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Grammar PAU 1
Verb tenses
By + a time=no later than
I study/He studies He doesnt study He is studying For+period of time(how long)
Had + Participio (-ed/3 columna)
+ he/she/it = -s, -es
Pasado del pasado (1 accin q ocurri) for 20 years
- dont/doesnt + V Am/is/are + ing
? do/does + S + V
Already, by the time, after, before, until, never, just During+noun (when)
By the time the police arrived, the thieves had gone
Hbitos, costumbres Ocurriendo en ese mnto/ during the summer
Horarios Temporales
Verdades universales Acciones futuras planeadas
I had been studying (llevaba estudiando)
Frequency adv: Always,usually,never.. Now, at the moment,today Had + been + ing Ado/ido:-ed/3columna
Stative verbs: like,love,need,believe right now,this year,listen! Accin q requiere un proceso y un resultado en el Have/has/had +: -ed/3columna
hate,belong,want,seem,prefer,think look! pasado
Am/is/are/was/were+ -ing
All morning, the whole day, for two hours, since last
PAST SIMPLE PAST CONTINUOUS year, until, before Estar : will be
I studied/I didnt study I was studying
+ -ed/2 columna Habr: will have
- Didnt + V Was/were + ing
I will study I am going to study I am studying NO se pone ed/2col en
? did+S+V
Accin terminada Accin no terminada
+ will+V Am Am preguntas ni en negativas
- Wont +V Is + going to + V Is + -ing
Yesterday, ago, in 1998 Last, while, as, ? Will+S+V are are en el pasado simple
Last when, suddenly Lastat 3 oclock
Predecir Futuro de intencin Accin futura planeada, Recuerda la s de 3pers
Decision espontnea (voy a + infinitivo) y organizada.
PRESENT PERFECT I have studied Dar un aviso Accin futura Algo q ocurrir seguro en Present simple afirmat
Have/has + Participio (-ed/3 columna) Accin futura no planeada (Presnte d indicat
Accin indefinida-ocurri/empez en el pasado, hace referencia al planeada espaol Maana voy a
presente/continua ahora Alicante-Tomorrow Im
going to Alicante)
For:durante-desde hace So far:hasta ahora
Since:desde Never:nunca
Already:ya/todava(+)medio Before:antes FUTURE CONTINUOUS FUTURE PERFECT
Yet:ya/todava(-)(?) final Lately:ltimamente I will be studying I will have studied
Just:acabar de(medio) Recently:recientemt Will+be+ing Will+have+Partcipio(ed/3columna)
Ever:alguna vez(?)medio How long? Cuanto tiempo..? (Estar estudiando) (habr estudiado)
Algo q estar en proceso en un Algo q habr ocurrido en el futuro
tiempo especfico en el futuro
PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS I have been studying By this time, this time next week.. By this time next month, by 10 oclock,
Have/has + been+ ing On Thursday, in the next year By the end of.., in three months
Accin q requiere un proceso y un resultado
All morning, for two hours, the whole day, How long..?, since 1998
C O N D I T I O N A L S Grammar PAU 2

If + present simple , will + infin If I see Ann, Ill invite her

1ST TYPE Unless(if not) modal If you dont finish your homework, you cant go out
( si estudias) imperative If they see you, run
probable present simple If I am late, my parents worry
2ND TYPE If + Past simple , would + infinitive If I worked harder, Id get better marks
(si estudiases) could If I had a lot of money, I could have my own airplane
Improbable might If she worked harder, she might have a better job
3RD TYPE If + past perfect, would have + Participio If I had caught the bus, I would have been in time
(Si hubieses estudiado) could have
Imposible ( past) might have

Wish = Deseara- Gustara I wish = Ojal

W I S H / if only a If Only=Ojal Si al menos..

