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Jobs That Pass Through Multiple Work Centres

So far we have considered jobs assigned to Work Centre 1 OR Work Centre 2, and now we shall look at jobs that pass through
confusion lets have Work Centre 6 doing the 1st operation on the job, and Work Centre 7 the 2nd operation.

For the sake of simplicity our example will not refer to a calendar (the work centres operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) and
Note the use of a 24 hour time format to fit into narrower columns.

size of time bucket in days (8 hours)

Start of first job: 14/3 8:00

Stop of
Dur-ation Previous Previous Previous Wait
W/C Jobs Op Job/Op Hours Op Op Row Op hours Start
6 job A 1 A/1 19 A/0 #N/A ### 0 14/3 8:00
6 job B 1 B/1 22 B/0 #N/A ### 0 15/3 3:00
6 job C 1 C/1 17 C/0 #N/A ### 0 16/3 1:00
7 job A 2 A/2 8 A/1 15 15/3 3:00 19 15/3 3:00
7 job B 2 B/2 14 B/1 16 16/3 1:00 14 16/3 1:00
7 job C 2 C/2 6 C/1 17 ### 3 ###
8 job A 3 A/3 13 A/2 18 ### 27 ###
8 job B 3 B/3 11 B/2 19 ### 15 ###
8 job C 3 C/3 21 C/2 20 17/3 0:00 0 17/3 2:00

=RIGHT(B15,1)&"/"&C15 - make a unique key to each row by taking the rightmost charac
=RIGHT(B15,1)&"/"&(C15-1) - derive the previous operation by subtracting 1 from the operat
=MATCH(F15,D$1:D$26,FALSE) - find the row number of the previous operation by looking down
=IF(ISERROR(G15),1,INDEX(K$1:K$26,G15,1)) - if ther is no previous op, then put day 1 (1 Jan 1900), else get
=(J15-IF(A15=A14,K14,$J$12))*24 - the number of hours the work centre has to wait for the previo
=MAX(IF(A15=A14,K14,$J$12),H15) - the start is later of: if its the same work centre, the stop of the
=J15+(E15/24) - the stop is the start plus hours converted to days

become anxious when work centres 7 and 8 are not fully utilised. This kind of schedule will help them to understand that in orde
example, they should focus their attention on work centre 6 for the first two and a half days, and on work centre 8 for the last da
all look at jobs that pass through Work Centre 1 AND THEN Work Centre 2. To avoid
nd operation.

hours a day, 7 days a week) and we will not allow for set-up times.

n days (8 hours)

0.333333 0.333333 0.333333 0.333333 0.333333 0.333333 0.333333 0.333333 0.333333

14/3 15/3 16/3

Stop 0:00 8:00 16:00 0:00 8:00 16:00 0:00 8:00 16:00
15/3 3:00 8.0 8.0 3.0
16/3 1:00 5.0 8.0 8.0 1.0
### 7.0 8.0 2.0
### 5.0 3.0
### 7.0 7.0
17/3 0:00 6.0
16/3 0:00 5.0 8.0
17/3 2:00 1.0 8.0

ow by taking the rightmost character of the job and concatenating it with the operation e.g. job A/operation 1
by subtracting 1 from the operation number
evious operation by looking down column D
put day 1 (1 Jan 1900), else get the stop of the previous op from column K
centre has to wait for the previous operation to finish, before it can start
ame work centre, the stop of the previous job, else the start of the first job, and the stop of the previous operation
s converted to days

Note the gaps while the work centre waits for the prevoius operation to finish
p them to understand that in order to get the work out of the door, they should only worry about the utilisation of a work centre while it is a co
d on work centre 8 for the last day and a half.
0.333333 0.333333 0.333333


0:00 8:00 16:00 0:00

6.0 8.0 7.0

n of a work centre while it is a constraint, and in this

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