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he Roshava are a four-armed, bi-pedaled race Roshava Traits
native to The Twisted Canyons of Alwatan,
where the heat is near unbearable and the Roshava have a number of traits in common with each other.
environment is unforgiving. Their extra pair of Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by
arms is due to how much of a necessity 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
climbing is in The Twisted Canyons, which Age. Roshava generally reach maturity around 16 and live
lends itself to their large muscular physiques. a bit longer than a humans. They physically mature quicker
They are an innately hardy race, fairing well in both hot and and females will become infertile earlier than human
cold climates; but they tolerate heat best as their skin cannot females, around 30.
be sunburnt. Alignment. The Roshavan culture's strong sense of self-
confidence and fair competition pushes in a lawful direction.
Unrivaled Athleticism As a people they tend to be neutral, attempting staying out of
Due to their natural strength and agility, Roshavans are some wars and petty quarrels best they can.
of the best athletes in the world. Their culture heavily Size. Roshava are generally between 6 and 8 foot tall and
encourages athletic competitions and regularly hosts events weigh between 240 and 340 pounds. Your size is Medium.
for this purpose. Roshavans are also taught to be good sports Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
in these competition, being able to gracefully accept a loss or Natural Climber. You have proficiency in the Athletics skill
humbly acknowledge a win is an important part of the and have a climb speed of 30 feet.
competition itself. Love of Competition You have advantage on checks made
to goad/convince someone to compete with you.
Many Hands Due to your extra pair of arms, you may wield
Natural Confidence things in a much different fashion than most. Limits are
Roshava are very self-confident race. Their culture is subject to your physiological restraints as well DM decision.
centered around beauty and strength, the general idea being Arid Born. Youre naturally adapted to extreme
that they are one and the same. Traditionally, they wear envrionment of arid climates, as described on p.110 of the
vibrant and ornate clothing with many accessories. A good, Dungeon Masters Guide.
strong, physique is celebrated, so they wear clothes to reveal Languages. You can speak,read, and write common.
and accentuate their best features. Meanwhile, their
settlements are purposefully constructed to look as drab as
possible for the purpose of making its people stand out more.
The Unbroken
Roshavan children are born in twin pairs, when only a single
child is birthed it is cosidered "Unbroken". The "Unbroken"
are a special class in most roshavan cultures. They are simply
the roshava that were born without a twin, but it's a cultural
belief that twins are "lesser" because one soul is split
between them, therefor the quality of each soul is inferior.
Because the Unbroken supposedly have one complete soul,
they are said to be closer to the Gods. Unfortunately this
belief system has brought a great class divide to their society.
The Unbroken are granted special privileges by their society
such as leadership positions that are not granted to the
Peaceful People
The Roshava as a whole have never been at war, they almost
always exclude themselves even though they could be
extremely worthy adversaries/allies. They tend to settle any
quarrels they have via fair competition and spare the
bloodshed. In fact, the Roshava once mediated a peace that
ended a long war between rival tribes by organizing a
wrestling tournament for the two.

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