no friction
(d) any three from: 3
do not accept night time / poor vision
increased speed
reduced braking force
slower (driver) reactions
NB specific answers may each gain credit eg tiredness (1),
drinking alcohol (1), using drugs (1), driver distracted (1) etc
poor vehicle maintenance
specific examples may each gain credit eg worn brakes or worn
tyres etc
increased mass / weight of vehicle
accept large mass / weight of vehicle
poor road surface
more streamlined
if candidates give three answers that affect stopping distance
but not specific to increase award 1 mark only

29. (a) (i) either 2

the momentum in a particular direction
after (the collision) is the same as the
momentum in that direction before
(the collision)
accept momentum before equals momentum after for 1 mark
total momentum after (the collision)
equals the total momentum before
(the collision) (2)
accept momentum before equals momentum after for 1 mark

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(ii) explosion(s) 1
or (action of a) rocket (motor(s))
or (action of a) jet (engine)
or firing a gun
accept any other activity in which things move apart as a result
of the release of internal energy eg throwing a ball
(iii) momentum = mass velocity 1
or any correctly transposed version
accept momentum = mass speed
accept p = mv
do not accept momentum = ms
or M = mv
(iv) 0.8 3
if answer 0.8 not given, any two for (1) each:
momentum of X = 0.2 1.2
= momentum of X and Y after impact
= 0.3 v or = (0.1 + 0.2) v

m/s 1
to the right 1
(v) any one from: 1
conservation of momentum (applies)
no external forces
do not accept just no (other) forces act
friction is negligible / insignificant
no friction
no air resistance
(b) force = (change in) momentum time 1
or any correctly transposed version
4000 or 4 kilonewtons 2
dependent on correct or no equation
force = 5 0.00125 gains 1 mark

30. (a) (i) sensible scales chosen 1

all points plotted correctly 1
straight line of best fit drawn 1
(ii) correct, the graph gives a straight line through the origin 1
(iii) any one from: 1
road conditions
weather conditions
condition of the car

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(b) (i) momentum = mass velocity 1
accept mom = mv or p = mv

m om

m v

provided subsequent method is

(ii) 112 (kg m/s) 1
changein momentum
(iii) force = time 1
(iv) 14 000 (N) 1
accept their (b)(ii) 0.008
correctly evaluate
(c) increase collision time 1
for the same change in momentum 1
reducing the force required 1

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