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Monitoring Visit
14 Nov 2017
Provisional feedback
Purpose of the visit was to:
promote rapid improvement for all learners
make clear to the provider, learners and other
users what steps the provider has taken to
improve the provision and how effective these
have been
inform the funding agencies, government
departments and, where relevant, the Further
Education Commissioner or equivalent of the
progress made in improving provision for learners.
insufficient progress: progress has been either
slow or insubstantial or both, and the
demonstrable impact on learners has been
reasonable progress: action taken by the
provider is already having a beneficial impact on
learners and improvements are sustainable and
are based on the providers thorough quality
assurance procedures
significant progress: progress has been rapid and
is already having considerable beneficial impact
on learners.
Theme Judgement
Safeguarding Significant progress

What do we need to do further

Keep monitoring, ensuring what is in place is embedded,
understood and consistently applied across all areas and all
Theme Judgement
Quality of TLA Insufficient progress

Why oh why oh why?

Questioning generally poor, lack of stretch, specially at lower levels
Little evidence of planning for individual learners needs
Too many learners dont understand their targets
Checking of learning is often superficial
Planning of some lessons does not provide opportunity to apply new learning e.g.
apostrophes delivered well, but no opportunity to apply in next task
Teachers own resources contain spelling or grammar errors
English and maths activities lacked vocational relevance or relevant to their personal lives
LSAs not employed effectively, in one case giving answers to learners and being disruptive
to the flow of the class
Learners development of English skills are limited
Over-reliance on generic worksheets
Poorly attended lessons specially in English and maths
Learners held back from their learning by poor planning for individual abilities
Poor differentiation and teaching to the lowest ability in the group
Good behaviour in lessons,
A Level and AAT students engaged and making good progress,
L3 performing arts learners critique each other well and
develop good communication skills,
In Travel, Sport and Public services learners working well, some
innovative planning, and use of gaming in Sport.
In travel and tourism effective end of class review of progress
towards aspirational grades,
In travel and public services students have good knowledge of
targets and how to achieve them based on good feedback from
their teachers,
punctuality generally good
Theme Grade

Improve OLT and support Reasonable progress

What do we need to do further

Continue with graded observation and

learning walks. Address poor performance
and celebrate good and outstanding
Theme Grade

Improve use of data at all levels to monitor Reasonable progress

progress of learners

What do we need to do further

Ensure support and challenge provided by governors are

reflected in the minutes of the board meetings. Continue to
relentlessly focus on learner progress at all levels of the college.
Ensure every learner has a target grade and understands how to
achieve it.
Theme Grade

Align provision to LEP and local Reasonable progress


What do we need to do further

Continue on the initiatives started and focus

on the local needs and priorities. Ensure
provision covers support for unemployed
1. Improve the teaching of English and maths
2. Improve planning to support the needs of each individual
learner taking into account their starting points and
ensure all learners are stretched to achieve their
3. Improve the level of stretch and challenge to ensure the
most able students are making good progress
4. Improve attendance and tackle punctuality specifically
around return to class after breaks
5. Set high expectations and deliver to achieve these
What does it take?

What does it take?

Show your intentions

Go through the top door if you have

the commitment to change this undesirable situation
we find ourselves
Go though the bottom door if you

No shame, Honesty!
We need to know what we are dealing with

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