Wish / If only + Situaciones presentes que He wishes her house were bigger
Past Simple quisiramos cambiar/mejorar If only I lived near the school
Wish / If only + Hechos pasados lamentando lo I wish I had studied hard at school (Ojal q hubiera estudiado mas ..
Past Perfect ocurrido
Wish / If only + Deseos sobre situaciones If only she would call me more often
Could futuras, indicando q es poco
Would + Infin probable q ocurran

Oraciones temporales

Se forman como las de 1st conditional : Present simple , future simple . Lo que cambian son las conjunciones : as son as , by the time , when ,
the moment (that) , as long as , etc.
I will phone you as soon as I arrive home
Grammar PAU 3

They gave Diana a camera last week Al poner en pasiva una frase afirmativa cuenta el nmero de
palabras que tiene el verbo en activa. En pasiva tiene que
SUJETO + VERBO + OI + OD + CC haber una ms.
Al poner en pasiva una frase interrogativa debes empezar
por el auxiliar.
SUJETO (OI) + BE+PARTICIPIO + OD + CC + (BY+SUJETO) Are they preparing the meal? Is the meal being prepared?
Diana was given a camera last week Si la pasiva es negativa, not va con el primer auxiliar
They are not making the meal.
SUJETO (OD) + BE+PARTIC. + OI + CC + (BY+SUJ) The meal is not being prepared
A camera was given to Diana last week
Normalmente vers:
TRANSFORMACIN ACTIVA-PASIVA Have/has/had + been + participio
Can,must,could,may,will+ be + participio
1.Identificar el objeto de la activa(OD/OI) Is/are/am/was/were + been + participio
2.Lo ponemos de sujeto de la pasiva Presente: is/am/are + participio
3.Identificamos el tiempo del verbo.
4.Ponemos to be en el mismo tiempo + Past Participle (3 column /-ed) del verbo
5.Ponemos el sujeto de la activa como agente de la pasiva precedido por by


Cuando alguien hace las cosas x nosotros, ej cortar el pelo,

It is said that.. / He is said to.. Con verbos como pintar un piso, etc.
believed, thought, expected, said, estimate, known, considered, reported Have/get + object (my room, my hair, ..)+ Participio (-ed/3c)
la pasiva se hace de dos formas:
En cualquier tiempo = Im having, Ive had, Ill have
Experts expect that the Chinese economy will grow
Im having my house painted (Me estn pintando la casa)
1. The Chinese economy is expected to grow
2. It is expected that the Chinese economy will grow When are you going to have your hair cut? (Cundo te vas
a cortar el pelo?)



can Could Today That day

Present simple works Past simple worked
May Might
Present continuous Past continuous Tonight That night
Have to Had to
Am/are/is working Was/were working
Must Had to Yesterday The previous day / the day before
Past simple worked Past perfect had worked
Last week The previous week / the week before
Past continuous Past perfect continuous Los verbos ms usados en el
estilo indirecto son: A month ago The previous month / the month before
Was/were working had been working
+ , - : said, told, added, Tomorrow The following day / the next day / the day after
Present perfect Past perfect explained, begged, promised,
have/ has worked had worked offered, replied, declared, Next week The following week / the week after
Present perfectcontinuous Present perfect continuous Here There
? : asked, wondered, wanted
have/has been working had been working
to know, inquired This That
Past perfect simple Past perfect simple Commands: told, ordered,
had worked had worked asked These Those

Past perfect continuous Past perfect continuous

had been working had been working

Future simple will work Would + infin would work

Orders ... Stop driving so fast Dont tell anybody

Yes/no questions Did you speak to Mary yesterday? She asked

Reported verb:order,warn,advise+ Compl.Indirect+ (not)to infinitive
ask + if/whether + S+V She asked if/whether I had spoken to Mary
My mother ordered me to stop driving so fast
Wh-questions Who are you writing to? She asked He begged me not to tell anybody
ask + wh- + S+V She asked who I was writing to

Suggestions Sujeto + suggest + lo sugerido
that+ suj+ verbo en infinitivo Lets watch the news, Tom suggested = Tom suggested that we watch the news
Gerundio -ing sin especificar el sujeto Lets phone the police inmediately = He suggested phoning the police inmediately
Grammar PAU 5

