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Name: Gandi Burbano

Date: Monday, January, 25th, 2016
Level: 3rd A


An afternoon with my best friends

Last Thursday was very interesting because days ago with my friends were
going to see a movie and cook at my friend's house, my day started normal to
have to get up early for school, take a bath and then eat breakfast very fast for
no late because I had to deliver homework early, arrive quickly at school and
could arrive in time, the day went very slow the heaviest day for me, but on
leaving, I went out with my friend and went home to cook breaded chicken
salad, and we could see a horror movie, it was a very good evening lots of
laughs and games at once.


A normal day

My day is very average nothing special; I always get up early and go to my pre-
university course, eat breakfast and brush my teeth. Then I left quickly because
I have to wait for the bus to go to Quito. On the bus I am usually read my book
called "Shadowhunters" while also listening to music. Arrive on time and take
classes in recess I go out with my friends to eat something light. My course
ends later and for that reason I go to my house but in the afternoon I am going
with my family to the park and play around with my pets.


A tired and full of emotions day

Friday's to come this week will be a tired but great days. Today started with
going to school like other days, but Friday will be the inauguration of the sports
institution and all courses will be present with his uniform and his name
designated. We send our uniforms and i hope they are nice and win something.
In the afternoon I think could going out with my friends to celebrate my friend's
birthday and likewise cook and watch movies all afternoon.

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