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Questions :
1. What are the fungsions of the chisel ?
2. When chisel can be used ?
3. Where we can get or buy chisel ?
4. Who can use chisel ?
5. Why rusty chisel cant be used again ?
6. How to use chisel ?

Answers :

1. The fungsions of the chisel are for cutting, stripping, and make a hole on the objects. The
objects commonly used wood.
2. When we necessary, in accordance with chisel function.
3. In the store building, and sometimes we can find in traditional markets.
4. Anyone can used chisel, if we needs it to works. And keep away from childerns.
5. Holding firmly on the handle chisel using one hand, put the tip of chisel on the surface of
objects, and the other hand holding a hammer to hit chisel.
6. Because if it rusty, it will need more energy when sculpt and if injured hand can be
caused tetanus.

Nama : Elisabet M. CH. Banunaek

Jurusan : Teknik Sipil

Prodi : TPJJ A

Semester : 2 (Dua)

Tugas : Mekanika Tanah

Politeknik Negeri Kupang


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