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About the Renewal Levy...

The Ashland Co.-West Holmes Career Center will have a 1/2 mil (0.5) Permanent Improvement Levy Renewal on the ballot in Novem-
ber. The purpose of the levy renewal is for general permanent improvement to the building, grounds, equipment, and instructional materials.
Improvements including purchases like asphalt sealing and replacement, roof maintenance and repair, maintenance of district-owned utili-
ties, instructional and technology equipment, textbooks, and classroom and lab renovations. Furthermore, the funds brought by the renewal
of the levy will help the Center offer new programs to meet the needs of more students and adjust to the shifting workforce needs of our re-

The Permanent Improvement Levy was originally requested and approved in 1983 and the district has administered it responsibly without
the need for an increase. The levy has been supported by voters with every request for renewal. Because of the levy's long history and the
district's fiscal vigilance, we are asking voters to renew the levy for a continuing period of time. Not requiring the district to bring the levy
back to voters every five years will save the district costly election fees.

Upcoming Improvements:
1. 1-1 Computing Initiative
2. Outgrowing our existing space -- academic classrooms are the bottleneck
3. Program spaces need updated:
Modular classroom behind the building
Multiple programs in the bus garage
November 7, 2017 4. Updates to the sewage plant
5. Roof improvement over the next 5 years

On $100,000 home, about $15.75 annually

Live the Life You Dream ...
District Highlights

Graduation enrollment, both
secondary and 16-17
Rate: adult 2016-2017
High School F-T Adult

College credits
20 F-T Adult
Adult Placement
National Technical
Honor Society:

16-17 Members
Last year, while in 346 Programs
High School! High School

New Secondary Programming:

RAMTEC: Robotics & Advanced Manufacturing
Animal Veterinary Science New Adult Education Programming:
Hospitality (Special Needs) Electrical Trades
Maintenance Training (Special Needs) Plumbing Trades
Agriculture (Ashland High School) Adult Diploma Program
Manufacturing (West Holmes High School)

Senior-Only Welding
Senior-Only Business Office Technology
Live the Life You Dream ...

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