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Dedi Safaat, Muhammad. 2017. The Effect of Part and Whole Method on learning
outcome of forward roll-exercise floor at The Students of Class X SMK Sultan
Agung 1 Tebuireng Jombang Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018 Academic Year. Thesis.
Department of Physical Education. STKIP PGRI Jombang. Thesis Adviser : Kahan
Tony Hendrawan, M.pd.

Keywords: part and whole method, learning outcome, forward roll-exercise floor

A practice of learning method should be in synchronize with students development,

in order to encourage them in engaging more and actively interested with their role in
learning activity. The learning pattern might be appropriate with the notion was in
appliance of the two patterns of learning, which were; (1) partly learning (part) as well as
(2) comprehensive learning (whole). In this learning approach, the students were expected
to thoroughly observe a material in the beginning, followed with organizing the material
into fractions which will be learned separately, and ended with combining all the fractions
into one material as a whole, well comprehended material. Based on that particular
reasoning, this article was inclined in the appliance of part and whole learning method. The
purpose of this study was to discover how far the appliance of part and whole learning
method affected the learning outcome of class X students at SMK Sultan Agung I
Tebuireng Jombang, 2017/2018 academic year, in learning the forward roll-exercise floor.
In this study, quantitative design was utilized with the experimental approach, in purpose of
determining the cause-effect relationship. There are a total of 390 population using the
cluster random sampling which then acquired 33 students from class X TAV I. The
instrument of data collection applied the ability test of forward roll-exercise floor. The
subject of the study was presented with two tests, which were pre-test as well as post-test,
also four times treatment, ended with scoring documentation.

Based on the data analysis, the average score of pre test is 67,61 and the average
score of post test is 83,52, with the improvement rate at 23, 53%. Also, the ending result of
experimental test score thitung > ttabel, which was 10,00 for thitung and 1,691 for ttabel.
According to that outcome, the study might come into conclusion that there is a significant
effect in the appliance of part and whole learning method on the learning outcome of
forward roll-exercise floor material of students at class X TAV I SMK Sultan Agung I

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