Pron. Relat + Verbo = NO se puede omitir

Pron. Relat + Suj + Verbo= SI

Informacin esencial para la comprensin de la frase

Los pronombres who, which y that pueden omitirse si no hacen de sujeto
(El sujeto de la frase y el sujeto de la frase de relativo sean diferentes)
The man (who) we met at the bus stop told me the truth ( The man who visited us yesterday is a professor = NO se puede omitir)
Suj de la oracin d relativo Suj de la oracin d relativo
Whose = no se puede sustituir
Si el relativo lleva preposicin, lo mas comn es omitirlo y poner la prepos. detrs del verbo. The boy (who/that) I talked to was nervous


Siempre va entre comas
La informacin es extra, no es esencial para entender la frase. PRONOMBRES RELATIVOS
El relativo NO se puede omitir Which & that cosas/animales
No se usa that Who & that personas
Whose (cuyo) posesin Nunca es sujeto- no se puede omitir

Too easy for me,

When & that un momento en el tiempo
Where lugares (no suele omitirse/ no se sustituye x that)

Grammar PAU 6


OBLIGATION Must They have to wear a uniform Ten en cuenta que
tengo la obligacin de, # Must y have to tienen un significado similar (obligacin,
debo, tengo que Have to (no modal: has to) I must finish this exercise debo, tengo que); aunque
NECESSITY Need to (no modal)(+) She needs to speak to you must solo se usa en presente y * have to en los d+ tiempos

Neednt You neednt come if you dont want to pero

NO OBLIGATION = Mustnt y dont have to tienen un significado muy
No hace falta que Dont have to(no modal) You dont have to come if you dont want to diferente:
PROHIBITION Mustnt You mustnt smoke at school
Mustnt indica prohibicin (no puedes) y
no puedes
ABILITY Can (presente) I can play the piano Dont have to no obligacin (no hace falta que)
Se, puedo, soy capaz Could (pasado) I could climb mountains Need to no es modal; se usa en afirmativa igual q have to
Be able to I will be able to drive a bus y expresa obligacin y necesidad
-todos los tiempos
Neednt si es modal y expresa no obligacin(no hace falta
POSSIBILITY May (puede que) They may begin acting like criminals
Might (pudiera ser que) He might come q) igual q dont have to
(posib + remota) (Cuando un verbo no es modal quiere decir que se conjuga,
Could (puede que) They could be on the train now es decir lleva s de 3 pers., necesita aux do/does para ?,
DEDUCTION/ Must (Im sure) That must be your mother
-, etc)
CERTAINTY (esa debe ser tu madre)
Cant (Its imposible) That cant be true Would , (?) se usa para pedir a alguien q haga algo
(eso no puede ser verdad)
Must have + PP Algo casi seguro q pas/conclusin lgica Mary didnt come yesterday. She must have been ill
May/might have + PP Para hacer una suposicin sobre algo pasado She may have forgotten our meeting
Could have+ PP Se pudo hacer algo pero no se hizo I could have gone with her, but I decided to stay home
Couldnt have+ PP Certeza de que algo no ocurri She really loved him. She couldnt have broken up with him
Would have+ PP Se quiso haber hecho algo pero no se pudo debido a causas externas I would have passed English in June, but I didnt study hard
Should have+ PP Nos lamentamos de lo ocurrido y de q no haya pasado lo q queramos You should(ought to) have told them we arent going out today
Shouldnt have+ PP Critica un hecho pasado indicando q no debera haber ocurrido I shouldnt have drunk so much, I cant go home now
Neednt have+ PP No haba necesidad d hacer lo q se hizo I was going to make dinner. You neednt have made it
MODALS Grammar PAU 7

Modal Uso Example

Can Habilidad I can drive a bus
Permiso Can I go to the toilet?
Posibilidad She can come to the party
Pedir algo Can you lend me some money
Cant Imposibilidad I cant lift this box
Deduccin Those cant be my keys. Ive got them SHOULD / HAD BETTER (d better)
Could Habilidad en el pasado I could play the guitar when I was five
Preguntar formalmente Could you tell me the time, please? Should se usa para dar un consejo, una opinin
Especular Whose could these glasses be? Had better es otra forma muy coloquial de expresar lo mismo.
Sugerir We could go to the theatre Tambin expresa advertencia: Ser mejor que, Ms vale que
Couldnt Imposibilidad en el pasado I couldnt ride a bike when I was five + Suj + d better + verbo en forma base = es mejor que+subjuntivo
Be able to Habilidad I will be able to pass this subject Youd better see the doctor (es mejor que veas al mdico)
May / Might Posibilidad It might rain tomorrow - Suj + d better not + verbo en forma base
May Pedir algo educadamente May I borrow your book, please? Youd better not go out in the rain(es mejor q no salgas con la lluv)
Would Pedir algo formalmente Would you come with me to the wedding?
Ofrecer (con like) Would you like some tea?
Hbitos en pasado(used to) She would tell us stories VERBS + ADJECTIVES
Must Obligacin, You must be quiet in the library
Deduccin John must be very busy. He didnt come Verbs + adverbios de modo (describen la accin)
Have to Obligacin I have to study hard if I want to pass He sings badly. They run fast

I need to buy some meat for dinner Verbos + adjectives = los q se refieren a estados o percepciones
Need to Obligacin
smell +good/bad taste+salty seem+tired feel+emotional
Neednt No obligacin You neednt do all the exercises
look + adjective & look like + noun (parecer)
Dont have to No obligacin We dont have to attend the conference Look as if + sentence (parece como si.)
Mustnt Prohibicin You mustnt step on the grass Look + ing (gustar en gral)
Feel like + ing (apetecer)
Should /ought to Consejo , opinin You should tell the truth
Infinitive & gerund Grammar PAU 8


Como sujeto (hechos en gral)

INFINITIVE con to INFINITIVE sin to Verbos q pueden ir con gerundio o
Smoking is harmful infinitivo
Como sujeto (hechos concretos) Despus de los modales :
Despus de preposiciones FORGET (olvidar)
To apply for that job would be a can, could, might, etc
He is interested in doing Pilates + ing- olvidar algo ocurrido enel pasado
good idea
Despus de go+sport Despus de los verbos make & let
Detrs de algunos adjetivos (busy, +to olvidarse de hacer algo
He went swimming yesterday cuando los sigue un pronombre REGRET (lamentar)
happy, ready, tired, etc) y
Despus de ciertas expresiones He makes me feel happy
adverbios (fast, high,low,slowly,etc) + ing- arrepentirse d haber hecho
Its worth (merece la pena) His parents let him participate in
Im happy to see you algo en el pasado
There is no point in
Con too & enough the race + to lamentar lo q se va a decir a
Its no use in (no vale la pena) He is too young to drive
Despus d los verb de percepcin continuacin
Despus de verbos d preferencia Despus de Wh- words
feel, hear, see, taste,etc REMEMBER
love, like, dislike, hate, enjoy , I dont know what to do
Despus de would rather(preferir) +ing :recordar algo q se hizo enl pasado
prefer, would mind Despus de verbos como
y had better(ser mejor que) + to: acordarse d hacer algo
Despus de verbos como
advise offer STOP
I would rather wait till tomorrow
avoid forgive agree order +ing: dejar un hbito
You had better start at once
allow prepare + to: dejar d hacer algo para hacer
cant / keep (continue)
(be allowed to) promise otra cosa
couldnt help look forward
ask prove TRY
cant / to
choose refuse +ing: intentar hacer algo
couldnt give up
decide seem +to: experimentar
stand (dont) mind expect swear MEAN
consider miss fail teach +ing: implicar, suponer
deny pardon happen tell +to: querer
detest resist hesitate want

dislike suggest warn

enjoy understand would like

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